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Posts posted by gravion

  1. DO NOT make the mistake, as so many do, not only here, but also in their home countries, of putting it off believing it to be 'bad luck' or that you are immortal. You will soon see every worm coming out of the woodwork whilst you are gasping your last one. DO IT NOW.

    HERE I COME!!!! TEEHEEHEE... IM HERE FOR DA MONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY~~~~~~ B):jap:thanks :jap: oh also how much is usually left over for wills??? like 2 million baht or smthing ???? may i have more please??? thanks...

    i tink u gonna get this feelin right? oldman gaspin for air.... and the kids acting so hard to care... hoping to get em wills.... oldman knows this too... feels sick to look at their kids.... kids playing them parts.... knowing their oldman hating... golddigga..

    hey how does mommy gets involved in this? do they decide on willies too??? or juz daddy or who ever controlz the assets... some mommys are stoopid!!! they dont wanna gimmie kids da money!!!!

  2. hello there.... any sources?:o

    what yo talking bout? i wanna get access to clean my facial skin bruh...

    i checked toilet cleanery vixol and contains 10% of hydrochloric acid.. what ever it is it seems acidic!!!Hydrochloric%20Acid.JPG

    I don't think you will :(

    I'm trying to find chlorine for my white shirts with no luck.

  3. man everytime u hear some neighbour or someone or the street in public haucking and spitting really boils me to the edges...

    can i just use those stem cutters for plants and chop their fingers off...? nah im joking

    im sure if ur livin in thailand some of u prolly have xperienced this misbehaviour.

    what do u think? do u just let it go, or reckon this offended should be punished?

  4. what yo talking bout? i wanna get access to clean my facial skin bruh...

    i checked toilet cleanery vixol and contains 10% of hydrochloric acid.. what ever it is it seems acidic!!!Hydrochloric%20Acid.JPG

    I don't think you will :(

    I'm trying to find chlorine for my white shirts with no luck.

  5. yeah i see marriage as risky stuff... but in my opinion if u and wife is also working, u get 2 incomes right? also the double bonuses....

    20K for 3 months and 30K for 3 months bonus, that would be like 150K per year...

    i see a lot of these with thai couples. but i know some that are not happy as well.... maybe tired with their ugly faces and attitudes?

  6. man... im so depressed man.... so booooring man.... wake up every morning nothng to do man.... telly is boring man...

    i fgot nothing to do man,.... going to club is boooring man... interracting with ppl is fun for a while man... then get depressed man... cuz once ur on ur own again u got nothing to do man.....

    shiiiz money is disappearing day by day man.... i see ppl running their own restaurants getting big bucks with repeating customers office workers day by day.... i feel not good man... im just draining me money and aint generating... work for thai company is like 20k for me man.... i aint got special skill or experience man.... man.... shizzz... maybe wen i got no money, i just jump off the brdige man.... make sure vehicle should finsih me up if i dint die from the fall.... man i will be all laxed man.....

    i cant take ppl starig at me man.... they can tell by looking in me eyes that i got no purpose.... wow life's all about earning money? well if u got like heaps, maybe party for u everyday man... im so tired of life man.....

  7. sadly i do now own a credit card... i dont know why.

    do u pay monthly fee for just owning a card even if u dont use them?

    U never heard about prepaid credit card? Its like a Visa, but without any fee. Every Bank in Thailand give u one, if u have an account.

    thanks, i found the better item sold for 700baht, bolt on attachment to handles and mirror bar... but not sure if i would purchase thos, takin video while riding seems risky while happy thais get happy n wet while tail gating u... lol

    also lots of stoops in bkk traffics

  8. Hi, is there good ways to place ur camera on ur bike? I would like to cruise around and take videos while at it.

    Also would like to go high spped, but my bike is honda wave 100cc... im planning to make crusing videos of spots in bangkok since i got nothing to do atm...


    ive made one, but theres lot of rattling noise, due to attaching camaera on mirror area by gum tape....

    some bolt on tools without fiddling too much of ur bike would be good if theres any

  9. omg help me... the stuff u ppl were talking about such as detol bacteria killer werent in the shops...

    ive used softner, bleech and used more powder. but this smell of like rotten sausage wont go away.... oh jeezuuuz


    i do sports, and there are many ladies too

  10. im wondering those tailor made fake id cards made in 15min on khao san rd....?

    how much are they? what are their uses?

    personnaly i feel fake drivers licence sometimes can save yourself, like using it as a id for rental agreement for example.

  11. If you have a cold water laundry machine, then put some dettol with your wash, you get it specially for laundry, it will kill the bacteria causing the stink.

    thanx ill give that a go... also i have no access to drying under the sunlight. so small possibility the bacteria starts growin yo.

    actually i dont give a <deleted>, ill force the public to smell me body :):):):):) heeeheeeheee im lovin it

    i know u ladies loove my smell dont ya???? :jap::jap::jap::jap::bah::bah::bah::bah::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

  12. thanks for useful info...

    ai i need a lady to clean for me ya?

    anyways i did meself some research. and came across:

    use towel only once after the shower. cuz it seems some stuff is left on the towlie which bacteria grow.

    but u know im living in ghetto and i only got one towlie + small towlie, i do not want too much baggage, i notice the smell on me towlie after 2 days.

    im not sure, but i really need some methods to dry me cloth, cuz me verandda got to access to sunlight, so seems im drying in da shade and i tink bacterias r growin.

    so im assuming, even if u use cologne or some stuff, and if u sweat or get ur clothes wet, the hood starts smelling yo. and people starts hatin.

    man i was so depressed today during my exercise, i had to go...

    i also learned the smells from shit in ur body. yeh, basically ur body is sack of <deleted>, so im assuming, when ppl get messed up by jumping down from the balcony or being run down by buses or being chewed by soi dogs, area starts smelling yo... oh dear

  13. shocking i was told by some ppl that i smell very bad...

    i dont know if it's from the clothing or my body odour or combo of both.

    i do take shower everyday.

    i use public coin laundry to wash me cloth, but dry in shade. my veranda got no sunlight.

    also i only use a bit of washing powder. should i put more? im worried that there will be colour loss, or mix with othe colours etc...

    any good advices? oh and i dont want to pay for services just to wash me clothes..

  14. 1.sim cards are retailed at 49baht and even written on the package.

    but on the street they sell it for like 20 baht. why is that? are these stuff on the street stolen cards? or like will expire after a year or something?

    2. also topping up on the street... i cant read thai and i dont know what these ppl offer a bargain or not. the dealer seems to allow the customer to input their mobile number on the dealers phone to top up. do they top up just like retail?

    if u top up 300 baht for ais, u get like 30 days deadline... (man so i gotta top up every 30 days if i dont use all 300 baht in a month...) im thinking of changing to dtac happy prepaid, but is same as ais right?

    hi plz dont move this topic to telecommunication...

    also pls inform me about other sim cards services compared to 12call.. i dont like topping up 300baht a month just to keep the line open...


  15. 1.sim cards are retailed at 49baht and even written on the package.

    but on the street they sell it for like 20 baht. why is that? are these stuff on the street stolen cards? or like will expire after a year or something?

    2. also topping up on the street... i cant read thai and i dont know what these ppl offer a bargain or not. the dealer seems to allow the customer to input their mobile number on the dealers phone to top up. do they top up just like retail?

    if u top up 300 baht for ais, u get like 30 days deadline... (man so i gotta top up every 30 days if i dont use all 300 baht in a month...) im thinking of changing to dtac happy prepaid, but is same as ais right?

  16. oh i gotta say... i goota shave me leg and armpit as well :P as well as my little bro

    ill be honest with u. i really hate the brand gillette, their slogan "the best the man can get"

    with federor, tiger woods, and rodeo? (soccer dude) looking at u

    anyways thanx for advices... i will invest in some shaving foam and im assuming it will be all good...

    also i do not have access to hot shower, (3700baht a month rent, although got ceiling fan, aircon, very fast wifi, cable tv...)and i shave and brush teeth while im showering.

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