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Posts posted by gravion

  1. Because basically most women are posers, it`s probably part of the female genetic makeup and can even be within their subconscious without them even realalising.

    This pertains worldwide, not only in Thailand.

    There maybe several reasons for this and goes much further than just trying to be attractive for the attention of men or for sexual reasons.

    Sometimes it is a case of competivness with other women, a body language way of saying; I am better than you, fitter, healthier, of better quality and a more appealing person. Bitchiness in fact.

    Or a way of advertising that she is an achiever, has all the goods properly proportioned in the right places and maybe available for the right guy who can benefit her career or her lifestyle.

    Where as men have to prove themselves by displaying talent and skills in order to archive, women can influence people with they're bodies. Desirable, talented and good for promoting or as a window for any business.

    The same goes for nude modelling, these women really do enjoy exhibiting their bodies and at most times there is no sexual Innuendo behind the females thinking but in a way they are playing on a possibly sexual interpretation of an otherwise innocent activity to be used for they're benefit of acquiring something, such as a career opportunity, attention seeking, fame or a wealthy partner, especially if they are a bit lacking with the grey matter.

    Women use their bodies for gain one way or another. It`s the old philosophy, if you got it, flaunt it. Saves time and energy and in many cases can lead them up the golden path with the minimum of effort. A short cut to the top via the desires of men.

    It is also natures way for woman to prove that they are fit and healthy, good for child bearing, whereas men have to prove to females that they can provide for her in the best possible way by displaying material wealth. This is why many women are so attracted to wealthy guys.

    That's the way it is and that's the way it always will be. The mind of a women? Quite easy to understand when you reach a certain age and have learnt what it`s all about.

    Now, would I lie to you?

    hiya, how about mindset of hiso ladies???? they;ve already got the wealth so would they look for wealthy dudes as well???

    i've always dressed as a begger and im not rich, but i get the feeling this hiso lady is staring at me as she wants me in her bed!!!! nah im just wishing....

  2. hiya folks, im currentlying using dtac happy for my prepaid, but i need to top up so often to keep the account active...

    i think topping up 50baht will give u like 4 days and 300 baht for a month?

    the thing is i dont make much calls, and im assuming u wont recieve call aswell if ur number is expired?

    how u folks handle this situation?

    i know there are such plans as to recieve only, but i sometimess in rare cases required to call

  3. hiya peeps, im wondering since recently i started to hate wearing black t shirts.

    what sort of colour u peeps usually wear? for myself, i used to like dark colors such as solid black ts, tight ones to show that im bit buff... but recently wearing those shirts makes me feel depressed... i look like a fagg00t looking loser... although i am that, i do not like to let everyone know...

    these days i prefer to wear solid white or those khaki colored polos... anythig but black, as for shorts, i prefer darkish ones such as grey to contrast or something...

    k thanks folks

  4. hiya, today ive seens a 20baht deal on peanut shell + salted + sunflow seeds ackage at family mart... ive always never eaten a peanut shells but they are quite tasty.... what u folks prefer on nuts????

    personally i dont like macademia, too milky and richy and hazelnut, too bitter. as well as than beany stuff, too crunch and hard.

    i sometimes feel cashew is rishy as well but i could handle a few.

    personllay i tink the peanuts is da best :o but not too salty ones though

  5. ok i tink u folks get into this sort of situation a lot, where u turn ur telly or music and neighbour turns theirs as well that disturbs u.

    so inorder to enjoy ur self or to achieve some sort of superiority againts ur neighbour, u turn up ur telly/music.

    and then it comes to the level of turning it up at the middle of the moonlight or at early birdies time.

    i tink this is some sort of characteristics shared among humans that can not be resolved.

    whats u folks thought on this?

    i also tink those that snorts or coughs on purpose to look down on others or something will see their day when they comes across a person who will not back down. dunno... :bah:

  6. anyone else out there that looves peeing inside those plasic bottles???

    i get some sort of satisfaction once i pee inside the bootle. it is very relaxing as well, cuz in some cases if u live in an apt with neighbours, sometimes they just love to interurpt ur peeing by banging and stuff. also i get to examine my piss colour and smell as well. :cute: :cute: :cute:

    if u keep it inside the bottle for like a day or so, it really smells... special smell just by me... i think i have some understanding of doggies peeing on the wheelies.. :cute: :cute: :cute:

    to be honest, examingn the pee inside the bottle shows bit of ur current body condition, smelly peepee, dark yellowish urine, clear urine, blood urine, amount of urine etc... wow cool

  7. hi, i got high spec dual core pc with all the latest flash, java, firefox etc. but got this delay + stops the pc for couple of seconds, im assuming it's to do with all the advertsing loading????

    also what;s all these stuff connecting to??? whos.among.us, etc etc etc, ive visited their website and they seems to some site sharing traffics???? im assuming thai visa is making money out with this? by secretly diverting forum viewers to those sites without our knowledge???

    i am all good with it since i can see this site for free, yet is there anyway that i can smoothly view it without frquent stops and delays...? i sure hope my pc is not forcefully loaded with some spywares n shiz...


  8. u mean after hours the steet is loaded with hookers?

    ive seen couple in the day time, but really doesnt suit my taste, and thinking other dudes around me are taking there services, im out dude :unsure: i might get some aids or wart or sumthing... :lol:

    You still busy handing out those flyers for Jehova?

    hehe... i just dump them in the bin and gets me paid tee hee hee :annoyed:

    im being careful as not to give to muslim ppl... im guessing im going to be mamed? thats the word on the d=strreet....

    lol actually what would really happen... obivously these ppl are wearing these uniforms and there me giving them some christianity stuff... lol :rolleyes:

  9. u mean after hours the steet is loaded with hookers?

    ive seen couple in the day time, but really doesnt suit my taste, and thinking other dudes around me are taking there services, im out dude :unsure: i might get some aids or wart or sumthing... :lol:

  10. hi folks, im wondering most ppl says nana nanan nana nanan nana is the hot spot.

    nana is sukumvit soi 3 right, where lots of arabs and indians are operating...?

    folks say nana is talking about the soi locating opposite to suk 3 where theres heaps of western styled pubs?

    is it like a hot spot for drinking place for westerners...? i somehow dont feel at ease there...

    as well as suk 3-5-7 foodland area as well... im feeling those areas are lurked with scammers and theives ready to take ur stuff.

    who else reckons this? :jap:

    i drink at pubs where i pint is 25 baht leo/singh happy hrs till 9pm very few farangs, its in bkk but i aint saying teehee

  11. is this you with the sk8ters?????


    hi, is it just me or someelse might be afraid of what sort of liquid ppl are throwing at ya?

    for example, deep fried oil lol :blink: or sulfuric acid :o yikes...

    i've prviously had my songkrant in some other providnces besides bkk and ppl were gathering water from the dirty river.... if that shizzle gets in my eyes or mouth, i might get be in some medical stuff... those rivers may contain piss, rubbishes, industrial wastes, stuff from cooking, petroleumm ( once i haeard a car was dumped in the river...) some other poopies :jap:

    don't sweat the small stuff - gotta remember Thai villagers have stomachs like billy-goats so river water is nothing. No-one throws anything other than water, but the fact that it's needlessly ice-cold is nothing short of collective sadism. My condo overlooks a Tesco carpark full of annoying skateboarders. Tesco Lotus is run by pussies who seemingly can't control their own car park - they even let the kids (actually grown men) leave their ramps on the car park. I've been stockpiling water balloons and I plan to start waterbombing on the Saturday before, get a good week out of it. A couple of test throws confirm they blow big! I'm kind of curious what reaction I'll get. Brick through my window maybe? If the waterbombs don't work I'll fill my supersoaker with piss and just let them have it.

  12. hi, is it just me or someelse might be afraid of what sort of liquid ppl are throwing at ya?

    for example, deep fried oil lol :blink: or sulfuric acid :o yikes...

    i've prviously had my songkrant in some other providnces besides bkk and ppl were gathering water from the dirty river.... if that shizzle gets in my eyes or mouth, i might get be in some medical stuff... those rivers may contain piss, rubbishes, industrial wastes, stuff from cooking, petroleumm ( once i haeard a car was dumped in the river...) some other poopies :jap:

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