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Posts posted by gravion

  1. If they are warts they will have to be frozen off. You can buy a thing at the chemist for it. It's like little cotton buds, you freeze the tips then put them on the wart, it will burn a bit but after a few days the wart will just fall off.

    Though as you have so many maybe your old boy will just freeze and fall off instead.:D

    Hey there!

    What is the name of this product and how much does it cost?

    Cheers dude

    hey i tink the brand i heard of called WARTNER. ive used it before, but it doesnt seem to freeze the core of the wart, if the wart is biggie. the nurse used nitrogen on my hardskin mistaken for a wart... wow

    u know those hardskins u get on ur toes and heels. thats it.

    also my hobbie is to use nailclippers and chop chop those hardskinz... tee hee hee giggle giggle .... :ph34r:

  2. hi, im wondering, having moles on gentials mean harm?

    i've tried googling, but seems to get mixed answers.

    visiting the doctor is the quiquest way, but im possibly guessing by the response of some ppl on internet it takes more than just a visit for doctor to confirm, yet i most likely know what they would ask. "has it developed, changed it's form etc..." and i feel doctors most likely will pass by saying "it's normal"...

    i've also read on inerent that giving friction causes moles to grow...

    i got like 7 or more moles growing on my little bro. possibly new ones growing....

    im also assuming it's a total let down for the ladies im assuimg? sort of see me as some diseased freaky. But ive also read on the internet that having moles on ur little bro means ur exterremly horny. :lol:

  3. hi i recently bought this refill types of lighter from rajadamri big c, 100baht...

    what u peeps thought on these products? do u reckon they could be possible leaks inside and explode?

    i dont want permenant scars on me face


  4. hi, i notice lots of ppl from bkk got bad skins... especially females.

    what do u think causes this? food and hot weather?

    i everyday eat street foods, but i try not to eat those fried foods, but i think not everyones eats fried foods frequently, yet got bad skins....

    bad skins meaning, lots of visible huge pores, color differentials, pimples... and whatever...

    i also think these are caused by those dodgy make ups sold on the street?

    but i do also notice so wealthy female got this problem as well...

    do u reckon some might be the casualities of those skin care shops? i think starting price is like 150baht for facial treatment etc.

    peeling...? sounds scary :jap:

    also i did some research, and females tend to get those stain marks on their faces once they reach 30s, due to weakning of uterus or something.... but ofcourse they still look way younger than westerners though

  5. har har har it's not about being rich or poor, i mostlikely got more money in my bank account than u collecting pentions every months...

    i won a lottery!!! nah im joking...

    anyways everywhere aorund the world would be the same prolly, i like some of the thai ladies cheerful attitudes which brings me light to my darknezz... no im not talking about bar girls., although i have never talked to one, they prolly want ur money righty or something and get rid of u once ur empty ot somehting. i actually want to marry my thai teacher :unsure: wow she brings light to be darknezzz... wow :lol:

    landlord is usually in this apt office from 9-5pm, then hes off, and he would like to hear the noise, so that he could give warning to the female upstairs. hes a really nice dude... he was running off to me room, when i told him about the noice. hes the owner of the condo as well as owner of some water pumping company. wow... he even got master degree in electric eng from states... wow hes also young and cute too... wow :ermm:

    so sad that the environments causes ppl to be behave as like that awwww... :ermm:

  6. hiya, i live in an apt here in bkk. i got this female upstairs that keeps on bugging me by banging some thing on her table.

    some might say this is just everyday noises, such as putting a cup on a wooden table or what not.

    but i do feel she is making this noise intentionally, while she was banging frquently couple of times, as i retailate by banging the ceiling, she starts banging more repeatedly.

    firstly, i tried "knocking on her door" with a bang, but she never opens. around 3 days i started kicking on the door...

    the landlord caught my action on cctv and told me to inform him whenever this happens, hes a nice dude and hardly informs me to contact him to be the buffer, so that i wont be in deep trouble. his intention was to call him whenever theres noise, so that he could visit my room to hear it.

    but this female upstairs does this at around 6:50am ish and at night, and sometimes in between, most likely to disturb my sleep. i can sense it... it's hard to explain, and u prolly know what i mean.

    seems to be a single female, may be around 30 ish, maybe working parttime, maybe middle class since she's living alone.

    i dont know what to do, i tried putting my tv on a cupboard to amplifiy the noise today, but it;s really sad and i dont wanna be like this... so i put it back wheere it was.

    it is making me depressed, and when i was boxing today, i couldnt get it out of my mind for a while... im scared that i might thump her or even kill her and end of my life in jail... seriously... to be honest... i really want to throw my fists to her... why is maybe ok to exhancge fists at bar with males, yet not with females? i mean u wont get into deep trouble by hitting males comapred to females.

    some females think they are bullet proof or something? i mean on this border line, when i cross the line, my life will probably end up in jail... please help me and advice me before it's too late...

    (to be honest, i dont generally like thais, maybe 50/50 im here, cuz cost is cheap.)


  7. hi, im wondering what's the first thing u need to do when you lose ur passport?

    contact the embassy? someone told me it is important to keep a photocopy of ur passport. i dont know why, is this true?


  8. hi, i just went for cruizing to shop for a shampoo....

    i was currently using panteen smooth & silk, i tink 99baht for 350ml althoug i like to buy smaller ones, usually costs around the same if theses no discounts on the big ones.

    i thoguh about trying some different brands, i looked into rejoice (green bootles ones) cause it seems to be dominating the shelves....

    recently, ive read soomewhere that, gambol & protector, the company who produces PANTENE brand REJOICE uses animal testing for their products.... which made me drop rejoice...

    what are you people's thoughs? regaridn which seems to be suitable, as well as product tested on animals? product tested on animals mean, animasl such as rabbit, mouse are strained into device and forcefully fed, poured into their eyes, veins, etc with the unknown corrosive chemicals...

    oh if interested, checkout on youtube bout animal testing.

    etc and on..

  9. ooh i see, so basically they were victims of accidents of some sorts... but they arent actually in the edge... seeing families r taking care of them... :ph34r:

    can those daughter mommy combo beggers get the hell out of the way on the narrow pedestrian streets and on the stairs of the bridge? thanks...

    how about that dude on siam district, half his face and body seems to be burned, maybe caused by sulfuric acid.

    ive also seen him in other areas as well, so im guessing famileies r moving him around....

    but its really scarry, appearence of ppl can really make things on and off... ive seen this dude's eye, and prolly somewhere in life, if he wasnt in mishaps, ill prolly be drinking with the similar sort of dude...

    supposely u like the appearence and attitude of the opposite sex, but she becomes the victimof some sort, ill prolly keep my distance and prolly ditch....

    man... lifes hard...

  10. A successfull method I devised a few years ago which works very well , ants will attack anything that contains nutrition , hair , skin flakes , dead insects , tidbits of food etc , they send out trackers that once they find food , go back and bring a whole army to collect and take it back to the nest . When you find a collection of them , follow the workers to where they are coming from , a hole or crack in the wall , down from the ceiling , up a drain pipe etc . Buy some ant chalk at 7/11 , preferably the octagonal not the round as in blackboard chalk , draw a circle around the area they are in , as in around your towel , leave a gap in the circle where they are entering leaving to and from thier nest , now draw a line of chalk along each side of the columne of ants back to where they dissapear , then draw lines between those lines of chalk like the rungs of a ladder about 4 cm's apart . In the time it takes to smoke a ciggy or drink a beer , the majority of ants will have gone back to the nest carrying chalk on thier feet , this will kill of the majority of ants in the nest . For survival of the fittest , the remaing ants will move the nest elsewhere .

    This has worked so well , we rarely see an ant in our apartment as apposed to when we moved in , I tried plugging holes etc but thier were far to many , spraying down the holes does not kill off the nest because it could lead god knows where inside the wall and the whole object of the excersise is to kill off the nest . Hope this gets rid of your annoying problem as it has mine .

    thanks... ill give that a go...:ph34r::unsure::whistling::(B):bah::lol:

  11. im interested in those varieties of handicapped beggars on the street of bkk....

    i have been to northern area of thailamd, but ive never seen as hard as in bkk....

    i see victims withouts legs, arms, fingers, being some sort of acid attack victim,

    ive seen some leg, armless dude crawling on the street, i think ive seen the SAME dude in different locations... as far as samrong distict... how does he get there from bkk central?

    ive seen some dude head, skull been dented all the way in... the dude's still sort of living... samrong, bangna area

    ive seen this woman whos face is like all stretched out.... <deleted> is that? i saw her today on world trade central area.... i have also seen this same woman at samrong district...

    ive seen quite a few blind ones... not those singing ones, but i think someone made them blind by using burners or something to their eyes....

    are these done by criminals or something....? im very curious how these stuff work...

  12. 1.get yourself a wafer biscuit

    2. sprinkle the crumbs on the doorstep of a neighbour who has been rude or causing problems.

    3.sweep as many ants as you can into a dustpan and dump them on your neighbours doorstep.

    4.give your apartment a good sweep and then mop the floor with disinfectant.

    hopefully then they will get pissed off travelling from yours and set up home at your neighbours

    hey dude nice idea man... have u ever tried with pee pee? lol basically u pee pee in a plastic bottle, it will smell really bad and u pour them under or on the door....

    lol... mmmm... i know the smell.... lol....


    but me apartment got them securities camera.... lol... no ninja moves allowed..... lol.... also they might suss out whos the ninja and cum spanking... lol... maybe some fried <deleted> on ur door? lol...

    anyhow.... those smelly pee pee bottle can also be used as projection bomb, u hear some loud bass playing downstairs? some bus dudes? give it to em, they want it sooo bad... lol... mmm~~~ smelly of pee pee weee~ lol.... omg it's just lol

  13. hey thx for replies.. anyone have any idea why they gather up on bath towels?

    is it something to do with peelings on the skin with the mixture of soap that attracts these ants....?

    as for hole, i blocked couple with a tape... but holes seem to be everywhere...

    if theres no food, hanging used towels outside, no problem... im just afaraid when i wake up, im covered with ants!!! ... seriously...

  14. ok firstly... those really tiny small ants gather up whereever theres food stuuf.

    but strangely they also gather up on my bath towel, whenever i finshed using the towel and hang it on the rail, antes stars gathering up!!! what the hell?

    my soaps do dont contain sugar btw... also its been happening for a week now.

    so whats up?

    as for gathering on foods, they disappear once the source is gone. so basically whenever i have a feed for late nights, i just keep the rubbishes on the balcony, and take it down the next day...

    im too lazy and somehow scared to go 1st floor to dispose the rubbishes


  15. what is the difference between a person with a million bath and with a person with billiion baht?

    i know this lady who is the owner of this manufacturing company but doesnt seem very differnt from us ordinaries...

    if u've got money, u could afford a bigger house, more xpensive cars, maybe a diamond implanted gold phone and watches? maybe goes to overseas trip once in a while?

    do u really want them even if uve got billion baht...?

    for me, if ive got enuff for beer and some food, and i got some shelter with bed, im all good in da hood....:jap:

    + some savings for those MEDICAL FEES.... lifes hard man

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