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Posts posted by gravion

  1. do u owners have theft insurnace? this can be purchased at the same time as the bike right?

    i owned wave, and if i remember it was like 100 baht for the insurance? that covers up to the value i tink, 40k baht.

    what i worry is the vandalism and i dont trust the guards, they are prolly the ones keying or putting nails under the tire or sumthing... and where i will be wont have cctv

    ps: what effects do slashing of those tubes connecting to the brakes? have?

    they seem to be hanging out and seems very important for the function of the bike...

  2. wow i though all da farangs were using their maid or gf or wife for these services. very impressive indeed.

    do u do ur ironing as well???

    anyways how what is the purpose of bleach? to remove the stain?

    how could i remove this fish sauce stains on me white shirts??? help me pweese

    as seen on thai tv, it shows the new attack washing powder will remove the stain completely, but no.

    i tried bleach, fabric softner, that collar stain remover to get rid of this fish sauce stain but no luck at all...

    i have to get em those 60baht ts and 199baht ys from tesco or big c frequent. kool

    additional note: this fish sauce was maybe caused by a hater who vandalized my white cloth, i use coin laundary down me apt

  3. for 4 of us, ostrich in black pepper, chicken and cashew nut, (with a curious cinnamon taste), stir-fried fish and pork/shrimp balls in gravy, 2 bottles of Leo and 2 bottles of water. 910 baht.

    we both know but dont want to admit about that curious taste. its the special sauce of the farang chef. u know a hint of creamy chowder. mmm~~~

  4. hey im not a young guy who is chapping from cell phones. my cell phone is only 700 baht and doesnt have net surfing function. as if i need them on those small screens. when im outside, im busy with checking asses. :jap: :jap: anways... i tink my living style is prolly up with u folks, i dont like things with high value. coz i might lose it or spill fish sauce on it...

    anyways im talking about business bags for visiting customers and stuff. especially for sales people, looking cheapo or not can decide the outcome of the sales as well right? in my opinion, the top management actually dont know shit about the product, but are the deciders to incorporate in their company or not. right....?

  5. i feel really funny with dudes in this hot weather wearing long sleeves with suits as well as having some lunch with those gears!!

    i would imaging those tight fitting suits wont able them to move freely as well as being careful with those stinky fish source spilled on their 4000baht suits!

    im da real boss with da jandals, shorts and ts. betta reckognize.

  6. Hi what are your thoughts on business bags?

    Those black laptop bags lookalike seem to fade quickly as well as look cheap.

    Ive checked brands such as hushpuppies around 1500baht and guy lauriel? some stuff 15000 baht.

    The one on the street is like 200baht, looks and functions same as Twanee brand or some high end laptop bags, but got some silly logo on it most of the time. I've seen some well dressed foreign dude, inc the watch seems at least 10k, but he seems to be carrying this squashed, dirty, laptop like bag, totally making him look cheapo. Also these bags are hard to clean yes?

    Ive checked pants as well, big c got those business pants for 199 baht where stiches are visible on the ankle cuff, ive checked at the dept store, some prolly expensive brand which got the same visible stitches, probably the same manufacturer???? but the price is 1500 or 3500 i tink.

    so geared with expensive stuff is whats its all about in the globalized business????

    and how about shoes? it makes me feel so depressed when some dude steps on it or i step on dog poo or mud splashes on me pants as well.

    700 baht bata shoes looks smoochy. all the thai managers choice is bata shoes right? its also good to know that i getting a new pair would be costly, unless ur getting some crap like ecco shoes which is like 5k...?

  7. actually i was planning an attack on this shitty rude dudes 2nd hand corolla.

    cause he was pumping bass this morning...

    but this apt complex got cctv camera... so i goota throw rocks or something from the distnace, good timing would be on rainy days.

    :jap: lucky i dont own a car or motosai... weeeheeeheee, i actually wanna stab the tyres, cause it has immediate effect. i might see his corolla park at big c somewhere nah im kidding folks...

  8. yes dont u love it when peeps see their tyres slashed and one whole side of the car panel got scratched with a fruit knife?

    im assuming it wont be covered by insurance?

    i have seen couple of these examples at this big expensive apt complex (Lumpini to be exact)

    So what causes them to be the victims of these attacks?


  9. hi how much do ironing costs? i got charged 15baht for one business short sleeved shirt. not inc washing.

    ironing is too hard for me, and only required on business clothes. how much for long sleeved shirts and pants u reckon?

  10. har har har money money money is everything!!!!!!!11 iz that life line... u out u gone... i mean ur life ends... if im out of money i will jump down the bridge man... it wil feel soo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!

    i will really love this part, im like bit alive, and i see beam of large truck coming to my way to finish me... ohhh yes... i will really love that party have wonder what life was all bout... generating those papers... so u could have a shelter and have some cowa7[at phat and leo every lunch and night and some snacks duk ring mid hours.... ooooh jeesus generating money is life then i gotta suck my self to get into those UNs that are oeprating in bkk right...??? ios it true they pay 200K salary??? man i really want that.... but ionalthe human resopuirce who leeches ust want poopies... man i should stalk them take them hostage in their homes... and starting cutting their fingers one by one with scalptor till they give me the REAL PIN NUMBERs.... wellht? monmey=life=surivial= ppl gotta do rig??? u dont wannt be in those hot sunnies begging as if u will generate income... got to monk churhc??? they will juhe hing st kick ur nuts and lock the door. how about educational instutute??? lol they earns heaps right???????ihtes?????????? univeristeties?? how much they earn in a month???be

    what thai bachelor is like 40K pwer semister? and master is lke 250k per year??? wow... i see like 1000000000000000000 studnets rolling in including many doing masters for sake for their satus or something rich folks... wow 10 million in a day in

    thats gonna last my entire life mate, but im just a poo on the street cuz i aint not vbalue to them right??? how much they pay their thai staff?? 10,000 baht for sitting in da office surfing net???? ok if they in some managerial day or some shit they may be 50k-100k... like they r just crusing on their cars, when in office having some coffee in airconded room and chitchatting busllshit??and ottht as?? lol...... i might as well do favour for those that feel depressed by working for 10K a month, waking up early every morning inc <deleted> satur bored at work, treated likture f...e a disposable razors... they ve got no future right man if they be women they gotta find husband fast,,, who generate money eomemeoemmemem.... <deleted>... just talkining ging bullshit and earning for what others have done... i dont mind cutting these geezes finger one by one with scalpers and distributting bonuses for the futurehood of these poor folks who deserve more

  11. kaw kaw kawkawkkaw i got em kashikorn normal priviledge card YO. maybe we should got see fast and furious 5 2getha?

    har har now way... when is da furous coming? i cant read thai.. how about YAMOTO and GANTZ? im pretty keen on those... or i will prolly just download off torrent for free... nah im kidding...


    hey u know some deals regaridng collecting 5 caps of coke zero will get em tickets for 30 baht???

    i got 5 already in my bag ready to relase.. lol if iz true, ive seen this deals on some papers at McDs... but as far as i know there aint anyh good movies out in da cinema.. all some crappy whores and fguts in da theatser to view with.... f00k i really hate those tension between viewers... i just wanna axe them :D

  12. help me pwwwese!!!!! oh god im so depressed. wattching thai thelly channel 7 lol sof unny... har har what a bs... help i gotta generate some income... i got no jobs... awww holiday is ova, now back to usually from 2molo... oh jesus.... what am i supposed to do when i wake up????? im so depreeesed... wow i goota get some jobs and generate some income and got to have some fulfilling day. help i got no jobs.... and seems employeers dont wanna go through with this tight ass workpermit? i aint got no special skill... wow life is about getting jobs and working for someone?? help me pwweseeeeeeeeee... i gotta generate some income, i mean a lot to value myself... earning money is everything in this world??? yes im geussing so, cuz if u got no money, u aint be able to drink beer and have some fried rice with egg... shiit.. jessus... money %$$ awww hjeesssszuzs..... help me... i prol sf?ly cant get a job and earn some income when i get me homeland oh god... <deleted> life is all money right. they are just papaers right <deleted>????? awww.... how can i generate some munnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny!!!! muny munyyy!!! man if live is all bout money, then i might as well starting barging and taking hostagei c in ppls home and demanding pin numbers... am i wrong?? s

    i can just cuff them and cut their fingers one by one till they give me the REAL PIN NUMBERs... jesus a u... this is tryley a survival mode yeah...

    man i feel so depressed wearing those black Ts as i am some sort of macho dude... <deleted> man... i look like a <deleted> losa on the street... hahahahahaha ppl know it looking at myion miserable face and selffash.. oh jesssus...

    so any instantr ways to make me feel good about my

    ???? in my current statet of mind, generate income is what peopel is worth... yes doing some chow chow to get those papaers that can buy cowpat kai... maaan... how cum those peeps working at 7-11 be so in control... if im in their schoooes, and if i got no fammily support or some stuff ill prolly be enhjying myself cutting my throat after drinking like 3 bootles BIG LEO and draining my blood... i actually feell it will feel soooooooooooooooo good like im in heaven. just one step courage to cut ooff the endinge tjits a.. yes if u had like 3 big leos u prolly will manage rigtht?.... ohhh jesu... incoo th

    ok to be honest with u folks i got 2.5 mill baht in foreign account making 5% interst. arund 7000bbaht per moneth, i prolly am better off with someoff u folks outter tehre? if so yes im feel luxurious and cheerios and lucky, but i aint generating any income and getting a secure employment seems to be realy realy hard in bkk cuz of foreigner and i aint got special skillz or some what evera,,, basically u peeps weraing suits and shitz are jjst pretedning to work, just talking chit chat blah blah and get monethly pay right...? a job that any one can do right... just chitchat coffeee in an aircon room surfing some internet... and i really love that songkrann naked video... man that was freash and hot!!! but i dont want that shitty farang music.. pls get s eh....rid of it... man i hipe i can scome home thopse tyummies every night maybe change a couple of time yipees agggrhhh ohhh dear and <deleted> away from neigbojbours and beer partie

  13. awww.... how come native speakers who cant spell can do business and earn heaps and seems to live happily with his thai wife??? aww.w... im so depressed.... how come i got masters but cant get any money??????????????? har har har... maybe if im out of money i have to jump down those bridges and make sure i die by on coming traffics.... awww... or maybe i gotta barge into some rich dudes house and threatn their pin numbers... if they dont give me i goota cut their fingers one by one... im sure they will forefit...

    awwww..... can u donate me some of ur money please....??? 1 million should do it for me like 4-5 yrs in thailand...

    aww....how can i earn heaps of money??? generate profit for some company? but how? they dont see me qualified as at least to p[ass those leeching human resource dept...

  14. hiya, im not a religious dude, but im wondering whahts up with thais putting all those buddism stuff everywhere, cars, home, workplace etc... even on outside restaurants they seem to place some small mounts of food to god or something???

    and thais generally do some greetings when they see those small temple like statues.

    i have living here for quite some while but never understood their action and mentality towards these.

    i started to wonder this, cuz this interesting successful dude's workplace got all these neat buddism stuff rolling around... lol

  15. please can some one please help me answer this simple question....

    so where can i get this proof of address? at the embassy as mentioned, but is this the only way?

    in somecases i just required to submit my documents from the bank stating the address.

    i do not have work permit so is much complex.

    what are the required documents to submit to the embassy? just your tenancy agreement im guessing?


  16. i saw some websites states only doctors letter is necessary?

    how much do proof of address cost at the embassy? i think it can also be done at the immigration?

    u just need to submit the tenancy agreement right?

    the sukumvit 62 office allows if im living in huamark ramkhamhaeng area? theres other office for minburi but i couldnt google map it....


  17. hey man im not rich nor own a car... own a stolen 100cc bike... but too dangerous with those wild rambo busdrivers on da street, they panting and become horny and stuff when they start seeing a motorsai target and starts tailgating and maybe turn up their coyote music....

    anyways i tink second hand cars arent peanuts either in thailand. overseas(westrn) are much cheaper though including japan imported sport cars such as skyline, sylvia, rx-7, lancer evolution, GTO, impreza, altezza (lexus) most of these are 300,000baht or less.. around 5-10 yr olds. ive never owned them... i was rolling on 80,000 baht budget mini car for 3 yrs... 637cc engine if i remember... it was keyed heaps by one gang wannabes called BLOODS..., tyres punctured, broken into 2 times... installed alarm afterwards inc immobolizer, by default me car dont have central locking... arming and alarming sounds are really noise as to disturb neighborss and they start hating and throwing rocks at ur cars et lol, next day u wake up tyres being slashed!!! also in some countries, ppl kit the car with crazy sound system... their bass are so crazy that im going mental and having a killing spree feeling... i once seen controversial ad? about a sony car audio stating terrorize the fear or something like that.

    anyways... im guessing brand new cars for example vios/city costs like 550,000+ and second hand is like 350,000+ 2003-2007 models... im not sure about now, but low end model prices seems to be going up? i think vios is like 700,000? lol whatever rubbishes they add... spec j???? <deleted> is tat??? got some raccoons in da engine???

    anyways... if im own to a car, especially in dodgy thailand dealers and communication errors and no law and stuff... i would prefer to buy EXPENSIVE brand new one if i realy realy neeed a car in bkk...

    although if i purchase a brand new one i will have worrying times of where to park and vandalism and stuff like tat.... or actually seeing some dude popping their doors and banging on ur panel... what u gonna do??? that dude cant understand me 3ngr!sh... (engrish)

    oooh i wanna goto mbk right now to see that sexc muayt thai ring girl (is she half farang (term is euroasian???)??? u know that hottie on wed night ring girl...) , u prolly can get there within 30-60min instead 2 hrs or more bby ccar.... (btw i tink that boat riding will be closed in the holidays..)

    sorry for my long thesis


  18. why do u folks buy second hand cars?? second hand... i reckon 4th hand... with dealers and so's dirty hands includeed.

    also high risk of some crap not working or required changes etc... why do ppl sell cars, i think because theres some problem or actually do want to sell due to resell value decreasing or some crap like tat....

    but to be in paradoxial mood, i purached 1996 suzuki alto back in 2006 overseas and it was all fine till 2009 till i sold it... only required to change cv joints and tyres whateva

    why do ppl buy brand new cars based on FUEL USAGE, RESELL VALUE? lol in my opinion these ppl should take public transport... har har har...

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