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Posts posted by kenallday

  1. I remember that a Thai is put in a concrete above ground coffin and then about a year or so later the bones are extracted and a ceromony is had with the monks etc.

    No need for extended rights, unless the person is of very high birth.

    Neverdie describes a typical funeral,

    it can be less days, if money is limited.

    The ashes can be interred in a small mausoleum (chedi), kept at home, or scattered at sea.

    Another method the Chinese Buddhist have is to throw the body away on a mountain or hill and let the birds and animals eat it, (sky burial) the animals then redistribute the corpse back to the Earth when they have a dump,they sometimes make the bones into musical instruments like whistles / flutes etc - very cheap and can save on a paying for a band.


  2. Can someone in the class please explain to Mauric42 afterward

    why Women are not a farm product?

    This is meant to be a serious discussion about Tomato.

    If Women are on your mind,

    then perhaps there are forums to suit.

    Perhaps if Tomatoes were more prominent in your thinking,

    there would be an abundance.

    For now please go sit in the back row and just listen.

    sorry but my women is indeed a farm produced product

  3. Doing the fruit thing in Finland - LOL have you ever heard of a Thai woman going to a western country to pick fruit (illegally) - Maybe what she does involves a banana but its got <deleted> all to do with picking fruit HA HA so funny

    OK its obvious you are just an obnoxious dick. She has family there that own a farm - one of the crops that the farm has is berries of some discription (I believe, as stated, they are blueberries). She goes over there and gets paid for picking the fruit by her uncle. The uncle/aunt are happy about it as labour is expensive in Finland (so I am told) and she, along with her sister who lives there and some other Thais that live there too, work hard and get the crop in quickly and cheaply compared. She has a legal visa to visit the country - and as Finland is NOT Thailand, she can help famly on the farm without needing a work permit, so no she is not there illegally. You continual accusations of her being a prostitute shows what yuou think of Thai women - thsi, I would suggest, is because it is the only class of Thai woman you have ever had the opportunity to be around.

    If I just wanted to make up a story as to why she isn't there (though it made little difference to my post and would have ben easier if I hadn't mentioned it at all), I could have said she was off planting rice in Lumpang -- couldn't I? Or picked a country more known for fruit picking. So wake, get your mind out of the gutter and look elsewhere for your witless challenges.

    No need to be rude - I just find your post implausible and the excuse you are fed for her going to Finland laughable -Ha Ha its up to you LOL . sick buffalo, mama in Hospital, fruitpicking, I no go farang - LOL

  4. the number the guy gives is good for roi as you put it.

    i just dont believe his numbers..

    he says 30k be4 wages.

    he says only sis and a helper run the place.420 hours a month of work for sis -she does everything so she has to be there all the time.@15k a month the sis makes about a dollar an hour.

    he also says cook is returning from finland. this sounds like an additional employee:lol: :lol: .

    who knows. just doesnt sound right:lol: :lol:

    The number are true, believe it or not I don't give a toss. The 'cook' who went to Finland, IS my sister in law. She goes every year for two months fruit picking and earns a good wedge from it - we have family there so she gets sponsorship. So, no, no extra employee. I have a distinct feeling you are little expeirenced in Thailand (or Asia in general) - I guess this because you are suprised by people working 15 hour days in shops. This happens all over - especially when they live there, have family and friends around them all day - its just easier/nicer/more desireable staying open and getting customers whilst normal life goes on than closing and sitting in thrie room alone! Most cafe's of this ilk have just one or two people - Thais are happy to order their food and chat whilst it is being cooked - Thai food is quick to make (the menu is kept to quicker dishes - no Lobster Thermadore!) so covers can be turned around very quickly. Again, if you didn't notice that, I would be suprised if you were actually living here at all.

    As stated - this is not an income for me, I don't touch it - it was originally set up for my mother in law after my father in law retired and after they split up as a couple - to give her something to work for and a way of earning money - she had owned and run restaurants before in her life and is a great cook. She has since left it with her daughter, my sister in law (by agreement), and as this was recent we had no time (or need) to make arrangements to cover her for her annual work trip to Finland. The sister in law earned just 5k a mont before, now earns 3 times that - so she is very happy. The work is easy for her as she ended up coking for the family most of the time anyway - so now she cooks a bit more for customers.

    As it is local and caters for locals as well as passersby, we get students come in all the time wanting to work for a day or a weekend for some pocket money - they usually ask for 50B for about 6 hours or so - we usually pay them 100 baht (which incidently is the wages a local farang restaurant pays its perminanet Thai staff a day for a full days work - and he never is shot of applicants).

    The 15k we get from it simply goes to replace the investment we made - we could do without it, but it is a nice little extra amount that the mrs uses for fun stuff (like going out, getting kids things and topping up the kids bak accounts). So I will say again - this is not my income - other than lend some thought to it (menus etc), design and print the menus and posters and the initial rewiring and decorating) I have nothing to do with it personally - though it gives me somewhere to go for free lunch whenever I feel like it. I really didn't want to get into all the detail - I was just giving it as an example that low rent places can earn a good THAI living wage and not as was implied earlier, just a place for socialising and scraping by - but being called a liar is not something I enjoy.

    PS: In case you can not read between the lines - the 30k before wages is after other expenses - so it is just split 50/50 - my Mrs gets half and her sister gets half - so the 30k IS the wages if you like.

    This can't be true, how can she pick fruit there are no pineapples in Finland sure she is not going there for S/T - L/T

  5. I have plans to open a Beer Bar in Pattaya for a hobby - I can get one for only $5000 and some rent of around $500 per month - I am told I will earn about $2000 per month profit and also can get money from girls working in the bar who go with punters for money - I should also get some free action I suppose from being the boss - better than a soppy noodle stall

  6. I treat and pay my staff like family, more than double than minimum wage and when we have above average months I pay bonuses. I also pay for their gas and meals. The job they do is very simple, basically attendant/receptionist and I could pay them far less but then Id have to worry about them getting second or better jobs. They also do errands for me outside of their job description such as housework, vehicle registrations, etc.

    If they want to go for vacation I do not even keep track of how many days a year they do, as it never seems to be abused. In three years not one has ever taken a sick day. If one goes on vacation the others pick up the slack without me having to ask.

    So basically just appreciate your staff and they will appreciate you.

    EDIT: As I have only a small business (6 staff) this would not relate to a large enterprise, I imagine.

    In my experience pay them what they are worth to you but do not overpay or they will take the piss, keep wages low and hammer them hard if they take days of - If they leave just hire another

  7. so you sayiung guys marrying bargirls is the exception to the rule.................

    we walk in very differnent circles sir. I LIVE IN REALITY!

    No what i said is that you and i move in different circles,if you frequent bars and nothing else then all you will meet is hookers ,but if like myself and most of my friends have lived and worked in Thailand for many years you get to meet People who have nothing to do with the bar scene (which is only a small part of Thai life).

    now i have nothing against the bar scene or men marrying bar girls ,as the Thai girls say "up to you" but my guess is that you know nothing else and have not or do not live here.

    you are dreaming - Thai girls will still fuc_k you if the money is right whether in tthe bar scene or not

  8. My own living quarters

    Outside Cm, 3 bedroom furnished House rental 7000bht/month, sale price 1,700,000 = 20 years rental

    Doing the math

    1.7 million Baht invested offshore trust fund (no tax), return 5 to 10 percent, 85,000-170,000 bht return per annum

    12 months rental at 7,000 bht a month = 84,000 bht

    So in the worst case renting gives a profit of 1,000bht a year with no expenses.

    In the best case renting gives a profit of 86,000bht a year.

    (last year I made about 100,000bht profit by renting as my investments made a 12 percent gain, I'll let you know about next year)

    Considering the risk you are taking by buying as well (total loss, bad neighbours, etc), buying just doesn't make sense to me.

    Hah! Offshore trust funds? Got an FDIC gurantee? Offshore invest fund invested in what? More like you loss 10% last year! :D

    you are clearly a financial genius - LOL, LOL what an idiot ha ha

  9. I believe KL now have access to other nations criminal records so for example if you are on the sex offenders register you wont get your visa now - I am not suggesting you are merely pointing out what can happen now.

    i certainly do not have a criminal record. the lines of questioning were about my long time stay in Thailand, with all my previous visas and stamps, and they asked for my home country bank accounts, so my rejection was based on my financial situation.

    So you do not have enough money in the bank to support your famiily so you were rejected - I suppose you could get a job and save some money? Or you are being inexact about being a criminal? If you PM me with your details I can check the register for you

  10. Correct in fact most Thais only read comic books actually, so until the news is being talked about by cartoon characters forget about the Thais reading it.

    This comment gives me an opportunity to say something good about Thailand and Thais. While I sort of agree with an implication that the lower the economic standing of a person, the lower level reading they do...if any, I think you ought to walk around a few of the big book stores in Bangkok and see that customers are primarily Thai. I don't know, I tended to hang around well-educated Thais who did a fair amount of reading, some of it quite technical.

    The Thais you are hanging with / stalking probably have a comic book inside the cover of their "technical" book they are pretending to read and I would not call the True vision magazine technical. On a positive note however Thai's are smarter than Malaysians who are dumb as dirt .

  11. How much are packages of 100x 500mg paracetamol pills sold in the UK? (90 baht at boots)

    Yes I am sure smuggling drugs will be fine and reselling abroad - LOL LOL

    Paracetamol is a non-prescription drug that can be sold freely on internet.

    why not try taking a full suitcase of them into the UK or US - I could use a laugh, or why not just get a job

  12. you will want to be careful, if you bring anything of significant value, you will be racketted by customs.

    Well in the OP's position I would buy as many cigarettes as I could stuff in my luggage and chance it at customs....worst case scenario is they get confiscated.....chances are you can turn at least 100% profit.

    Bit of a risk....depends on your poker face.....

    I used to work as groundcrew at a UK airport and it was not unknown for a foreign country to tip UK customs off when they spotted a suitcase full of cigarettes.

    Not a good idea!

    How much are packages of 100x 500mg paracetamol pills sold in the UK? (90 baht at boots)

    Yes I am sure smuggling drugs will be fine and reselling abroad - LOL LOL

  13. Slams, Hubs,(insert xenophobic article here) and Crackdowns! I wouldn't pay too much attention to the NEWS here as most Thai's don't even pay attention to it.

    Correct in fact most Thais only read comic books actually, so until the news is being talked about by cartoon characters forget about the Thais reading it.

  14. The Thai post is <deleted>, It is because they check your letters for anything valuable and that takes time, then if there is cash it gets stolen by them - they are corrupt thieving bastards to test them try this - wipe your ass with a dollar bill and post it in an envelope - write on it that it contains money and see if it gets to the destination.

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