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Posts posted by kenallday

  1. <br />
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    <br />It was easy, I explained already I changed my name in UK and now own land here - they are to lazy to check up properly so I'm onto a winner. Clearly you are jealous so you criticize - why not do it yourself if you have the balls.<br />
    <br /><br />Maybe someone can correct me but since when is it possible to change your family name in England?Also I thought that your choosen first name needed to appear on a list of names recognized.<br />
    <br /><br />Nope. Easy as pie - in fact you only have to declare your new name and start using it. You declare it by putting it in a paper called a deed poll. No need for witnesses, lawyer, or fee - its easy as that. There are some lasw in that it mustn't be offensive and to change children's family names needs the agreement of all legal guardians (i.e. both parents if they are alive), and the person must be over 18 to change their own name. Oh, you can't change it if the reasons for the change is fraudulant either. Passport office, DVLA (driving license authority) and banks all accept it. However, just about every form I have ever signed in the UK ask for all previous names if it has been changed.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Its easy to do takes a week or so - dont mention it on any forms in the UK and you are set. I am thinking of getting a death cert for Somchai and willing thee property and land to me in my old name - I think that would work then I could hold it in my own name and ignore the name change

  2. Many western countries don't permit outsiders to own land or have severe restrictions.

    And if its racism, so what? What are you gonna do about it?

    Could you name these 'many' Western countries.

    And if it's racis what are you gonna do about it ?

    I guess the niggers in Americas deep South were told the same. They didn't put up with the shit for too long, did they ?

    I am sorted now all good, I realize I have bent the rules a bit however I am not a racist - your post is not very nice is it? All I have done is take on a new name spent a few honestly earned pounds and can live in a place I love -

    Yeah we believe you........... honest

    On top of all of that you havent told us how you did it therefore......................

    It was easy, I explained already I changed my name in UK and now own land here - they are to lazy to check up properly so I'm onto a winner. Clearly you are jealous so you criticize - why not do it yourself if you have the balls.

  3. Many western countries don't permit outsiders to own land or have severe restrictions.

    And if its racism, so what? What are you gonna do about it?

    Could you name these 'many' Western countries.

    And if it's racis what are you gonna do about it ?

    I guess the niggers in Americas deep South were told the same. They didn't put up with the shit for too long, did they ?

    I am sorted now all good, I realize I have bent the rules a bit however I am not a racist - your post is not very nice is it? All I have done is take on a new name spent a few honestly earned pounds and can live in a place I love -

  4. I have been to my local Court here in England and have changed my name to Somchai Wangoonbat - so now when I get to Thailand next month I will be able to purchase a house in my name and I will own it outright. I will not appear at the officials offices in Thailand but will just use an Agent who will refer to me only as Khun Wangoonbat - very easy to do.

  5. Oh my god. No wonder when I asked peeople in Thailand with 13 years of education

    and did not recognise such names as Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, Dalai Lama and

    Gandi. Could not point where Europe was or where the USA was. Could not tell me

    a single planet in the Universe.

    By the way Americans are as bad - dumb as posts most of them, they have almost zero Geography skills and as for History outwith the US - Ha Ha at least the Thais have an excuse for being a bit simple but the Americans really don't.

    PS: peeople is not a word and your grammar is shocking, also who the hel_l is Gandi

  6. I have just been in Chiang Mai and it was a great visit, however I noticed there seem to be a lot of old farang gays there - not that they bother me but I was just wondering why do they all go to Chiang Mai? I have never noticed so many in one place before mincing about with young Thai blokes.

  7. I have lived here for four years in the night Bazaar area and heard of only one murder here.

    When I first moved to Thailand I was informed that they had a high murder rate. My informant claimed that it was because they never learn problem solving skills.

    Another reason in my opinion is the believe in Buddhism that they will come back again :) .

    One of the big factors in my liking the people is they are not afraid to live. Hence they take more risks than a Farong and also take more enjoyment out of life. Just My Opinion :D

    nugget :D

  8. I think calling Thai people dumb animals is unfair - I know some smart animals. seriously though it is not the fault of Thais that they lack some brain power its just the way it is - they are still nice people and deserve some respect from the media also they need to stop this protesting as it is getting them nowhere, It might be better if they just went home and let the tourists back into Bangkok as nana plaza and cowboy will be suffering

    You sound like a disgruntled foreigner who was sociable unwelcome where he comes from so he came here where he figured the people were to stupid to see through him. I see you were smart enough to not give any information about yourself.

    Why are you having a go at me? I may be foreign but I am not a retarded t shirt wearing terrorist. If you want information just PM me and I will happily contact you for a discussion. Can you please use a dictionary the next time you post - I found it rather difficult to understand your child like rant, many thanks.

  9. I think calling Thai people dumb animals is unfair - I know some smart animals. seriously though it is not the fault of Thais that they lack some brain power its just the way it is - they are still nice people and deserve some respect from the media also they need to stop this protesting as it is getting them nowhere, It might be better if they just went home and let the tourists back into Bangkok as nana plaza and cowboy will be suffering

  10. What is the real deal in Bangkok at the moment are the Hotels, restaurants etc. suffering from the violence or are we to believe the Thai tourism &lt;deleted&gt; that all is well and there is no ploblem - Bangkok is looking like a war zone on International TV currently.

  11. I'm afraid the USA story about starting Pattaya of is wrong - It was in fact discovered by The Black Watch who were over in 1858 on leave from a secret mission in Indochina, the opened a bar and a Hotel and started the bar fine system in 1860 around 10pm one Friday night. Some of the locals mistook the kilted men for Women and copied them which later developed into lady boys. So as usual with most things it was invented by The Scottish

  12. The best way to talk to your loved one about such an issue is to be considerate and direct, tell her you love her and then say something like you are a big fat slob and you need to lose 50kg or your out you porker. please ensure there are no sharp things nearby when you gently give her the good news

  13. I agree by Farang standards it is honorable to pay them but loyalty to Farangs is not a Thai strong point. I'm sure they would appreciate being paid yet I don't think it will make them better workers in the long run.

    Thai people don't need much money so just tell them to &lt;deleted&gt; off and they will respect you more than shoving cash at them for nothing and they certainly will not give you any loyalty, If they are not happy just sack them and train up someone else how to stand around all day and play with their mobile phone whilst ignoring customers - I guess that it might take all of 5 minutes.

  14. I agree by Farang standards it is honorable to pay them but loyalty to Farangs is not a Thai strong point. I'm sure they would appreciate being paid yet I don't think it will make them better workers in the long run.

    Lots of hogwash being spouted her by people who have brought western ideology to Thailand and seem insistent that they are correct. You go think you are doing them a good turn and believe that they love you all the more for it and then hear them talk about how stupid their western boss is for paying when not working, out of earshot or not, if they know he cannot understand Thai.

    Lots of crap being touted to say that if the OP's business cashflow is not good enough etc. blah blah, then he should not be in business and should go home. Again, moralistic western values which have no place in Thailand.

    Some Thai owned places will pay and some will not. I think I would tell my staff that this was causing a great hardship but that for this week I will pay. You cannot just decide to pay indefinitely. You will likely get no better work from the staff and no increased loyalty. You just have to look at it as offsetting the cost to recruit new staff and train them up. When that cost is less than the cost of paying for non work, you have to revisit the argument. It is better for your staff that they know where you stand.

    Thai people don't need much money so just tell them to &lt;deleted&gt; off and they will respect you more than shoving cash at them for nothing and they certainly will not give you any loyalty, If they are not happy just sack them and train up someone else how to stand around all day and play with their mobile phone whilst ignoring customers - I guess that it might take all of 5 minutes.

  15. So who thinks it would be a good idea to change your baht savings into your home currency at this point?

    You are panicking about nothing - buy Baht now, convert everything you have into Baht and spend spend spend, everything will be fine

    Yesterday, I bought 20,000baht worth of shares and today (Friday), I ordered and paid a deposit for a new Honda Civic 2.0 litre.

    Buy a house next in a katoeys name that is sure fire road to riches, Also I know a bar in Pattaya that could be for sale at the right price

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