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Posts posted by kenallday

  1. Given the highly inflammatory nature of some posts and posters in the News forum, we are instituting a zero tolerance policy with regards to posting inflammatory comments, comments advocating violence, trollish comments, and flames. You will receive an automatic posting rights suspension for this behavior in the News forum. Bear that in mind when posting

    Quite right - what does zero tolerance mean exactly?

  2. Supervised life seems the destiny for this sad creature,

    clearly he can't be left to his own devices.

    The only bright spot is his young target is safe and unharmed.

    I agree,sadly some misfits are beyond redemption and the only answer is to keep them away from civilised society.

    I am a bit surprised the locals have not sorted this lad out already - good luck that old Maw had a cleaver handy !!! In the UK she would get arrested for doing that unfortunately.

  3. Move to Pattaya, It is very friendly and all the Thais love foreigners - they show nothing but respect for all and consider it an honour to sleep with a handsum farang. The baht bus drivers are friendly and helpful as are the motorbike taxis and it is very safe as well. I am sure there was no-one killed yesterday (but I could be wrong)

    Live in Pattaya where the scum floats right to the top of the barrel.

  4. The guy should have paid 150 baht and been on his way. Don't protest over a buck and a half. One thing I've learned in foreign countries is to pick your battles. Are the tuk tuk drivers in Phuket rude? Yes. Are they thugs? Yes. Is there another way to get around in Phuket if you don't have a car or motorbike? No. So negotiate the fare and pay what you agreed to. Case closed.

    You are my hero - why couldn't the guy have spoken to an oracle like you first and saved himself a beating. I bet he wishes he had access to your wisdom. :)

  5. Have just been at the Royal Asia, It was terrible, dirty rooms, holes in the bed clothes no hot water for 2 days and stone cold breakfast.

    I have stayed here in the past and it was ok but it is just too run down now. I tried complaining about the hot water and eventually got a new room but the staff were angry we complained - The breakfast is shocking, I wont use this Indian owned dump again has anyone got alternatives in the lower Sukumvit area?

  6. A fry up is not a fry up unless it is fried in butter :):D:D

    A good quality first pressed olive oil will be better than most other oils. I really think it will not matter nor make a difference for you. Unless of course you do use butter.

    Olive Oil: Contains many mono-unsaturated fatty acids. It is good for pan frying but not good for deep frying. It will break-down and become rancid.

    Canola Oil: Made from genetically engineered rapeseed and used extensively in restaurants. Registered with the EPA as an insecticide. There is much controversy surrounding this oil. From all the research I've read related to this oil, I avoid it like the plague.

    Your boyfriend told me you prefer Canola oil so which is it?

  7. Amazing stuff, my Thai girlfriend is the worlds first living brain donor, I haven't noticed much difference since she had the operation but the 30,000 baht came in handy. :)

    merry xmas

    Pleased she was unaffected but did you notice much of a boost afterward, would you say it was successful?

    poor attempt at sarcasm, clearly you will not be adding your underpowered brain to the donor list. Or perhaps you are the recipient LOL. :D:D

  8. There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

    Is that really a scam or is is just a case of some farangs being so naive that when the bar girls yell to them "hello, sexy man" they take it as evidence of their ability to sweep women off their feet?

    I did not realise I was so attractive till I moved to LOS, I now realise however that I am very Hansum, Super Intelligent and a fabulous lover.

  9. There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

  10. Strange story, this man was arrested for raping his wife, yet by all reports he was only having a tug?

    Anyway, this whole report has scarred me for life, I didnt think oldies like that still got it on. :) People 50 years and above certainly shouldnt have sex.

    Oy - wind yer neck in you - I'm over 50 and I'm still a "handsome man" - all the Thai ladies tell me this, so it must be true :D

    I agree old old people over 50 should not be having sex its vile! they should be at home having a cup of tea. :D

  11. Because they have under ground Development sites, Also the British have confirmed this to be true , They are not far from producing a mechanism to detonate one , also they have carried out a test fireing of a home made rocket, capable of carrying a nuclear warhead ,and reaching Israel.

    The British confirmed weapons of mass destruction in Irak too :)

    nothing sure yet and in the meantime a lot of agencys have had time enough to set up a story.

    Tony Blair is a lying scrote who should be tried for War Crimes



  12. Hi...I am wondering if there is a shop making decent meat pies like in AUS or England? Where are they in BKK if in BKK?

    There's loads of places making Australian and English meat pies in Thailand although Aussie and English style pies are quite different. I can't speak for BKK but it should be easy enough to go into say Villa Market and see what they have in stock because they will all be made locally. There's a number of places in Pattaya and Phuket since both places have a heavier concentration of UK/Aussie expats - of note in Phuket (where I live) is Lady Pie, an Australian outfit that does a roaring trade.

    I agree Lady Pies are very good from Villa Market. :)

  13. These are also the same "influential" people who use to prey upon the Vietnamese boat people in the late 1970s.

    True and very dangerous people!

    My ex wife and myself (some 30 years ago) visited, (coming from Penang/Malaysia) Sonkhla city where the harbour is and staid in the Samila Hotel.

    The hotel was completely deserted and we noticed nobody in the lobby, not even servants. Later we found someone and were registered. There was NOBODY on the beaches around, nobody around the swimming pool.

    Very weird and scary.

    It's a long story but in the evening we went into town and harbour where all the fishing boats were and wandered around; we narrowly (with the help of a Thai/Chinese lady) escaped a bunch of aggressive fishermen.... :D

    In the morning at breakfast we found 4 HUGE Americans and Canadians having breakfast and upon seeing us, all four of them dropped their cups and gasped at us :):D:D until one of them asked:

    "what the <removed> are you guys doing here ?" :D Don't you know it's very dangerous here, people get killed, murdered, raped ? Haven't you heard about the Bangkok Thai tourist 2 days ago, asking a beach vendor for a drink and got shot immediately because he didn't like the question?

    They happened to be 4 helicopter pilots, flying to and from the platforms in the Gulf. They advised to pack and leave ASAP for Hat Yai airport and NEVER return...which we did.

    Explanation: the fishermen from Sonkhla are/were (amongst others) the infamous Thai Gulf pirates, preying upon the Vietnamese boat fugitives, murdering them, raping the girls and women and keep them aboard as slaves for cooking and other "usage" :D


    It was southern Thai fishermen who kept over 400 women prisoners on an island and would regularly call in and barter sex for food...souless SOB's

    where is the Island?

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