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Posts posted by kenallday

  1. The zoo, situated about 650 kilometres north of Bangkok, has been the target of criticism for poor management and mistreatment of animals in the past.

    The mistreatment of ALL animals, wild or not, in this so called buddhist country makes me sick every single day.

    It is unbelievable and a shame for every human beeing how Thais treat all kinds of lifeforms. In my opinion they are in the most cases not worth called Buddhists!

    Do you carry a sick bag around with you? Perhaps you should consult a Doctor if you vomit every single day. :)

  2. One or two people tried to scam me (one was a Chinaman trying to sell me a woman and the other was a Thai trying to sell paintings), but apart from that over many years nobody bothered or hassled me.

    Dude, "Chinaman" is not the preferred nomenclature. :)

    correct thats gender biased racisism at its ugly worst - have you never heard of politicl correctness? you should be arrested and sent to aa re education camp. :D

  3. It's quite obvious some of you doubters have never been to Sanam Luang before. It's a large oval shaped field surrounded by a ring road from which you could easily throw an object to anywhere in the field.

    Thanks for the info, I confess I have not been there. Regardless of who did what to whom, the overall Political picture is not looking very nice at the moment in Thailand - I hate seeing these stupid violent outbreaks here, other than the immediate carnage I expect there is also a lot of unseen damage to the Thai reputation on the World stage every time something like this happens.

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