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Posts posted by radiochaser

  1. Yanks are extremely thick or extremely intelligent, no middle ground.

    Yep, you are right. And both of em should stay up North whar they come from!

    Yeah, you 2 guys are REAL open-minded!

    Exactly the kind of people I don't want to run into - EVER.

    People on TV give crap to anyone who pre-judges........wait for it........Russians, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Japanese, Thais, etc, ...... but you 2 geniuses seem to have it all figured out that ALL Yanks are either really dumb or really smart, with no middle ground! Must be nice to be you, knowing exactly how intelligent or stupid 315 million people are, congrats! Oy vey.....

    To clarify, since some people don't seem to understand the original post; I was eating dinner with a British friend in Pattaya. Some guy came in and sat at the table directly across from us, he could hear our conversation whether we wanted him to or not and it was obvious he was listening and looking at us on occasion, we could see it! So my friend steps out for a smoke and the other Yank and myself start chatting, basically picking up where my mate and I had left off; it was the topic of drought and climate change, and how the price of fruits have gone up. HE spoke up first, I didn't! Since it was obvious he was either central- or western-Canadian or an American [no other countries talk like we do] I simply asked him in the course of our short conversation which one it was.

    Getting the "I am from here" line tossed back at me was an eye-rolling moment, when the older guy was 6 foot 2, had pale skin and a shock of white hair, and spoke English as well as I did. He wasn't Thai, he was a midwesterner from America, so why not just admit that? Too cool to say you once came from America because you now live here, even to another American? Not getting it.

    It's happened many other times in the half seasons I have been coming here as well, in fact I half expect it now when I talk to older expats. And it's boring. And I've even gotten it from Brits and Aussies and other nationalities, you know, countries with people in the middle ground, not just smart or thick whistling.gif

    Get over yourselves, it's not a competition how long you've managed to stay in Thailand and no one gives a flying fart.

    Deaw, my post was sarcastic and I was poking fun at Thaiberius. Note my attempt at writing my response in a dialect that is not correct English. I wanted to use a poking fun emoticon, but did not see it when I looked.

    My assumption is that Thaiberius is British, English, due to the reference to "Yanks" used as a reference to American citizens and he/she may not like Americans. My assumption could be incorrect as it is based on few facts.

    I posted my sarcastic response from the point of view of someone who is from the "South" as in, from one of the Southern States of the United States, or, from one of the States of the Confederacy and used that as a basis for my sarcasm. Yanks are the people from the Northern States of the United States, also known as "Yankees". Growing up as a child in the South, I learned that Southerners did not like "Yanks". A leftover artifact of the "War Between the States". (as an aside, the contempt of some Yanks for Southerners back in that time, was almost palpable, a sort of racism if you will)

    As to judging people, as an adult, I have learned that depends on how "I" am treated by individuals and react accordingly. If enough people of the same "kind, type, ethnic, race, or citizen of a particular country" treat me with lack of respect or treat me badly, then I will pre-judge that group as a whole. Even so, I will show the next person from that group respect, as I think they should be treated, but with some caution as I may again be shown a lack of respect or badly by that next person. If that next person from the group responds in kind with respect, then all is good with that person.

    As to "open minded", as I stated, I am from one of the States of the Confederacy. I saw hardcore racism against blacks as a child growing up in the South. I did not understand it or where it came from.

    The explanations I heard people use to describe why they hated "negroes" never rang true to me when I heard it. I was open minded enough to treat blacks with respect when I had occasion to associate with them for what ever reason.

    Adding to "As to open minded", I am married outside of my race, have dated outside of my race, have lived with people outside of my race, have lived with and dated people from countries not of my origin. I lived in three countries before I was 14 years old, have lived in and worked in both Vietnam and Thailand as an adult.

    As to intelligence of people, or lack of it. They range from absolute lack of it, all the way up to holy moly! My step mother called me stupid every day she was in the family and I believed her. Then I scored in the top ten percentile out of millions of other guys and gals that took the same test. My step mother was a bad woman!

    OK, guys, parse and pick apart my response as you will! Have fun doing it!

    P.S. I first came to Thailand 42 years ago! I would have stayed if I could have, then I could have said, "You haven't been here long enough"!! LOL


  2. I guess they have to win at something.

    Anyone else get there gold thai watch in the mail??? Ahh you havent been here long enough..yeah they send one to you after you become an expert at knowing everything that anyone wants to know. Usually takes about 30 years but i did it in 2 weeks.

    Sent from my c64

    Not on topic!

    Wait a minute wow64, are you accessing TV with a Commodore C64? If so, how does it even load your web browser?

    Oh you dont know. You have not been here long enough.. wink.png

    Sent from my c64


  3. you should try Australia, as an Aussie I have worked and lived in many country towns where if you are not 4th or 5th generation from that area you are simply a blow in that's good for nothing but a punching bag at the local watering hole. Anyway, it's been my experience that most americans want to feel important wherever they are!

    Most Americans couldn't point out Australia on a map.

    In between New Zealand and Indonesia. 295° from Levittown, Pennsylvania

  4. I guess they have to win at something.

    Anyone else get there gold thai watch in the mail??? Ahh you havent been here long enough..yeah they send one to you after you become an expert at knowing everything that anyone wants to know. Usually takes about 30 years but i did it in 2 weeks.

    Sent from my c64

    Not on topic!

    Wait a minute wow64, are you accessing TV with a Commodore C64? If so, how does it even load your web browser?

  5. LOL to the people replying criticizing this idea!

    Check the source, it's a joke guys, jesus wept.

    Yes. I did check the source, after I wrote my response. Hence, "... and further investigation, I see this article is published by .......", the last part of my post.

    I thought the whole thing was funny enough, that I left my post as it was, even after seeing the name of the publisher.

  6. Not a lame brain idea for me if the flight times work in my favor. When I stay at a family house, I can get to Don Muang faster by bicycle and walking, than by taxi, depending on the time of day. If it weren't for that pesky baggage the family wants me to take with me, I would!

    Due to traffic conditions and the time of arrival at the airport, before leaving on an international flight, I had to leave for Suvarnabhumi 5 hours before my aircraft was scheduled to depart.

    But, then again, going back and reading the last paragraph, the cost of a ticket is Bt7980! ... and further investigation, I see this article is published by ........

  7. During my last stay in Thailand, I used the MRT frequently and toilets in the MRT infrequently (fortunately).

    As the letter poster shows, there are toilets in the MRT and the toilets are open to the public.

    The toilets were easy to find, you just have to ask where they are. I asked in Thai language where they were.

  8. And I am still not receiving the newsletter.

    Why would the newsletter be bouncing, but not the updates to threads?


    I am trying to work with my email host, but that is a different issue altogether sometimes.

    They keep asking that the bounced email be forwarded to them!

    OK, I should have been more specific with my question.

    If the newsletters are being bounced but the updates and other email from Thai Visa is not, even if they have the same domain address <[email protected]> is there any suggestions or ideas as to why <newsletter> is bouncing?

    I am hoping that I can get something that I can suggest to my email host about this issue.

  9. I was impressed in Laos and especially in Cambodia with how many older people out in the sticks could hold a decent conversation in French. Younger folks there are struggling with English, in the same way as Thailand is.

    OK - now how have you come to this conclusion - are you well-versed in the amounts of people and teaching in both countries have you some kind of yardstick? I take i Or like so many otherst you are also fluent in French and able to assess the elderly across Laos too? Or are you just putting 2 and 2 together and making any number that comes into your head?

    wilcopops, if jpinx is addressing the fluency of some of the older generation of Lao and Cambodian people, then it just may be that they are fluent in the French language, both written and spoken. Some of the Lao, Cambodian, and Vietnamese were educated in France at higher institutions of knowledge. I do not know about Lao or Cambodian people, but I do know that some Vietnamese people are qualified to teach the French language to those that wish to learn it.

    The Lao, Vietnamese and Cambodians that did go to France to University, would have become fluent in French before leaving "French Indo China". French was taught in many schools in French Indo China and was widely spoken here. The French were here after all, from some time in the mid to late 1800's (I believe, too lazy to google it) until they were chased out by the Vietnamese about 10 years after the French returned to French Indo China at the end of World War Two.

    The United States had French linguists in Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines to translate the communications between Laos, Cambodia and (at the time) the North Vietnamese government. I witnessed some of the French linguist speaking with Vietnamese in French, when neither could speak a word of the others native language (English/Vietnamese).

    I used to know refugees from Laos who lived in the United States that could speak French better than they could speak English. I took a class in History of Vietnam in a junior college from a professor that was from Vietnam. (I was his first student that was not of Vietnamese decent) He also taught classes in French language for those wishing to learn how to speak French.

    To summarize, a lot of these people could speak French very well because Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam were occupied by the French for many years before they left!

    And no, I do not speak French.

  10. I think expats in Thailand relish this kind of survey result, but of course they aren't interested in looking into it further, much better to sit back and say "I told you so" as if they have some in depth knowledge of the cutlural ins-andouts of language leaning and a detailed knowledge of language teaching - suddenly everyone's an expert?

    Singapore - ex- British colony

    Malaysia - ex-British colony

    Philippines - ex - US colony

    Indonesia and Thailand not a lot of difference apart from the fat Idonesia had Dutch and English influences

    How about Cambodia , Laos and Vietnam? French influence there.

    I do not know about now, but during the time frame of 1966-1973, they all communicated in French. But, then, the French had only been gone for less than 20 years.

  11. OK, I have followed the instructions from my webmail provider, cleared my whitlelist, cleared my blacklist, cleared my cookies, etc, etc. and just a few minutes ago, reset the "Text Pattern Profiler".

    I did not send them a copy of the bouncing email, per the request of one support staff! That person did not understand that I was the recipient!

    I have again, signed up for the newsletter.

    The last support staff that advised me to reset the "Text Pattern Profiler", did ask that I request one of the bouncing emails be forwarded to them, not copied and pasted, with full intact headers, if I still do not receive the newsletters. Would that be possible?

    I do not have another email address that the newsletter could be sent to.


  12. Possible your e-mail provider is blocking them if they are bouncing. Or inbox full? May check with them (provider) to see if they will white list Thaivisa. Alternatively, supply TV with another e-mail address if you have one.

    Thank you for checking Tywais and George.

    Prior to posting my last request I had checked my blacklist to see if ThaiVisa was in there for some reason, it was not. I checked my Whitelist and Thaivisa was in there, so I should receive the newsletters. Blacklisted emails (the ones that keep coming) go into my SPAM folder along with the ones that my web mail service considers SPAM too.

    As to my mailbox being full, I do not think that is possible. I am a premium customer of my web mail service and as such, should not have a full mailbox. But, the owners keep changing and so does the service!

    I will check with my web mail service to see if they are bouncing the newsletters so that I never see them.

    I will let you know the status if they respond. They should, they claim they do for premium members, you know, the ones that pay for the email service!


  13. Blessing in disguise ?

    LOL, yes it could be. But since I subscribed to it, I guess I am just asking for it!!crazy.gif

    Temporarily in Bangkok Thailand.

    Couldn't resist,I believe I receive at least a couple of emails daily.

    I was getting one or two a day up till about the middle of May. Then I received them on the following days until the last one on June 6:








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