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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. If the TM30 reporting can be done with the Opera web browser on a computer and there is a confirmation page, the Opera web browser allows you to save the web page as a pdf document which can be printed out. Before closing the confirmation page after saving it as a pdf, be sure to open the pdf and try printing it. There is a problem doing this with some web pages and the pdf does not print correctly. An alternative is to try and save it as an html document then do a print page later of the html document.
  2. My wife is buying a condo in Bangkok. A couple of years ago the same condo was up for sale for 9 million baht. She is buying it at 4.8 or 4.9 million baht. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 balcony condo overlooking the river. A house might be cheaper, but we live in the U.S. and will only be in Thailand a few weeks at a time and the condo is better suited to our interests.
  3. Or just plain stupid. Back in 1980 where I worked, a guy bought a new Camero. Made loan payments for 6 months, then started to put all his money into the car, foregoing (sp?) the loan payaments. Eventually the loan company told him that a recovery company would be by to pick the car up. He took the car to a large open field, doused it with gasoline (where have I read that before) and set it on fire. Boasted about it at work. Claimed that since the car was gone, he didn't have to pay the loan payments anymore. He was very surprised to find out that, not only did he not have a car, the insurance would not pay for the loss, but he had to keep making loan payments for a car he destroyed!
  4. I do not believe there are any, unattractive, young men posting in this thread. Old unattractive men, perhaps! I don't mind any men that are, who have the good fortune to be.
  5. What surprised me on my trip to Thailand this year, the immigration officer put the entry stamp on the same page as the entry and exit stamp from last year. Usually it was, open to any page and stamp there. They were so all out of order, when I exited one time, the immigration officer looked through my passport then said I did not have an entry stamp. I had to find it for him! He then stamped me out.
  6. I have had an 80% return before. Gave a guy $100.00, got an $80.00 return! ???? OK, OK, I'll go away quietly.
  7. I can't claim an immigration officer never stamped my passport, but I can claim that a wrong date was stamped. My wife had booked my flight from the U.S. and had me leaving 28 days after arrival in Thailand. On departure, immigration told me that I was 3 days overstay. They would only go by the date stamped in my passport. When I gave the officer the ticket showing when I arrived in Thailand the officer looked at it briefly, gave the ticket back, and then told me, 3 day overstay 1500 baht! P. O.'ed, my wife when she found out and she called to complain to her cousin (an immigration officer) after I returned to the U.S. but he said it was too late to do anything about it. As an aside, I miss the good old days, when my wife had relatives working in immigration, before fast lanes. One of her relatives would meet me as I deplaned and walked me through to the diplomatic immigration process area. Strangely enough, the first time that was done, the diplomatic process area was through a door, into a short hallway that led to a stairway up to the baggage claim area. I think that was shortly after Suvanabhumi Airport was built. There were no signs on the door. I guess you had to know which one to go to.
  8. Two weeks ago when I and the family paid for an extension, we left that part of the form blank. Immigration had no problem with it. I have no idea what may happen this week or next week though.
  9. I can understand not wanting to go up those stairs. I am either still recovering from hyperparathyroidism after a parathyroidectomy in Aug 2019, or I have am having a reoccurrence of hyperparathyroidism. Regardless of which of the two above it is, climbing stairs like those for the flyover is difficult and leads to shortness of breath and some light headedness. Before the surgery I came near passing out a few times after getting up to the top. Needed to sit down for a few minutes while breathing heavily. Now just need to sit down occasionally for a couple of minutes.
  10. I married a Thai woman in Thailand in 1990 or 1991. About 2 years later in the U.S. she told me she only wanted that green card and was going to leave me when she got it. Here it is 2022, she has a Restaraunt and earns a lot more money than I do! Now she gives me money each month and I am still waiting for her to leave me!
  11. Thank you. That asks for covid information that was provided in a letter from BCBS last year when we went to Thailand. I can contact BCBS and send them that form. BCBS Federal Employees Plan would also cover me for any other medical illness, the same coverage given to U.S. Embassy employees that have the plan and work in Thailand.
  12. Regarding health insurance. I have Blue Cross, Blue Shield (BCBS), Federal Employees Health Insurance (retired U.S.A. govermenment employee), that covers me in all countries, includeing Thailand. Is this insurace acceptable for long term stay, e.g. 3 to 12 month stay? It was acceptable with the appropriate letter specifying covid coverage. If it is acceptable, would I need a letter from BCBS specifying what kind and how much coverage? With the covid letter, there was no coverage limit.
  13. Along the FBI advice to run, hide, fight, the facility where my wife's restaurant is that has a little over 100 individual business', in the United States, had an active shooter exercise. It was run by the local police department. The, alleged, police officer active shooter was armed with an AR15 (no, it wasn't an assault rifle) that was loaded with mini paint balls. Being shot with one you would know you were hit. It hurt and raised a small welt. The shooter walked in the back door, you could hear some shots from the rifle he had. We had been instructed that the first thing to do was run from the sound of the shots and try to leave the building. If unable to leave the building then hide. If unable to hide, the last thing we were told to do was fight! I ran in the direction of the shots. Saw the "police officer shooter" walking down an aisle occasionally shooting his rifle, and hid until he walked by. He shot 3 people he found "hiding" before he reached me. Less than 5 minutes had passed. As he walked by me, I pointed my, finger gun, at his head and shouted bang! He turned quickly and I shouted bang again and yelled head shot, you are dead! What was the police officer shooters reaction? He said, you can't have a gun, this is a no gun zone!?!? I said you are supposedly an active shooter in a no gun zone too! You are still supposed to be dead from a head shot! ... He then shot me in the stomach with his AR15 paint ball gun (which could still shoot real bullets after changing out the bolt). The police officer shooter then went on with the active shooter exercise drill that lasted about 45 minutes! Even though he was shot dead!!
  14. I think I need more coffee. I opened this link because I read, "Banana Feeding Alligator" ...
  15. Happy day! Flight from Chiang Mai not canceled!
  16. I'm stuck in Chiang Mai because of the Nok Air crash in Chiang Rai. ???? . My flight has been canceled. OK, I lied, wife found an alternate way back to BKK. That aircraft could have hydroplaned due to the rain. A plane I was on years ago may have hydroplaned on landing. It turned sideways a few degrees before catching abruptly and straitend out. I was on a DC-3 when I was 10 or 11 that crashed. Plane took off from the airport, wheels went up, then sudden quiet. No idea why both engines shut down and plane lost all power. Pilot made a hard left U turn and made it back to the runway. Naive little idiot I was at that age, thought the crash itself was exciting. The screaming and panic during evacuation freaked me out though.
  17. What is a "homestay" as referenced in this thread? I looked on the internet and found a description of someone who owns a residence but rents out to paying guests. I guess like when I rented a room in someones house, from the owner who lived there. But, 30 people? That sounds like a hotel. Is a hotel a "homestay"?
  18. Thanks. I had no clue that CW was the Bangkok immigration office.
  19. Bangkok immigration office then.
  20. What immigration office is "CW" and where is it?
  21. No, not all. The hearing aids I was given hang over the back of my ear, with a wire / tube that goes over the top and into the ear canal. Gets tangled up with my glasses when I take them off and I have to put the hearing aid back on. Even worse tanglement with the mask. These are not cheap hearing aids either. $2500.00 each!
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