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Posts posted by modafinil

  1. Every time I pass this roadsign I wonder why it's there. It's on the road going from Thalang to Cherngtalay.


    What makes this sign silly is that 600m after the roadsign, there is a crossroads complete with traffic lights. If you turn right here, you end up cruising around Laguna Phuket. Good luck getting to Surin or Kamala beaches from here, unless you are travelling by boat! To have any chance of getting to Kamala or Surin, you actually have to turn left here, and keep going until you reach the T-junction, another 500m.


    I cannot imagine how the sign-writers thought that this sign would be helpful to tourists or Thais.




    silly roadsigns.jpgsilly 2.jpg

  2. Just now, Bureaucrat said:

    You must be another Daily Mail reader there quite a few of them here, who are like most Tories total in denial. Perhaps you should upgrade to reading The Sun it suits your intelligence more. SO SORRY LORD MODAFINIL FOR MAKING A TYPO. That's the brand name of a major anti psychotic is it.?


    OK, you win :) I concede defeat, you made some fine points. Have a nice evening.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Bureaucrat said:

    Sorry to have to break the news to you the referendum leavers lied to the public to get a favorable result. They promised there would be a 350,0000 a week saving for the NHS and  Nigel Farage told us barefaced on camera it was a lie. How can this be treated seriously it's a farce.



    Your post has nothing to do with my post. Did you mean to quote me, or somebody else?


    The Remain campaign had the overwhelming support of politicians, the media, economists, foreign leaders and more, and it still lost. Leave wasn't supposed to win. Are you suggesting that Farage single-handedly defeated the entire political establishment of the UK?


    And what is this talk of £350,000/week saving? That would be £18 Million a year, well yes since the NHS budget is over £100 Billion a year, I think that savings target might be achievable. You do know that £18M is 0.02% of £100 Billion, don't you?


    You probably meant to reply to somebody else. Edit: I see you have added an extra zero, but you are still way off. Farage promised an extra £350M a week.

  4. 1 minute ago, Grouse said:

    It's not arrogance at all. It's how a representative democracy is supposed to work. You elect an MP who will represent the best interests of all the constituents. You want a plebiscite on everything? The masses always know best? Nonsense. We would have hanging and no doubt burning st the stake!!!


    Rubbish. Switzerland is widely recognised as one of the most successful countries in the world. Last year they had 16 referendums.




    The Swiss don't have a death penalty, unlike the representative democracy of the USA. The Swiss masses seem capable of making excellent decisions for their country. Are you claiming that UK citizens are too stupid to be directly involved with the running of their country?



  5. 25 minutes ago, jpinx said:


    Interesting links, thanks.



    The first two sentences of your first link provides some food for thought -




    The EU referendum: how did Westminster constituencies vote?

    tl;dr version: 421 out of 574 English and Welsh Westminster
    constituencies probably voted to Leave









  6. 15 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


    with the relatively small majority voting for Brexit I would think that among England's many constituencies there would

    be a fair number of NO to leave the EU ones

    MPs from those might survive


    You make a good point, although even in "NO constituencies", a vote against Brexit could be seen as undemocratic. Only in cases where a large majority voted NO would an MP be relatively safe from retribution.


    I expect Labour MPs with working class constituencies to be the most at risk. A vote against Brexit now would be seen as proof that their MP no longer represented their interests, and they would be eviscerated for their choice at the next election.


  7. My passport has one Single Entry Tourist Visa from my home country, followed by 2 back-to-back Single Entry Tourist Visas from Vientiane, Laos.


    Am I likely to have any problems if I go back there a third time to get another Single Entry Tourist Visa?


    The other possibility is going to Penang, but the flights are more expensive and the visa run vans are deadly (3 dead last week on the way to Penang).


  8. . Right go back and look properly at his mugshot.he is well over the 1.7 mtr mark.i know 1.8 mtr is 6ft as I was a brickie for over 35 years.and I said nearly 6ft.aint you lot got nothing better to do than come out with cr?? .....try an apology unless your Thai then just go save face.

    Well over 1.7? 1.7 isn't even showing in the photo. Seems you have been short changing people for over 35 years

    The Duke of Udon is a professional builder, and deserves a little more respect. A real pro can make accurate visual measurements without resorting to a tape measure.

    Look at the quality of the workmanship of this house he built last week:


  9. I'm not sure what kind of account it was, but the balance was probably under 1000 Baht, so that explains why the account was closed.

    Thank you for the tip about the normal ATM card for 200B! Is there an annual renewal fee with the 200 Baht card, do you know? I remember paying 500 Baht (I think) for a couple of years to "reactivate" my card - no doubt they tricked me into paying for the overpriced card when I opened the account.

  10. I am working in Thailand - I have a Non-B visa and a Work Permit. My company has been paying me in cash, but I've decided to open a Thai bank account for my salary.

    I used to have an account at Kasikorn, but when I visited today they told me my account was closed due to inactivity. They told me I needed to deposit 10,000 Baht, and pay them 800 baht for an ATM card.

    Are there any banks that do not charge for an ATM card?

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