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Posts posted by ALLSEEINGEYE

  1. Even as we speak, prices are going up in Soi Cowboy. Yet, I hear the girls complaining that it is quiet. My personal response to the higher prices is to go less often.

    When the mamasan tells me I have not been in much, I say too expensive now. I doubt she got my point.

    you can thank the guy that has bought up many of the bars there and has turned them into rip off bars.

    Locals know not to go into them but you can rip off an unsuspecting tourist at least once.

    Same thing that happened in Patpong, the internet is out there. People will learn where to go and where not to go.

    The problem is some of these operators are just buying up certain venues to launder their money and don't care what effect it has on the other businesses in the area.

  2. then authorities should do their job by protecting the public from this nutter. No way should she be allowed on the streets (this is not her first incident apparently).

    The authorities should also make sure she is getting the proper treatment in an institution and not running amok in public.

    How long before she uses her car as a weapon and innocent people are killed?

    Easy for them to try and save face by blaming other people.

    Do you job and protect society!!!

  3. Anyone that thinks this is specific only to Thailand does not have their eyes open.

    Big business has the power to ruin your life in almost every corner of the planet.

    The developed West is no exception. They have the money, and therefore the politicians behind them.

    The average guy doesn't stand a chance.

    good luck to you Andy, you got balls and integrity.

    Boycott National Fruit Company. Name and shame all of their subsidiaries.

    Loss of revenue is the only way to affect the attitudes of these sociopaths.

  4. It is indeed a bleak day in America, when the choices come down to Hillary (a $35 Arkansas street gal) and Trump (a $50 NY street guy). Both are bad choices. On the one hand, you have a democrat who is compromised on every level, in the pocket of corporate America, and does not know integrity if it hit her in the face. On the other hand you have a racist, xenophobic nationalist, who has anger management issues, thinks he is the greatest person who has ever lived (he might admit Jesus was better, but not really sure of that), would not ever know when he was wrong, would be second only to Obama, when it comes to surrounding himself with sycophantic, inferior counsel, and would insist on turning the US into even more of a warmongering nation, that embraces hate, division, racism, and the quaint notion that somehow life was better when the country was populated with primarily white people (even though most were from immigrant families).

    It must be a difficult day in the life of Dangerous Don, when he has to cooperate with the Republican party leadership in order to attain his prize of being the most famous and the most powerful man on earth.

    I agree with a lot of what you say with a few exceptions/clarifications

    1) every US politician is in the pocket of Corp America. Only outlawing all forms of lobbying and dealing with it for what it truly is, illegal bribing of corrupt politicians, will begin to put an end to this.

    2). The only way Trump would ever admit that Jesus was better than him would be to get the relion voters to buy his BS. Deep down he thinks he is superior to Jesus too.

    3). Trump would never admit when he wa wrong, never has never will.

    4). All (not most) white people are immigrants (from immigrant families) to North America. And all of Trump's wives were/are immigrants.

    The only reason they are likely trying to deal with the Donald now is that he will have to choose a VP soon and they are trying to position for that now that they know they have no shot at the party nomination.

  5. Not sure if this cop was actually trying to do an honest good job (although I really have my doubts as I see many others here do) but I really have trouble having any sympathy for anything bad that happens to any cop in Thailand after living here for 13 years.

    I really try not to paint everyone with the same brush but honestly the first thing that came to my mind when I read this was sum num na.

  6. Love it when people are so-called disgusted but still bothered to visit the place... whistling.gif

    I've always firmly refused to go, I don't need to see it first (and pay 500thb!) to conclude it's a sham(e)...

    Sometimes it is useful to go there - especially if you are forewarned and for-armed.

    however I took my camera and got some useful photos including one of the abbot poking a tiger in the balls with a stick.

    What I find so worrying is people who go there for a few hours and come away thinking they are in a position to make a judgement on the place.

    It takes a lot of research and reading to even begin understand the various issues surrounding the place.

    I don't see how it is useful to pay 600 bath to help support these scumbags unless you were from national geo and were writing this report.

    Maybe you should also buy some ivory, shark fin soup, and a gorilla hand ashtray just so you know what you are talking about??

    I don't need to go buy a black market kidney or baby to know it's wrong!!!

  7. What is it with these so called Monks - who is protecting them ?

    I would guess that it is not amulets protecting them but the good old Baht.

    Yet another example of the hypocrisy of religion.

    Their mantra is to live without material things and wealth, yet every week you here of the greed of their leaders.

    Across the board, every religion is BS. Can't believe so many still fall for their BS in this day and age.

  8. Sukhumvit around soi 11 to soi 3 & 4 is terrible too.

    Until they make 1584 and effective complaint service and then enforce the complaints then this will never change.

    13 / 14 years ago when they had the big enforcement on taxi's for not using their meters, the problems of no meters was almost non existent.

    Over the last 3 to 4 years it has steadily gotten worse as the drivers know they can get away with it.

  9. everyone should just boycott these scumbags anyway. Just use grab taxi of other options.

    Just think how much traffic would be reduced if these scumbags weren't driving around all the time just looking to rip people off. If you won't pay what they're trying to extort out of you they just keep driving and causing more traffic jams.

    Then they stop in the middle of traffic to negotiate some ridiculous fee from tourists while all of the other people in traffic have to wait for them.

    Just think of how nice it would be to drive down the side streets if these vermin weren't blocking up both sides of an already narrow road so that they could extort some unsuspecting tourist as he leaves his hotel.

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