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Everything posted by ALLSEEINGEYE

  1. Can you please be more specific about the location of the condo building? I just want to know which area to avoid, yeah that's it avoid
  2. Someone will pocket a lot of tea money here
  3. There is nothing unforeseen about this, there clearly defined vessel entry safety protocls in place to avoid this type of accident from happening. properly aerate the space and test the air before entering.
  4. face blacklisting and deportation.....or pay 50k and walk away
  5. Oh thank God he has been re-assigned!!! No possible way for him to rape anymore kids now. Great job of protecting your children Thailand!!! (sarcasm)
  6. Clearly he is FBI (female Body Inspector)
  7. It is easy to look at this and say "Oh the Thai Justice system" but let's face it. This is exactly the same in every developed country in the world too. White collar criminals crimes generally affect hundreds if not millions of people some times, often ruining lives and families. Blue collar criminals crimes typically have very few victims sometimes no victims at all ie. marijuana or other petty crimes, yet these poor people or many times given the harshest penalties allowed while the whitee collar criminals get a fine or are never held accountable at all. Two tiered just system for sure but not when it is a rich priveleged "see you next tuesday" being charged. If they do get charged then they all contract the same elite accountability illness and end up with house arrest at best. It is truly time for a revolution against these elites on a global scale.
  8. Actually didn't he flee Thailand for 6 months right after he bulldozed the soi 10 beer gardens in the middle of the night, beating up all the security guards and ransacking everyones business without notice? To protect himself he then started giving up names of cops on the take. I do not wish cancer on anyone, I lost both of my parents to it when I was young as well as many other dear friends and family since then, but this guy was no sweet heart. In my books he is a rat and a scumbag that screwed over far too many people to count. I will shed no tears for him.
  9. So the staute of limitations for meth is 20 years? Am I correct the the statute for the red bull guy killing a cop is running out soon? I know many of his charges have already ran past the staute of limitations. So possession of meth is a longer statute of limitations than killing a cop while coked out of your head? That can't be right....???
  10. Then why is it the the US still has the highest, or very close to the highest (depending where you look) incarceration rate in the world? I guess they don't let everyone go, do they?
  11. and Thailand is only 44 on the global crime index?
  12. Time to start taxing all religious organizations. They are a businesses like anything else. And they are meant to stay away from politics .
  13. was a good segment on John Oliver about Boeing recently as well. Give it a watch
  14. The MAGA cult will use anything they can to try to divert attention and focus away from where it really should be, A criminal con man cult leader and an immoral lying party with no platform other than fear, hate and lies. Wake up humans!!!!
  15. A bit odd that they feel it necessary to report almost every article of clothing he was wearing right down to the high tops (which is completely useless info) but fail to mention the most important article missing....a HELMET!!!!
  16. Nowhere in the 14th ammendment does it say "a person that is found guilty of insurrection" it clearly says "any person that engages in insurrection" Almost every person in the world aleady witnessed him engaging in insurrection with our own eyes. Let's see if the Supreme court has enough morals and integrity do see justice done here.
  17. Exactly, Just the kind of facts you will never hear from the FOX lying propaganda network. Biden has deported 3.5 times more illegal immigrants then Trump. 350% more!!! But I'm guessing the MAGA cult isn't too good at math facts either. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden
  18. Haha, if anything it just confirms the image that people have of them
  19. Might need to bring Batman and Robin in to solve that riddle, maybe use the Bat computer?
  20. My American friend said that no matter what I say , he will support Trump because Trump is good for American MAGA!!! I asked him, so do you think it is good that Trump spews out Top Secret Nuclear Sumbarine capabilities to just anyone so that he can feel big? How strong does that make USA when their most powerful secrets are shared willy nilly? My friend did not have an answer for that one.
  21. The Hamas attack on Israel was done for 1 reason, to derail the upcoming peace deal with Saudi. They knew full well what would happen after that barbaric attack on Israel. Of course it is always the civilians that suffer from what these sick greeedy leaders do, and there is enough of that on both sides here as far as I can tell. Hamas needs to be shut down, and unfortunately as long as they keep using their citizens and hostages as human sheilds the death rate will continue to rise. Let's all hope for and end to this soon.
  22. It's just insane that the cult followers keep blaming the left for Trumps lies. Trump goes on tv make all his threats and often many confessions too, but when the left points to these VDO taped lies then the right says the left is lying about it. Every time I've had a discussion with the MAGA cult followers and they bring up one of their endless bogus talking points, I go online and do a fact check and prove them wrong to their face. They then will say oh I don't care about that point (even though they cared enough to bring it up) then they move on to the next point and the scenario repeats until they often get mad enough to either storm away or threaten violence (i'm no slouch that that hasn't worked in their favor yet).
  23. Are you trolling or actually serious? Thailand usually has the highest road death rate per capita year on year, so yeah, it happens pretty darn often here.
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