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Everything posted by smew

  1. unbelievable: " It was decided that the cord had broken perhaps due to wear that could not be ascertained with the naked eye" To promot safety: I will tell all my firends who will and will not listen DO NOT JUMP DO NOT USE ANY BUNGEE JUMP FACLITIES IN THAILAND
  2. most of these sheep putin followers alcoholics would be a detriment to the russian army any way.. go back to russia join army and Ukraine will win the war sooner
  3. Wow only 10 BiB to solve this heinously unbelievable crime... dungeon for the rest of her life…
  4. so now also will need to have training for BIB how to use it for their advanatge and yet have another possibility of BiB to make extra tea money
  5. I bet now, Thai BiB are thinking!!: how can we make money on this new law. Every new law is an oportunity for criminals to make #$ on the side. So, anarchy we should have or do we already have it in Thailand ??
  6. thery can not do it so they are jealous
  7. shame ... and sad as it is only getting worse reflection of thai economy
  8. Living with Thai girlfriend and doing this ???: he should have had a check up from the neck up first to assess his cognitive skills
  9. absolute power leads to absolute corruption and feeling of impunity from any form of punishment: ex> Kimjoun ung, Xi, Stalin , Htler, Franco, Musolini & Putin... and the list goes on...
  10. low IQ transport agent enticed by easy cash... long rest in jail and it should be publicized as much as possible to be a deterrent to countless other transport agents
  11. yes it will, as it becomes a cummulative effect of all other costs, double pricing, headches and unexpected regulations, it was 200/day for driving with no licence now it is 33usd per day......
  12. bad publicity is better than no publicity... and people will do anything to get it " one crowded houur of semi glorious life is worth an age without a name"
  13. more dog attacks to come but with more disastrous and grevious endings
  14. BIB must love it, more tea money. Once the word gets out it will effect tourist numbers
  15. Thailand hand picked finests in action again
  16. What can be said about BIB a presistent quality police work..
  17. putins agent on a special military operation
  18. Years in the making, Thailand must have a great mad Soi dig time action plan,,,, implementing is the big issue here…
  19. Farangs did it…. easy, as always Thais believe someone else is responsible
  20. Funny, Thai guys drive/run around with guns loaded and no one does anything ....
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