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Everything posted by smew

  1. yes, agree an dsee you point ... delayed comprehension !
  2. take away the $$$ and see how long she'll lasts by your side..... 3 months max.. and on with the next
  3. another promise: file it under and wait your turn for action : soi dogs/noisy motorbikes/beach scams/children driving motorbikes//dirty beaches//double pricing//... and all previous promises ....how many did I miss
  4. 28-year-old Ms Zi Yu Wang, soon to be an un- successful Tik Tok influencer in Thailand. These scum-influencers make money by extorting freebies from hotels , restaurants and other businesses and as long as Utube/tiktok etc is will in to pay them they will make up stories, attracting viewers by shocking and made up fake news, more shocking the news the more viewers it will have and more $$$ for them.. Kick her out and she will make up even more fake news. Convince Utube // tik tok etc not to pay these people and we will have a better place to live... !!!!
  5. tik tokers earn money for generating fake publicity and hits, so whatever sells and earns money
  6. Thai people only see until the end of the day , never long term plans
  7. scum, but why get yourself into this situation in first place,,,,approach bank and they will assist if you have real security
  8. Why was the tree there?... guilty as charged!!! cut it down.. bring more travelers !!!!
  9. travel document are confiscated when suspect is on bail
  10. for the camera and what happens behind the the cameras
  11. wow... just sold your country over to the chinese..
  12. Heard it all before: large crack down on: Soi dogs, beach jet ski scams, noisy motorcycles, trucks without mufflers …..just another info scam
  13. Now we see the real people here
  14. You become the person you associate with the most
  15. Let us hope he invites all the russian from Phuket to join the russian army and takes them all with I’m on his way back
  16. As per this standard half govern. employees should be in jail Wow.. little excessive... and the guy( 1.5yrs ago) who killed 2 women gets 10yrs and released after 4 and kills again
  17. Like I posted and said earlier.. ex boyfriend did it.. next case pls
  18. he pays them to be with him... but the amount is different
  19. Silly man, after 19yrs still a sucker ...so Thais are victims as well.....
  20. "unemployed investigator" says: an intruder was jealous previous boyfriend
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