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Everything posted by smew

  1. other international schools ?
  2. investigate and perform chemical castration if confirmed beyond any doubts
  3. Never enough and remember the group is getting larger in membership
  4. BiB promptly assessed that it was not the sign issue but tourists attempting suicides. Case solved l.
  5. Very simple: donate large quantities of dollars into foreign accounts.
  6. Yes, he is sick of being in jail… and sharing a cell with 25 other inmates… no just a joke, a private well equipped and AC cell
  7. Quality supervision by qualified professionals… TIT
  8. Seems, you never been to Russ land …. Only old people are not thieving…. Too slow
  9. Travel through Russia and then make those statements
  10. All the previous posts people are full of sh.. Obviously, never traveled in Russia, thieve rings everywhere, airlines the worst, form checkin to last baggage handler , they have certain ways of signaling which suitcases should be checked in details depending on how the destination tags and those little bar code stickers are placed. Police, it is a lost time, nothing will be done. Avoid transit Russia. Worked in Kazakhstan and had to travel via Moscow shermietov or Doma vnukova airports. Never wear expensive looking watches or clothes or suitcases that look expensive… land of mafia from top to bottom….
  11. Running away. Maybe he thought they were coming to enlist him for Ukrainian war. Nooo most likely drunk.
  12. It is all a fake …ER nurses remove all your necklaces and chains etc when you are submitted to hospital emergency ….readership was down so let’s come up with a fake story….
  13. Fake and more fakes … anyone writing about such things is a fake trying to gain readers
  14. Pitt bulls are top of the top psychopaths of the dog world... chemical castration... i s the only solution for this breed
  15. just about a month or so ago, police saved two pitt bull puppies(ugly as hell),,,, so now they have grown and already killed some one.. control of soi dogs ..I see, another project never to materialize.. who need these dogs??>>people who have no self esteem and want to prove something to everyone...?? chemical castration and in few years no more pitt bulls..
  16. Simply impossible, as most regular returnies have changed destinations, not a chance in hell by 2024.. maybe by 2026
  17. RIP: Did they say Muslim a religion of peace by any chance? Anger, and more anger TiT
  18. more confusion, as no one really buy duty free on arrival, at least I only see very very very few pepole buyin duty free on arrival
  19. maybe wanted to be arrested and long jail term rather than going back to russia and drafted for war with Ukraine
  20. you musat have seen the only ones that buy within Thailand, most of the check-ins with very slim suitcases I have seen during my time at airports. VAT rebate line ups not too many of them...
  21. This was known since the very early stage, so why was TAT promoting Chinese visitors .. when they buy nothing and go to exclusively Chinese-run establishments, local businesses get fat ZERO
  22. booze and anger/// great combination
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