Reality finally is hitting home, their arrogant approach to foreigners hope will change, but the recovery will be slow. People discovered other better priced places for vacations with better treatment and stronger appreciation
Eliminate double pricing, equal treatment by BIB police
Why expats being pulled over while a +/- 13yr olds drive by without a helmet right under the nose of BIB and nothing not a care in the world: ?? no revenue possible.
RIP young man.
My guess: while he was in Germany his wife had a boyfriend and now wanted to end bcs husband is back. Boyfriend decides to eliminate husband.
very very common to see people riding on motorbikes and scrolling through their mobiles.. no matter how much you preach some idiots will do it on and on... until..
Good luck.
Now , my suspicious side:
Donating is great, but ths is Thailand and just maybe, another scam. I know it is not an appropriate comment. But sorry, been taken for a ride too many times starting from a car to house etc repair men.
Cops in Thai jails: usually transferred from jail to jail few times and released when public attention disappears.
Why these are these icture people giving thumbs up? or is he the victim?, if so then he survived and cop still got 25yrs.
Thailand construction approach: profits/cost above safety..some years ago: at a 5 Start PUkhet Hotel a tourist gets electrocuted at a swimming pool: BKK two young men electrocuted at a hotel's swimming pool ...examples are endless ....Simple: shabby workmanship and no or poor or faked inspections....