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Everything posted by smew

  1. shoot them on th e spot and wait for more tourists to come
  2. I could be arrested for cutting my house lawn grass
  3. it will do wonders if leasks out to outside media...
  4. poor, guy somehow feel sorry for him.. just living his life and contributing, in a small way, to his new country...
  5. wifi signal propagates beyond cafe boundaries... so it is fee for all.. what he watches is his choice... harassing people no good will get him in trouble sooner or later
  6. Useless moron and an idiot and he has 20 mill other morons following him unbelievable..!! What is this world coming to.
  7. bravo...BRAVO !!!!!; great move maybe now few people being bitten.. BRAVO !!!! chemical castration next !! I love dogs and we have one, but we take care of it all the time...
  8. IMPOSSIBLE to implement and would become a legal nightmare totally overloading judicial system
  9. .. politely speaking: what medicine are you taking ?.. let me tell you..not enough or way too much...
  10. nothing but talk and again more talk and more savage attacks and more talk....... seen this since firrst time to LOS in 2001 ...nothing will be done unless trhere is some tea money for BiB
  11. he should consider himself very lucky since it was only 360K.. forget and move on or it will eat you alive and drive you crazy...
  12. guilty before judged, wow... you must be from russia, north korea, iran or venezuela
  13. it will eventually be judged as suicide...give it some time...
  14. On March 6, 2024: mother discovered this an d waited until now!? Something fishy with this claim. To be waiting 6 months, seems long, yes: some decisions take time. Wa s there a previous contact mother to the acused teacher ?.. maybe ?, should be investigated!
  15. RIP: russkie inflicted defensive wounds on himself to confuse the investigators...but as sure as there is tomorrow, the conclusion will be... yes: you got it suicide..
  16. Would not have been apprehended had he been purchasing genuine products and not the chinese copy junk. He will be getting injections but from the bottom end for a while now. Moral of the story, buy real med supplies when providing services to public in general> Otherwise bad results will lead to negative publicity and eventual feedback to police. Had the result sbeen satisfactory, no one would have complained.. business as usual.
  17. tea money will solve all th e current and future problems
  18. it is nice... that is all that can be said ///\\\
  19. how many more adults and children will die before Thailand seriously addresses this issue..
  20. sarcasm is the lowest form of humor !!
  21. YES , agree: BBK Air and Thai Air, other airlines operating here in LOS are fake and fake their maintenance books. Thai maintenance approach is: as long as it starts and runs it must be good..
  22. Now we know why 7 Hong Kong tourists perished just recently in a small plane crash outside of BKK.....!!
  23. what a joke: renowned tourist family friendly country: soi dogs attacking yet again !! In related news, a pit bull was found abandoned in the heart of Hat Yai, dehydrated, weak, and unable to move. Rescuers discovered it infested with ticks and emaciated. Fortunately, a kind-hearted individual has already come forward to offer the dog a new home. And this dog will be released back to the street as soon as the new "responsible owner" gets tired or bites him/her
  24. What a joke: renowned family-friendly reputation? where have you been?: >>> soi dogs attacking children, noisy motorbikes every where, dirty beaches and water, double pricing and angry angry people !!
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