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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. Ok so I have switched my phone to 'dtac' and left it there for a few days now... phone is working normally. My concern is that I am roaming... always... is this a problem? When I switch to DTAC roaming goes away. Ive probably pulled 700mb roaming over the last 3 or 4 days...

    Sent from my GT-I9500

    What is your concern? You do not pay extra for data roaming. This is probably viewed as a benefit?

  2. Presumably if restaurants COULD do this yield management they would.

    They do. The fact that you remain blissfully unaware of this probably says more about you than you might be aware.

    Restaurants sell many things: food, service, ambience, prestige, wine, excitement, novelty, and a seat.

    They try to 'yield' as much revenue from each customer as possible.

    They have "Specials" and other items which might sell out, and/or otherwise be unavailable. They offer promotions, discounts, early-bird specials, day-of-week specials, loyalty rewards/programs, bonuses, free parking, etc.

    While every customer might get the same seat in the restaurant, more or less (romantic table with a view might require a reservation), they each probably pay a different overall price for their "meal"

    I'd submit that most modern customer service oriented businesses practice some form of yield management.

    ** Full Disclosure: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned/operated/managed a restaurant. I have eaten in one.
  3. May be slightly off topic but for solo international flights. Little notice. Less than four days. Thai air rocks my world.

    Last minute empty seats are not at a premium. They are trying to fill empty seats. I've flown 6-7 times one way and round trip under these conditions and always dirt cheap. 25-35% cheaper than 14-30-60 day notice.

    Just a heads up for those flexible w travel and flying solo.

    Can you share any details?

    Routes/dates/prices at 14-30-60 and 4 days?

  4. Easy to see that you probably work for the airlines.

    Oy vey. I do not work for any airline, nor have I ever done so.

    I do not have to justify anything. I am merely trying to help people understand the world they live in.

    You should feel free to conduct whatever surveys make you feel better.

    Why is it that people try to tar anyone with the insider insult here whenever they try to explain reality?

    FWIW, I've been accused of working for DTAC, and AIS, just in the past 48 hours.

  5. The pictures of dead babies and children made me angry. Assad is aware of his fate while looking at the end of Saddam and Gaddafi, so he will fight till the very end. Shame on Putin for backing him up (just verbally ?).

    Is this true???? If so, Putin will be dropping Syria (though not publicly) like a hot potato provided US and everyone assures Russia continued access to Tartus.


    "Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria"


    Can you say, Wag the Dog?

    Don't laugh. The White House is frantically putting together a strategy to sell the American public on the idea of bombing yet another far-off country.

    Somehow a song won't be enough, even "Good Old Shoe".

    Obama struggles to justify Syria attack to skeptical Americans, Congress


    At least this taking the heat off the NSA problem. Maybe the NSA could pitch in here and provide some "intelligence"?

    • Like 2
  6. That one on the left, "Twin Lotus?", is OK; I wouldn't use it every day as it seems to have industrial abrasive/grit properties. I am pretty sure it could remove the paint from any surface.

  7. What is the plan post Assad? In reading this http://world.time.com/2013/03/05/syrias-many-militias-inside-the-chaos-of-the-anti-assad-rebellion/ , if it is factual, dismantling Assad's government and leaving armed civilians with no formal military or beuracratic background means as a few have said, sharia law as the only organized system for the people to follow.

    Well the first thing we would do is appoint Paul Bremmer as Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority of Iraq Syria , and then let him disband the military. Then maybe begin a frantic search for chemical weapons?

    We're Americans, we don't need a plan (for anything after we invade/destabilize/bomb). Shoot first, ask questions later.

    • Like 1

    To sum up where we seem to be headed, as it is apt to be seen in many parts of the world:

    One dark-skinned Muslim with an Arab name kills two American soldiers. He is put to death.
    A second dark-skinned Muslim with an Arab name kills thirteen American soldiers. He, too, is put to death.
    A white Christian-American soldier kills sixteen Muslim civilians—three men, four women, nine children. His life is spared.
    For an American soldier to be executed, the sentence of death has to be personally affirmed by the President of the United States.
  9. Do you have a screen protector?


    Not sure, I haven't tried as the Android app. was just released a few days ago.


    Maybe their scanners need an update? Did they try to scan your bar-code as displayed on your iPhone? Or did they not even try? Your post is less than clear.


    I manually entered my card number, the embedded Tesco-Lotus club card scanner function didn't work on my Android phone. ( I did use a separate QR/bar code scanner app. o my phone to download the app.)

  10. Do you have the Android version or the iPhone version?


    Th android version is pretty new, maybe only a day or two old, and it FCs (crashes when viewing the weekly promotion pages) for me. Maybe not all retail outlets are up to speed on this new capability?


    The scanner did not work, but you can manually enter your card number, which then displays allowing any POS terminal scanner to scan it just as it would your card.

  11. I found it the other way around with Thai Air......... leave it to the last few days = a big discount...

    Looking at prices BKK-PER-BKK price is around 26,000 baht, booked the flight 44 hours before over the phone for 20,800 baht. Direct flight with all tax and fees.

    That was the same price as Promotion Offer with Air Malaysia but a 4 hour layover in KL.

    You've performed this exercise multiple times? You've compared the price 60 and 30 days prior to travel, and found the price at T-48 to be consistently lower?

    What fare bucket? When are you flying? TG's low season, for this route, begins 30 Sep, currently in shoulder season.

    A V fare is the currently published lowest fare for BKK-PER-BKK, 15,645 before any taxes and fees.

    In most cases, waiting until the last minute results in the highest possible fares, because those who have last-minute travel plans usually have the least price sensitivity, the lowest priced fare buckets are sold out and encouraging this behavior would be deadly for airlines.

  12. It's amazing no one has accidentally stepped on him, I know I've come close a few times.

    The first few times I thought it was dead as it always seems to be in the same spot, and is always sleeping.

    Always see lots of people, mostly women, snapping pix of said feline and holding everyone up.

  13. Do you know which train number you are taking?

    As asedecas mentions, I am pretty sure that the nearest stop would be Bang Sue Junction, ~ 10 Km SW of DMK, so an easy taxi ride. A quick review of various rtains from the south, serving Chumpon, do not appear to stop at Don Mueang Train station.

    You can check timetables here:


    click on the far right-hand column entry to display the stops.

  14. Oops, I posted in the wrong Syria thread....

    Please also see:

    Remember the Maine

    The Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Operation Urgent Fury/Invasion of Grenada

    Operation Just Cause/Invasion of Panama

    Weapons of Mass Destruction/Iraq War

    "You furnish the pictures, I'll furnish the war" (William Randolph Hearst)

    What about Indonesia and Malaysia? Technically they are democratic and Indonesia is the world's most populous muslim country.

    I'd recommend the recent documentary, "The Act of Killing" to get a feel for technicalities.

  15. That MiFi device does support AWS (1700 Up/2100-Down) and 1900 so would work with T-Mo where they have 3G and/or LTE. But that is of course a data solution only. That device would be of little use, assuming it is un-locked, and assuming it works on GSM (2G).

    Not sure what they mean, exactly, by: Account suspended after 365 days of inactivity.

    That leads me to think that you could simply revive a SIM, on an on-going, as needed basis, by paying for a 30 day plan?

  16. I do not believe there is any hard and fast "rule" that somehow guarantees one the lowest price based on advanced purchase date? For most popular international routes it is not unusual to have the lowest priced fare buckets with a 60 day APEX requirement.

    You looked at one example, out of potentially a billion, and drew a conclusion.

    I always recommend assigning a value/budget/price for an air itinerary and purchasing as soon as one's plans are firm (99%) and the price point is met.

    On soft routes even the lowest-priced fare bucket might not sell out, or there may be no APEX requirements.

    I'd submit that if you are looking at an int'l itin on TG for tomorrow that you probably wouldn't have been able to purchase on line, and any information you observed was suspect.

  17. Why can't True run cable into condos?

    We've run into this challenge multiple times. Many housing/condo/estate management companies have exclusive arrangements with internet and TV suppliers, and it is pretty much impossible to break into these properties with alternative wired/cabled options. We tried to get CAT On-Net fiber pulled into a customer where another service provider has exclusive access, and even offered a 10,000 baht "non-refundable deposit" which was rebuffed. The inference was that the property management company was receiving a lot more than 10,000 in order to maintain exclusivity.

    Regarding terminating your contract early, I would review said contract. Typically, after month six, and before month twelve, on a twelve - twenty-four month contract, one can terminate the contract if they give a certain amount of notice. The contracts I've seen stipulate 60 days notice, but with equipment rental, promotional packages and any incentivized discounting YMMV.

  18. CWMcMurray

    Thanks for the heads-up on Ready, I would definitely recommend them for visitors to the U.S. They seem to be the first MVNO which offers self-activating SIMs, and plans targeted at visitors/tourists with 3/7/14/30 day plans. They also include tethering, which some may know, is usually a feature for which one must pay extra. (Note that one may be able spoof tethering detection with a browser user agent switching app.)

    There are so many MVNOs popping up in the U.S. it is difficult to keep track of them all, so greatly appreciate you highlighting Ready for us.

    If anyone has any questions re: mobile service if traveling to the U.S. feel free to drop me a PM and I'll try to help.

    No, I do not work for CWMcMurray. Ready or T-Mobile. ;)

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