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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. I'm picturing the "Floating Organ Market" where harvesters, with their red & white Playmate coolers ply the waters selling the organs they harvested over the last few weeks. You can choose your organs, then go to a nearby hut with an operating room and arrange the transplant ("cooking style").

    Bargain shoppers can go to "wet organ markets" where the organs hang on hooks, then take them home. This is for the DIY crowd.

    I do feel sorry for the older man who ends up with the little girl eyes! "My grandpa, what small eyes you have." Of course, with these eyes you'd only be able to check out cute young males!

  2. The networks code are here (for the new 2100MHz only)

    • 52003 – AIS 2100
    • 52004 – true move H
    • 52005 – dtac 2100

    These HNIs, made up of the MCC (Mobile Country Code - 520 for Thailand) and the MNC (Mobile Network Code - XX), do not necessarily reflect which band one might happen to on at any moment given the capabilities for roaming. I could have a new DTAC TriNet HNI of 520-05, so my home network is 2100 MHz but I could be roaming on 520-18, so maybe 850 MHz 3G or even 1800 MHz GSM.

    My TrueMove H/CAT HNI is the old Hutch one: 520-00.

    I think you need to be able to drill down into the phone's service menu to determine which UMTS band might be being used at any particular moment.

    Unless one has ported out and in to a new 2100 MHz subsidiary (AWN, Real Move, TriNet), or purchased a new 2100 MHz SIM, I think it safe to say that they are not on 2100 MHz.




  3. The child disappearing/missing organ rumor used to be quite popular here a long time ago.

    Invariably it involved either someone, who's wife told him about someone she knows, who heard from someone else in Isaan, that dozens of children were disappearing, or it involves Nigerians in Bangkok, and the farang wakes up missing a kidney.

    Statements like the OPs, "Apparently this happened to another child in the area very recently. ", are giveaways. Apparently, recently...

    Maybe the natives do this to scare the farangs?

    Feel free to Google: child disappear organ site:thaivisa.com to get your fill of apparently and recently. whistling.gif

  4. Chances are that unless you purchased a SIM recently, and it was not labeled 2100, that you are not on 2100 MHz.

    Which service provider(s) are you talking about?

    1. Most phones will not display a unique 2100 MHz identifier; you'll see H, or H+

    2. I think HSPA+/HSDPA; does it matter?

    3. Some Android phones have service menues which allow one to determine which UMTS band might be being utilized. Just Google the model and "Secret code". http://www.softwaresenior.com/blog/57-samsung-galaxy-secret-code



    LTE Setting is a one click app which might take you into a service menu? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ru426.android.lte_settingforgx&hl=en then use the Menu, Select radio band.

  5. Not sure about all season but you can check here, just use "nfl regular" in the search box; shows through week 3, more or less.

    ASN (113), TrueSport 3 (103), TrueSport HD (150), TrueSport HD2 (151)

    watched Baltimore at Denver this morning in HD, Peyton Manning was impressive, also Red Sox at Yankees and U.S. Open, all in HD.




  6. Somebody get a fire extinguisher for Mr, Kerry's pants, they're on fire!
    The White House’s Syria secrets
    By Dana Milbank, Published: September 5
    John Kerry was making his “beyond a reasonable doubt” case against Syria’s Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday when he gave lawmakers a bit of faulty intelligence. “Just today, before coming in here, I read an e-mail to me about a general, the minister of defense, former minister or assistant minister, I forget which, who has just defected and is now in Turkey,” the secretary of state testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “And there are other defections that we are hearing about because of the potential that we might take action.”
    A few minutes later, Kerry revised his account: This official-sounding “e-mail” was actually a Reuters news account about a former defense minister based on a claim by the Syrian opposition. “Reuters has now said the Syrian government is saying the defection has not taken place,” Kerry said. “So who knows whether it has or hasn’t?”
    Who knows?


    • Like 1
  7. In hindsight, probably not the best SIM to buy? Just get a Freedom SIM.


    In case of the customers does not select main package after the accessing the service, the customers will get 99-Baht package for the default package and get 3G/EDGE+ for 75 MB.

    With AIS:

    - To disable EDGE/GPRS data connection: please press *129*1#
    - To enable EDGE/GPRS data connection: please press *129*2#
    - To check EDGE/GPRS data connection status: please press *129#
  8. Ah yes, the old "military advisor" role. Now where have we heard that one before? So much for no boots on the ground. whistling.gif

    U.S. considers wider training of Syrian rebels

    WASHINGTON - The Obama administration is considering a plan to use U.S. military trainers to help increase the capabilities of the Syrian rebels, in a move that would greatly expand the current CIA training being done quietly in Jordan, U.S. officials told the Associated Press on Thursday. Any training would take place outside Syria, and one possible location would be Jordan.

    The talk of expanded military training comes as President Obama appears to have achieved little headway against a wall of skepticism on Capitol Hill.

  9. I believe you would need the I9505, or I9505G (Play Store) variants in order to work on TrueMove H 2100 MHz LTE today. TrueMove H is supposedly expanding their LTE to ~ 13 provincial capitals by December of this year.


    This model would also support LTE 1800, which is what LTE is likely to be deployed on here. DTAC does have a lot 1800 MHz spectrum until 2018, so they could easily offer LTE sooner rather than later.

  10. The administration seems to trying several different tactics to sway Congress, including waiving the always scary Al-Qaeda "flag", by planting stories like this:

    Al-Qaeda’s Proxies Among Syria’s Rebels Scared by Threat of U.S. Strikes

    al-Qaeda affiliated groups that have long sided with the rebels are worried that the U.S. and its allies might use the pretext of strikes against the regime to degrade their own abilities.

    Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/09/05/al-qaedas-proxies-among-syrias-rebels-scared-by-threat-of-u-s-strikes/#ixzz2e4UNoxvO


    Kerry portrait of Syria rebels at odds with intelligence reports

    (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry's public assertions that moderate Syrian opposition groups are growing in influence appear to be at odds with estimates by U.S. and European intelligence sources and nongovernmental experts, who say Islamic extremists remain by far the fiercest and best-organized rebel elements.
    At congressional hearings this week, while making the case for President Barack Obama's plan for limited military action in Syria, Kerry asserted that the armed opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "has increasingly become more defined by its moderation, more defined by the breadth of its membership, and more defined by its adherence to some, you know, democratic process and to an all-inclusive, minority-protecting constitution.


    Hard to believe this is the same guy who testified before Congress 42 years ago?

    Some of his testimony:

    ...In our opinion, and from our experience, there is nothing in South Vietnam, nothing which could happen that realistically threatens the United States of America. And to attempt to justify the loss of one American life in Vietnam, Cambodia, or Laos by linking such loss to the preservation of freedom, which those misfits supposedly abuse, is to us the height of criminal hypocrisy, and it is that kind of hypocrisy which we feel has torn this country apart....

    We found that not only was it a civil war, an effort by a people who had for years been seeking their liberation from any colonial influence whatsoever, but also we found that the Vietnamese whom we had enthusiastically molded after our own image were hard put to take up the fight against the threat we were supposedly saving them from.

  11. Hundreds of Pages of NSA Spying Documents to be Released As Result of EFF Lawsuit

    In a major victory in one of EFF's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, the Justice Department conceded yesterday that it will release hundreds of pages of documents, including FISA court opinions, related to the government’s secret interpretation of Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the law the NSA has relied upon for years to mass collect the phone records of millions of innocent Americans.
    In a court filing, the Justice Department, responding to a judge’s order, said that they would make public a host of material that will “total hundreds of pages” by next week, including:
    [O]rders and opinions of the FISC issued from January 1, 2004, to June 6, 2011, that contain a significant legal interpretation of the government’s authority or use of its authority under Section 215; and responsive “significant documents, procedures, or legal analyses incorporated into FISC opinions or orders and treated as binding by the Department of Justice or the National Security Agency.”
  12. Barack Obama raises possibility of new legislation to curb NSA powers

    Barack Obama has raised for the first time the prospect of new legislation to limit the powers of the NSA, the US spy agency caught up in controversy over the sweep of its surveillance operations.
    Answering a question at a joint press conference with Swedish prime minister Frederik Reinfeldt on Wednesday, Obama said there were "legitimate questions" about the NSA. He said existing laws may not be sufficient to deal with advances in technology that have allowed the NSA to gather much more data than before.
  13. N.S.A. Foils Much Internet Encryption

    Published: September 5, 2013
    The National Security Agency is winning its long-running secret war on encryption, using supercomputers, technical trickery, court orders and behind-the-scenes persuasion to undermine the major tools protecting the privacy of everyday communications in the Internet age, according to newly disclosed documents.
    The agency has circumvented or cracked much of the encryption, or digital scrambling, that guards global commerce and banking systems, protects sensitive data like trade secrets and medical records, and automatically secures the e-mails, Web searches, Internet chats and phone calls of Americans and others around the world, the documents show.
  14. Secret Documents Reveal N.S.A. Campaign Against Encryption

    The N.S.A.'s Sigint Enabling Project is a $250 million-a-year program that works with Internet companies to weaken privacy by inserting back doors into encryption products. This excerpt from a 2013 budget proposal outlines some methods the agency uses to undermine encryption used by the public.

    The agency works with companies to insert back doors into the commercial products. These back doors allow the agency, and in theory only the agency, to gain access to scrambled information that it would not be able to view otherwise.


  15. So you can send SMSes to other numbers successfully? This is obviously vital to understand.

    Do you know which providers these other people use?

    You have checked with the recipients to make sure their phones are turned on?

    If you cannot send, or receive SMSes, it could be a problem with the SMSC configuration.

    Has anything changed recently?

    I assume you have a TrueMove H signal?

    I have TrueMove H, I can send SMSes.

  16. So you could send SMSes to these numbers, and then last week you could not send SMSes to these numbers?

    And you can send SMSes now to other numbers, but just not some subset?

    Is that correct?

    Are these numbers in Thailand? What service provider are these numbers on? What does the error message say, exactly?

    I assume you have a remaining pre-paid balance and validity? #123# Send,

  17. I'm not 100% certain, but I do think you may be able to cache GMaps for off-line use, with the latest version (7.1), with the "ok maps" hack. You do get a message that maps cannot be pre-loaded for this area, but I think they are being cached none the less?

    It seems like the GMaps app. cache grows each time I do this, and I get incredible detail on those areas I've cached, when I close my WiFI and mobile data connections.

    Still experimenting with this so will follow up.

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