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Posts posted by lomatopo

  1. I assume you are familiar with the restrictions on liquids? Unless you plan to pack your Jack in your checked bag, you will be restricted to purchase in the last stop (or on the plane, not sure if they have duty-free on arrival in Germany?) immediately before arriving in Germany. Based on what little information you've provided I'm guessing that would be DXB? PNH-BKK-DXB-FRA?

    I wouldn't recommend purchasing Jack in Cambodia, assuming you want genuine product, or unless you need it to remove paint.

    If you are laying over in BKK, you could buy it at BKK duty-free on arrival - there are a few shops in the arriving concourse and in the baggage claim area, and then pack it in your checked bag for BKK-DXB-FRA.

    • Like 1
  2. I have been eyeing setting up a hosted computer at nettree.co.th but have not contacted them yet - maybe in a few months. It would be nice if the co-location place gives you access to swap the drives out for others once uploads are done.

    I think most of the local hosting/seedbox service providers here allow for HDD swaps.

    Maybe have a Thai friend trawl the local tech/social forums to get a feel for the best provider for your requirements? They can use "colo" as if it were a Thai word.

  3. According to the TrueMove H support pages the APN settings for Real Move/2100 LTE are a bit different from CAT/850.

    APN type: default,hipri

    Authentication type: none

    I assume that if you have subscribed to a LTE plan (iSmart), for which there may be a 99 baht/month surcharge. This surcharge may be waived for some promotional period.

    I assume you have to enable roaming so you can roam onto the Real Move 2100 MHz 3G network, and the CAT/850 MHz 3G network?

    Again, with a properly provisioned plan and service from Real Move, coverage, a properly configured phone you should be able to get 3G/LTE. It seems like you have the most current baseband for your model, and one assumes it can interwork with Real Move's 4G/LTE.

  4. Not sure why he can't either pay attention, or step outside to satisfy his video-game fix? And then he laughs it off, which only lends to our ranking of Congress below that of used car salesmen and cockroaches and. What a doofus.


    Not hard to believe he loses at poker given his 'tells'. You can always tell when he is lying, his lips are moving. wink.png


    • Like 2
  5. Tuesday 3 September: 81 killed.
    Baghdad: 60 killed by gunfire, bombs.
    Latifiya: 10 family members by gunfire.
    Jbala: 5 by car bomb.
    Mosul: 2 in clashes.
    Basra: 1 cleric by gunfire.
    Mussayab: 1 by bomb at stadium.
    Riyadh: 1 body.
    Falluja: 1 engineer by gunfire.
    September casualties so far: 187 civilians killed.
    Gunmen kill 16 members of Shi'ite family in Iraq
    BAGHDAD | Wed Sep 4, 2013 5:11am EDT
    (Reuters) - Gunmen shot dead 16 members of the same Shi'ite family before blowing up their two neighboring homes south of the Iraqi capital overnight, police and medics said.


  6. Anyone familiar with MSFT's internal workings probably realized the NOK opportunity as soon as Ballmer's retirement was announced?

    I doubt (m)any main-streeters are trading NOK futures?

    I assume Nokia will continue with the infrastructure business, which they bought out Siemens share a few months ago?

    Some speculated months ago that once Nokia was free of its capsizing low.no-margin mobile phone business it might be able to reinvent itself.

    They could even manufacture Android phones, now.

  7. CIA finds 1 in 5 flagged job applicants come from Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda

    An estimated one-fifth of a subset of all applicants for Central Intelligence Agency positions had significant ties to the terror groups Hamas, Hezbollah and al Qaeda, a newly released document from NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s collection revealed Monday.
    And those are the ones we know about. cheesy.gif
  8. Microsoft gave Nokia $1 Billion back in early 2011 to drop Symbian and use Windows, and was paying ~ $250 Million per quarter, before any (paltry) royalties were paid back. I do not believe Nokia ever considered producing Android phones? I think this latest development is really just simply a result of Ballmer's announced retirement, and loss of a management voice?

    Maybe Nokia will go back to making rubber boots? ;)

  9. Again, most airlines use CRS systems which interface with one or more of the major GDSes. Most of the major GDSes allow one to issue a ticket today with a departure and return within the next 330 days. So assuming you want to travel next August, you will be able to issue a ticket at some point this month (September).

    There are several different strategies one can employ, but a lot really depends on the exact travel dates. If the OP wanted to share any details re: the dates on which they wish to travel U.K.- BKK and BKK - U.K., I could come up with one or more recommendations.

    Assuming a stay, in Thailand of up to 30 days, it might easiest and simplest to wait until October or November - inside the 330 day window for the return - to purchase?

  10. Google Maps: started with promise, delivering correct voice navigation as I left home.

    AFAIK, one needs a mobile data connection, even GPRS/EDGE, to support on-line GMaps.

    There may be a way to cache GMaps for off-line use. "Okay maps" does not appear to work for Thailand; it does work in some countries. I haven't messed with the old "ownhere" hack which allowed one to cache multiple 20 mile x 20 mile map squares.

    Personally, I prefer the Android/GMaps solution, but I do also have a Garmin nuvi 1300, from the U.S. and hacked for Thailand, in the car.

  11. http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/passenger-rights/air/

    Scroll down to: How to get a refund or compensation



    If a flight is delayed by five hours, passengers are additionally entitled to abandon their journey and receive a refund for all unused tickets, a refund on tickets used already if the flight no longer serves any purpose in relation to their original travel plan, and, if relevant, a flight back to their original point of departure at the earliest opportunity.

    Financial compensation
    In addition, if you are denied boarding, your flight is cancelled or arrives more than 3 hours late on arrival at the final destination stated on your ticket, you may be entitled to compensation of €250 - 600, depending on the distance of the flight:
    Within the EU
    1,500 km or less – €250
    over 1,500 km – €400
    Between EU airport and non-EU airport
    1,500 km or less – €250
    1,500 – 3,500 km – €400
    over 3,500 km – €600

    What was the cause of the delay?

  12. I think for some with straight-up data connections, using a USB aircard, MiFi, 3G router, multiple SIM's/phone numbers are not an issue.

    Regarding starting a new mobile data plan, pre-paid plans run month-to-month, typically for 12 months or ad infinitum. You can cancel a pre-paid mobile data plan at any time, without notice. In order to begin a new plan, the old plan must be cancelled. Some service providers offer USSD/SMS commands in order to cancel a plan - I seem to recall the old TrueMove did have this option (eg. send SMS to 9789, CV1), and DTAC have a free IVR cancellation option.

    Until the customer informs the service provider of a wish to cancel a plan, a new plan on an existing SIM cannot be started. How would a service provider know the customer wants to cancel unless the customer so informs them?

    It is fairly simple to call, or use IVR, SMS or USSD, to cancel an existing plan. Wait for SMS confirmation, add value, re-subscribe to a new data plan.

    For DTAC: http://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/products/Happy-internet-package.html

    How to cancel internet package services
    • IVR automated service dialhicon.pnghicon1.pnghicon0.pnghicon0.pnghicon4.pnghicon1.pngiconcall(1).pnghicon9.png (free of charge)
    • dtac call center, dial 1678 press 77 (3 Baht/call, include 7% VAT )
    • dtac service centers and dtac centers nationwide
    • Like 1
  13. John Kerry is dusting off Colin Powell's powerpoints from Feb. 5, 2003. Globally replace WMD with chemical weapons, Iraq with Syria and Saddam with Assad. Job done.

    My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. - Colin Powell

    Seriously, a lot of Congress-persons are up for re-election in 2014. Unless they can be bribed, or otherwise coerced, and without another compelling atrocity, any vote on a resolution will go down to defeat. Given our 3+ year presidential election cycle Obama's a lame-duck, already.

    Just let Iran build the dam_n gas pipeline, and let Europe have a "green" energy supply, and let's be done with this.

    • Like 1
  14. http://www.iraqbodycount.org/

    Off to a roaring start in September:

    Sunday 1 September: 73 killed
    Camp Ashraf: 52 reported killed in clashes.
    Tuz Khurmato: 6 by suicide car bomber.
    Dujail: 5 family members by IED.
    Tikrit: 3 by IEDs.
    Ramadi: 3 policemen by suicide car bomber.
    Mosul: 1 policeman by gunfire.
    Baiji: 1 policeman by IED.
    Amiriyat Falluja: 1 policeman by mortars.
    Muqdadiya: 1 by IED.

    It would have helped if some of the neo-con chuckle-heads had even a remote clue about the Shi'a - Sunni split in Iraq? And what would obviously happen once we de-stabilized the country.

    Oh well, live and learn, then forget. Rinse, repeat.

  15. Didn't they used to fly there some years back?

    From the linked article:

    TAA chief executive Tassapon Bijleveld is upbeat about Khon Kaen's potential, as the market environment has now embraced low-cost carriers, unlike TAA's previous two attempts at the market.
    FD 3250 dep.: 07:10 arr.: 08:05
    FD 3258 dep.: 18:30 arr.: 19:25
    FD 3251 dep.: 08:35 arr.: 09:30
    FD 3259 dep.: 19:55 arr.: 20:50


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