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Posts posted by smotherb

  1. 9 hours ago, rumak said:

    I also have a poor opinion of humanity in general ,  so no racism here !   Rich or poor,  brown or white, 

    all over same same.  Your good choice (or good luck) of partner/family  is not universal.  There are always

    winners and losers in life......and often one ends up with the other !  The wise men/women are those that

    learn from their experiences and try try again.

    Well, I believe I have a good family and partner; for me anyway, but they are no more than what I believe is deserved by all. However, as you say, these sorts of relationships are not universal; there are far too many unhappy unions.


    Is it luck; or do you have to make those decisions with great thought? Certainly, there was little thought behind my choice of mother, so it must have been luck. However, with my choice of wife and I believe with my son's choice of wife; we paid attention to the mistakes others had made and had good role models with which to compare.


    Your last sentence is indeed meaningful; learn from your mistakes and do better.

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  2. 2 hours ago, z42 said:

    His handling of the alleged rape on Koh Tao shows all I need to see. Setting out to kill a potential victim's credibility to paint an untrue picture of KT's credibility while pushing for arresting Thais who shared a news story is pretty abhorrent.

    He is a lackey of Prawit, says it all really

    Yeah, with that MO, maybe Trump could use him in the FBI

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  3. Every Thai woman you say? I think you're talking about a certain demographic; but certainly not all. I know several Thai women who continue to work even though married to farangs. One owns a guest house and rental properties in Ao Nang; she owned them before she met her farang. She continues to run them with his help; he only has a meager state pension. Another owned a very successful beauty shop--you have to make an appointment--when she met her farang, she continues to run it even though he is now retired, and they have been married some 15 years.


    You may say I don't know or am confused with their relationships; okay, fair enough. Then, how about my son and his Thai wife; she worked when they met and after five years of marriage still does; she doesn't expect him to support her, she loves her career. My son does not support her family and neither does she; her parents are self-sufficient. Her father and I have become friends; he knows I love his daughter as my own, and he and my son have a great relationship.


    I am simply amazed at the number of TV posters who have such a poor opinion of Thais and/or have never known a Thai without their hand out for the farang to support them. A difference may be that none of these ladies are poor or sold their bodies to earn a living.


    This  post is in response to Muzarella's post #45 which said,


    In Thailand EVERY women will expect for its husband or lovers to take care for ALL its needs.... If they are the same age or older.... If its partners are younger may be the contrary..... MONEY.....is always part of Thai people relationships in one way or another....and a priority. 

    LOVE... will be just a possibility in every case...and NEVER.... like on Western cultures.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

    Hate to break the news to you pal, but in most cultures, traditionally the man is meant to be the financial provider for the family. If ya having problems accepting that now, best to get rid of the girlfriend, cause she's not going to change her thinking.

    Or you could find a "modern" woman (aka Feminist demanding equality). However, you'd become a cuck like the western men these days as such woman have no respect for their husbands so you'd be treated as a doormat.

    So the choice is yours, do you want to be a man that can accept responsibility, or do you want to be a cuck with your wife making the decisions?

    I think you have a very limited outlook on life. Marriage is a partnership; each member has a function in the relationship. If you take on all the revenue generation, control all finances, make all decisions and leave all the daily duties to your partner; you have a sole proprietorship. Many men seem to need that control over their women. Of course, if your partner does not generate any revenue, has someone else who performs the daily duties and constantly demands her needs be satisfied; you are the cuckold. Any partner worth their salt will contribute to the relationship and do more than just spread her legs. I prefer a good-looking, intelligent, capable woman who does not need me to support her; one who stays with me because she wants to stay with me.

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  5. 17 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    They don't accept a THAI bank book with obvious foreign income coming in monthly?  thats absurd 

    Year before last, at Hatyai immigration, I was told they did not need to see my income statement--from US embassy--they just wanted to see the B65k/mo filtered through a Thai bank.


    Last year, immigration only wanted to see the income letter and did not bother to check the monthly deposits, just that we had a Thai bank account. 


    I think being absurd is the Thai immigration business model.  

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  6. 2 hours ago, pikao said:

    Popular in parts of India and Sri Lanka. The one I liked the most was a mix from Avocado, vanilla ice cream (not sure if there was also milk in it) and crushed ice blended together

    Yes, that is very similar to the way they like avocado in the Philippines. They use sweetened condensed milk and crushed ice often instead of ice cream.

  7. 20 hours ago, KneeDeep said:

    You have to buy them somewhere in between. If not, you'll need to store them, perhaps wrapped in paper, until they ripen. Not in the fridge.

    When they begin to give a little under a gentle squeeze, you can decide when you want to eat them. Once they begin to reipen, you can place them in the fridge if you've purchsed quite a few and won't eat them all in a short space of time.

    If when you go to buy them and you find they are already 'giving a little', you can flick out the remainder of the stem. If it is bright green where the stem sat, the flesh will still be bright green inside.


    You can eat it sliced into salads, slice in half, scoop out the seed and place some filling of your choice(French vinaigrette, prawn cocktail etc), mash it up with coriander, lime juice and salt to make guacamole which you can eat with tortilla chips, fried green banana chips...


    Look on-line for recipes ????

    And, avocados make a great fruit dessert or drink. They wife loves them chilled and/or frozen with condensed milk or sweetened with sugar and ice into a smoothie. Of course, you could use honey as a sweetener to make it more healthy.

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  8. 17 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Gay men dont have sex with ladyboys, Gay men are not attracted to women or someone that presents as a woman. Ask any gay man.

    Straight men have sex with ladyboys because they are basically attracted to women or someone that presents as a woman. (if it was just a matter of pursuing a penis, they would have sex with men)

    Your logic would have it that a gay man who pretends to be straight, marries a woman and fathers children etc, must in fact be straight.

    I enjoy hamburgers, I am not a vegetarian, However I have eaten a hamburger that had a vegetable patty in it, basically it was still a hamburger and I enjoyed it, I am still not a vegetarian.

    Nice analogy; although, he may be wondering how a hamburger relates to having sex with ladyboys.

  9. 1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

    Well I havent been here long enough to have anyone invite me over ????


    Too bad I do a fabulous Chicken Parm, stupendous meat balls and my Fav...Chili

    Yeah. I can understand that. When people found out what a great cook the wife was, they all wanted an invite over. So much so they openly asked when they could come to dinner. Problem was most of them; not just a few, but most of them never reciprocated. I could understand if they simply could not cook a meal, but they didn't even bring a bottle of wine; as if somehow we owed them a free lunch.  We now only do dinners for close friends.  

  10. 1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

    Funny..cooking is my hobby and I am a great cook, even under primitive circumstance. But cooking entails cleaning up. Nope. I have enough trouble keepin up with the bathroom.

    Get a maid, or at least a girlfriend who can do more than spread her legs.

  11. 2 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "...Earlier this week the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok confirmed no change to its current process..."


    Great to be Canadian, eh?


    My sympathies to the Brits and the Yanks...



    The US Embassy website still says $50 and a sworn statement--they take the word of their citizens as well as $50.


    However, bringing in enough money to cover the B65k/month is no problem for those who have it. It is just those who do not have that to spend that this will affect. Maybe the Thais have something on their minds; like get rid of those who do not spend enough here. Call it your entrance fee to the land of smiles.

  12. I have to laugh. I love all sorts of food and Thai is not bad; some of it is even really good. However, I do like my Western food. Too bad you guys cannot cook or have someone who is a good enough cook to make you good Western food.  I know, it's not always possible to get the right ingredients, but you can get close, if you know how to cook.


    Last night, the wife made a meat loaf, green bean casserole and mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy--all made from scratch, no cans, packages, or boxes here mate. That dinner was one of my mother's specialties, but my wife makes it nearly as good. It's my old friend's birthday tomorrow and she is baking him his favorite, a cinnamon carrot cake with creme cheese icing--of course I will get my share of it. 

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  13. 21 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Utter pile of rot. Yesterday I bumped into a visa agency guy I have known for years. He told me last week things looked tough. Yesterday, everything was back to normal. Has anyone here ever known a crackdown on anything to last more than a week?

    I am sure there will be fun and games, and probably payments to deal with the proof of finances issue, but nothing of substance is likely to change.

    Yeah, I talked to one of the visa agency guys a few years back about visa crackdowns and no more in-outs. Funny, he said the same thing, a bunch of rot. Seems the visa agency guys are the ones who need their customers to keep thinking they can fix things.

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