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Posts posted by Longtooth

  1. I can´t imagine that airco helps, rather it blows the particles directly into your lungs. Or do you know if ,e.g. the addition of 3M filters provides for an effective filtering?

    Yeah, I used the 3M filters that go over the foam in the aircon. It appeared they worked really well, but they are not always available to buy at Homemart and such. I sleep with an Amway big filter machine in the bedroom, with the door and windows shut. Specs say it's super good for a HEPA filter. (Probably the most expensive of the breed as well, but I think my health is worth it.) When you open the bedroom door in the morning you smell smoke in the rest of the house and outside, because your room and your nose are clear, and you can notice the difference.. Eight hours not breathing smoke has got to be a good help, I think.

  2. Thailand should take their case to the ICJ

    It's difficult to imagine that they wouldn't win the case.

    Cambodia's absurd contention of the maritime border is... absurd.


    Just a reminder about the border dispute between Cambodia and Thailand. See that yellow island that the white line runs through? That yellow island is Thailand's so it doesn't make sense that Cambodia would draw their line out like that. If you were to draw a line at the bottom right corner of the red line all the way to the bottom towards Malaysia, the connection would make sense wouldn't it? So again, why is Yingluck going to Cambodia at the invitation of Hillary and Chevron being present?

    The Cambodians didn't draw the absurd line, the French did.

    The same as they did at Preah temple, they came up with some ridiculous borderlines, but this maritime border takes the cake for its cock-eyed rendition of a border that juts out as a right angle.

    It's not called the Gulf of Cambodia.

    Lovely map here. I think Thailand is being more than fair. For a logical border area, how about a staight line from the corner where Mainland Thailand meets Cambodia at the gulf, to the corner where Mainland Thailand meets Malaysia at the gulf? It includes Thailand's island and gives Thailand credit for vastly more coastline on the Gulf of Thailand than Cambodia has. If the temple dispute is a veiled threat of war, I've got to think Thailand would win that one. French colonial power and borders set up by France during that time seem like ancient history. (Seem like.)

  3. +15c is considered a National emergency!

    Seems funny to us coming from the great white north, but with no central heating and homes made of concrete and tiles it can and does feel chilly if not down right cold at night. Showers are real torture!

    Personally I love it,laundry loads are drastically reduced during the "winter" smile.png

    I live in Chiang Rai, it's great. Giant tip... Even if you have electricity, you can buy a propane gas water heater, same wall mount size as an electric, push a button to fire off with a D cell battery built in, as hot as you like, propane (cooking gas tank) lasts an incredibly long time. About 2200 baht for the unit (+ tank + hose and reg.) It has no flue, just a vent on top, so it must be used with the window open or exhaust fan or just the normal vent blocks that are often installed in bathrooms. You could fill one of those black plastic concrete mixing tubs with really hot water and make a hot tub. Chiang Rai... "Hub of coolness."

  4. Ha ha ha - my thoughts exactly, a red dot to help their aim - I mean could the target be any larger? One shot and this could be a huge flame out. Unbelievable using a helium filled object in a 'war' zone. And they can kiss their collective asses goodbye for the USD millions they put into it. Stupid is as stupid does comes to mind. rolleyes.gif

    You didn't pay much attention in school science class did you?

    Helium is not hydrogen!

    Correct - science was not my most favoured subject - I recalled seeing the footage of the zeppelin and married the two. My mistake and thx for pointing it out. I would still stand by losing it to the ground with a tracer or similar shell thru the target though. wai.gif

    Again, one might be thinking of the "anti-alfa particle", which has the same atomic weight as an helium nucleus but is made of anti-matter. But, of course, the inside surface of the skin would need a vacuum deposition of "red kryptonite" to contain it. This would possibly explain the cost.

  5. I hope the world see the moral at work here

    Pardon a convicted criminal who hasn't even started to serve his sentence :huh:

    What would happen if a fugitive who would be pardoned under the Royal Pardon if he or she were actually residing in a Thai slammer, returned a couple of days before His Majesty's Birthday

    (or whenever the Royal Pardon would actually be enacted), served a day or two, and then became eligible for pardon under the decree? Just a legalistic, hypothetical question.

  6. Egalitarian is the french word for equality for all,

    and yet there is not a truly trustworthy coalition even then.

    Trust comes from checks and balances to keep em honest,

    not from some theoretical philosophical base to say it is so.

    Good point ^ above!

    Thailand has a lot of people who want to "check" other people.

    Perhaps what it lacks is the LEGAL system of "balances".

  7. I did not know there were so many Thai Expats living in Iceland and Denmark. I would have thought for purposes of "supervision" they would need to go to Germany, Sweden, England, Australia, or the US. Iceland too cold....wink.gif

    Yes, many, many Thai Expats live in California (Thai-town and Thai Embassy (Consulate?) in LA, a very nice Wat in Fremont, CA--- and Florida has a lot of Thai Expats. Similar climates to The Kingdom) What facts do I not know about Iceland? In my ignorance, it makes me smile.....

  8. Looks like Burma has a few planes and more on order. http://en.wikipedia....anmar_Air_Force

    I went to this site, and I am now wondering what Burma is arming up for. Its' new aircraft purchases are LARGE and RECENT. It must feel threatened, or it must feel like it might like some more territory around itself to expand its' domain. I don't know where military expenditure money comes from in The Kingdom of Thailand, but maybe, if the Kingdom could afford it, even MORE Gripen aircraft with logistic support and training would help to maintain a "balance of power", like the U.S. had with the U.S.S.R. for so many years. And also, one wonders, where does the military expenditure money come from in BURMA???? China has sold their neighbor some aggressive weapons. I'm sure the military leader/dictator of Burma is just as sane as the military leader/dictator of N. Korea, which means expect the unexpected.

  9. I must, in all honesty, say I was looking forward to reading about attacking pirate boats, armed with automatic weapons, being blown out of the water into tiny splinters. Searched and repelled, after an armed attack, is going to be a "forever job." Possibly it is another example of the political policy of NATO trying to be so correct, that the forces they oversee have their hands tied. (Possibly I should have used a stronger word than "possibly".)

  10. You could NOT get me on this thing for ANY amount of cash.

    And yes, infrastructure is MUCH more a pressing need,

    or education or sorting out the BiB or flood prevention or...

    endless list of logical things to do.

    Perhaps we're not giving Thai Engineering its' due worth. Of course it will have to be on the side of the river. Have you a mental picture of a "side-wheeler" steamboat? When the water gets high enough, they're just going to steam Bangkok to higher ground! It's actually not a Ferris wheel at all! Ah, the inscrutable East!

  11. For those wishing to help the school, this is on NorthEastern University's Campus Outreach website:

    You can pray for the NEU team and ministry by choosing the "Prayer Requests" link on the navigation menu.


    There are a lot of Christian fundamentalist farang staff there at the university, such as:

    Marc and Sherry Lewis are Georgia (USA) natives who love Jesus and the great commission. Marc's campus focus is on the Northeastern University campus in Khon Kaen. The staff team at NEU spend the majority of their time building friendships with students in order to share the gospel with them, lead them to Christ, establish them in their faith and train them to be multiplying disciples. God has begun a good work at NEU that is only the beginning and foundation of what is to come.

    This sounds like an excellent program, as long as your diploma will read: "B.A. : Specialist in Christian Evangelizing."

  12. It shows the kind of people you associate with then, ive never once seen a white male pushing drugs in Sukhumvit or causing trouble in gangs like the West Africans do, theyre the reason why i will never step into this area again in the evening.

    Pity the decent blacks suffer because of them. This company must have their reasons for taking such measures.

    While visiting or living in Bangkok, from time to time I would be approached by a Black person, just as I might be approached by a Thai or westerner. Admittedly, most of the African men who chatted me up were into some type of scam. However, I never made the assumption ahead of the conversation. As soon as it became clear it was a scam, I walked away.

    Same with Thais who hang around places like the Grand Palace. More than once I was approached, only to discover it was a scam attempt. But I always listened at the beginning, then simply walked away if it went that way. But often very nice Thai people approached me just to chat and meet an American or practice their English.

    Years ago I took one of the cruises back from Ayuttaya. The boat happened to be full of German tourists that time. Many were extremely loud and boisterous and very rude toward the Thai staff on board. But after that, I never automatically made the assumption that every German tourist I saw would be loud, boisterous and rude.

    Making decisions purely based on racial profiling is immoral. Period. That this attitude is so prevalent in Thailand is just one more reason that my respect for Thailand has diminished.

    So it appears you are saying (not implying) , that learning even a little from PERSONAL experience is immoral if it concerns racial issues. You must believe you will live to be 1000 years old if you have that kind of time to waste.

  13. This is unbelievable. I am shocked and stunned. I lean toward the red shirts, but I have to question this whole situation.

    First of all, the city is under a State of Emergency. That alone should preclud any rally. I don't support the continuation of the State of Emergency, but I certainly dont support the breaking of laws, like them or not. How does the gov''t justify allowing this rally to proceed?

    I can only think of two scenarios: 1) The gov't really is dense and has learned nothng. 2). They think the red shirts will screw up again and further damage themselves.

    Is there no rule-of-law in this country? What legal justification is there for this rally in a city under the SOE?

    Possibly they anticipate a crowd of less than "five persons"...?:blink:

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