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Posts posted by Longtooth

  1. I'm afraid it shows you what world he lives in when he advises noodle shop owners and people who work for a living in Bangkok to go to a resort and relax for a while. I'm sure the common person could afford that, even before forced vacation and lack of income. Not! And these types of people are demonstrating to not have their voices heard? How odd.

  2. There is no such thing as an actual bike lane in Thailand, but there is the benefit of being able to go in both directions, because the bike lane is clearly marked. Unfortunately, motorcycles also use the supposed bike lane as an excuse to go in both directions, even though it does not apply to them. TIT (this is Thailand.

    It makes you smile, shake your head, and cry, all at the same time. Up by Mae Sai here, the cars and trucks come down the bike lane the wrong way, because the the highway has a long center island divider, and they don't want to travel down and back to the U-turn. If they encounter a "business", such as a strawberry stand, where people are already parking two deep, side by side, to buy strawberrys, the "wrong way Corigan" cars just swerve out onto the highway coming straight at you, the wrong way! Wow, my intended comment turned into a RANT! Oh well, be safe out there!

  3. If the bike has been standing a while , being fixed up , there may be a rust spot (barley visible) where the disc pad has sat against the disc , and may just require cleaning up with abrasive paper.A slight warp may be straightened out with careful use of small lever ( or remove disc and straighten on a anvil ).Rust spot OR a warped disc will cause feeling as described with one pulse per wheel revolution.

    That's it for sure! Rust on the disc except where the pads were sitting. Get the front wheel off the ground, have somebody spin it by hand as fast as they can, and hold some medium sandpaper or emery cloth against the disc, BOTH SIDES, one side at a time, because you want to push hard and your spinner guy won't be up to you being the "brake". It won't take long, it'll fix it. You'll see and feel the problem for yourself when you do this.

  4. There might be some sorting out of distribution of minor belongings within the family. I knew an old lady in America who had a book at her house, and when you visited her, if you saw anything you would want in her house, you wrote it down in her book with your name, to be given to you on her passing. Not officially legal, but if the executor was willing, it was kind of a nice thing, I guess.

  5. That korean video looks like training. Why dont the demonstrartors just go round the side?

    Absolutely! Direct frontal assaults went out of style a long time ago. Training for sure. But still, looks cool. The question would be, "Which side is in the 'right'?" The answer would be, probably, neither side! But the winner gets to rewrite history and proclaim themselves "right"! Human beings will be human beings. Too bad for the planet.

  6. Obviously a new, stronger wheel replacement is the only answer. You're just wasting time and effort straightening a bent alloy wheel. (Crystalization problems too) I would be trying to contact the highest level ABOVE the dealer that I could, with paper copies of this thread in hand. The reputation of the brand is at stake. Good grief. I hate it when manufacturers don't do adequate road testing. Been down that "road" with a bike myself!

  7. Where are the banks going to get 30% of all the money owed (It's "owed", NOT "promised".) to all of the northern farmers? If I were a farmer I would be afraid of a "30% of money owed" settlement, as a possible "final word" payment. The older I get (and I'm pretty old now) the more I think this is how the whole world economy works. Nobles and serfs. Ever hear of "Noctus Primus"? An old English right of Nobles over serfs. Maybe it still goes on..

    P.S. Edit to post. Sorry.... "Primae Noctis". Anyway you probably figured it out.

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  8. Where are the banks going to get 30% of all the money owed (It's "owed", NOT "promised".) to all of the northern farmers? If I were a farmer I would be afraid of a "30% of money owed" settlement, as a possible "final word" payment. The older I get (and I'm pretty old now) the more I think this is how the whole world economy works. Nobles and serfs. Ever hear of "Noctus Primus"? An old English right of Nobles over serfs. Maybe it still goes on..

  9. Chiang Mai offer "different locations for different intentions"....

    1) If you like to be around foreign tourist, bars with girls, and night life, around the Tha Pae Gate may be perfect. Busy night street Sunday market.

    2) If you like to be around more permanent foreign residents, teacher and students, away from tourist areas ...but close to everything, look for Neeman and Chiang Rai University areas. Close to the Airport Central Plaza Mall is also a good area, close to everything. Do not rent a car or motorbike, NEVER, get accounted with a tuk tuk driver and call it when you need it. Mine was Lung Nuat when I was living in Chiang Mai..nice guy..088-4086797. He will pick up you at the airport and take you to your hotel or everywhere close for about $2.50...(80THB) up to 3 people.

    3) If you do not know anybody in Chiang Mai and want to meet Thai people that can help you with your choices and good advise, call for reservation and airport pick up to the SKHouse1, Muan Luang and Soi 9, blocks from the Tha Pae Gate and talk with a lady travel agent working there, or the lady working in the travel agency and Internet store around the block., or look for Thai Smile Travel Agency, another helpful and honest lady in the area. All them speak good English. Around the Miami Hotel cross street, by the temple, is a small place renting good rooms by a month, now probably about $200/month. In Neeman and University areas you may found studio apartments in called service Apartments building for about $250/300 month.

    Do not look for housing using a real estate office...take your time. Real estate offices will ask for double of the normal rental price of any property, and will ask for long term contract. Look for a month to month rental or very short term contract, and for a furnished places with AC.

    After April rentals are easier to find and in a better price.

    I hope you will find this useful for you. Be safe and sober all the time and enjoy the smiles!

    Excellent answer! Once you're settled in for a while, you could think about an unfurnished lease. No hurry. Keep your eyes open. Years is fine.

    Pride of ownership is more of a western world idea. Rent or lease is probably better. Do the math. Most people don't live much past 100. Although my dad is apparently headed there! Plus you're free. And money in the bank is always nice.

  10. "In their new overseas home, an American family soon finds themselves caught in the middle of a coup, and they frantically look for a safe escape in an environment where foreigners are being immediately executed."

    Strange that the actor is allegedly supporting a group who are attempting to lay the conditions for a coup. He has either been conned or being extremely opportunistic.

    Yep, I think he was touting the timeliness of his movie. Purely a money thing, not a political thing. Or is that the same?

  11. I would think ethanol additive would reduce combustion temperatures. That should be OK. And I would think all the gaskets, seals, and O-rings on your new bike would be the new ethanol resistant compounds. I also think that ethanol added to benzine makes any little bit of water mix in, instead of laying in a low part of your gas tank. OK. What the heck. If you want to be lov'n your bike, put synthetic oil in it, after it is broken in, at frequent intervals. Lovely stuff. Long molecules instead of chemical thickening agents.

  12. My two baht input would be that ChiangMai is in a basin surrounded by mountains. Similar to Los Angeles. ChiangRai area, on the other hand, just has burning everywhere, so there is no escape! Humankind is determined to make the planet uninhabitable. Good job so far. On the mountain hignway between ChiangRai and ChiangMai, they love to burn the sides of the road up the steep, rocky, mountainsides. No way you could farm or plant anything there. Why are people spending the effort to burn it back all the way up the unfarmable mountainside? Unfathomable. (Today must be my "un" day.)

    • Like 2
  13. Well I have to admit it is a good idea.

    Now that I have that out of the way.

    Will Suthep be willing to discuss alternate proposals?

    Will the sectors invited have any thing to do with it?

    If not can I come I have a lot of ideas?

    Last and proven to be wrong for over two years is

    "She said her government was willing to facilitate a venue that would pave way for national reform based on practical measures.

    Yingluck said her government was willing to hear opinions from all sides so that reforms could take pace"

    What jumps up in my mind is why did she wait over two years to come to a sensible decision like that?

    Does she realize that national reform means drooping all attempts of the Government to white wash one man.

    It just amazes me that people with an education in western countries could fall for that BS that reunification hinged on White washing One yes only one convicted criminal who rather than appealing the decision choose to go into a self imposed exile. Now an Innocent man would have appealed it.

    I am familiar with the Thai education system and it is not really a big surprise that they believe it.

    The thing is, if Thaksin could be trusted to simply get back into the country and go into retirement in Chiangmai playing golf and enjoying his grand kids and his billions, that would probably be ok.

    This bloke is basically duplicitous beyond belief, and god knows what havoc he would cause if he was pardoned and back in the country just out of vengeance.

    I fancy Mr. T has a bucket list...... of people to do.

    Probably quite true. So do I, but I think the definition of "do" is quite different between us! To get back to reality for a moment, this is one of the major reasons it would be unwise to allow him to return. It would smack of the time of city/state/kingdoms that was once Siam (or a similar proximity). A time of swords, spears, and lances. We are civilized now. We have atom bombs, bio-weapons, and multi warhead hydrogen bombs. Much more civilized.

  14. Rice for Gripen jets?

    " The State Secretary also visited Wing 7 in Surat Thani, the airbase that hosts the Thai Gripen aircraft and the Swedish Support Group."

    would those be the ones bought with chickens?

    Actually how many are airworthy today?

    A good question. It's a balance of reliability against high tech systems. The USSR chose quantity and simplicity, and the US chose high tech. The best choice probably depends on the nature of the conflict. Super high tech planes are "down for maintenance" a lot of the time. "Fly by wire" always sounded creepy to me! Did they mean "bailing wire" ?

  15. I too have celiac sprue. I'm better since I've been living here. I would say only, "Try to minimize your monosodium glutamate intake as much as possible." This would be true for people who do not have celiac disease as well. It's actually the protein "gliaden" in the gluten that is the culpret. Rice and corn are OK. Even "glutenous rice" does not have gliaden. Please excuse the spelling, I can't get my spil chocker to phuncshen hear.

  16. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution. Hold elections. Stage a coup. Change the constitution...

    My old math teacher told the class, "If you have a monkey typing radomly on a typewriter for infinity, he will type all the world's great novels, perfectly, eventually. ." We just have to wait a while longer for the perfect constitution. I think it needs to be VERY LARGE with lots of contingency clauses, definitions, checks and balances, and defined principles. If you apply the mathematical principle of "limits", you can clearly see it won't take longer than infinitly long.

    • Like 1
  17. Do you know what you want to be filtering for? If it's just crunchy bits a simple cotton filter will cost a couple of k Baht, replacement elements are cheap. Pressure does drop off when the element clogs.

    Personally I would pump from the bore to a tank, with primary filtering on the tank inlet. You can then run a demand pump direct from the tank with nothing to clog or reduce your pressure, also provides a backup supply if your bore is a bit reluctant during the dry season.

    If you intend drinking the water I'd go for a Reverse Osmosis system which feeds a single outlet in the kitchen, cost 8-15k Baht.

    Do you have your bore yet, if so get the water tested at a lab, if you post your location someone may be able to recommend. You'll then know if there's anything nasty that needs removing too.

    Yes. Large cartridge filters run in parallel work good. Have the lab check for arsenic if you intend to drink it. There are spots and levels in Thailand that have the arsenic at a bad level. You can always just buy the 15 liter drinking bottles delivered for about 12 baht a piece. I had that checked as well. You have to take in the whole bottle with seal still attached to the cap. Oddly, I had some trace arsenic in my 120 meter deep bored well, but the bottled water did not have any. If you google around about arsenic even a tiny trace will give you a one-in-a-million improved chance of cancer. A really good local water lab on the Chiangrai University grounds sent my water to Bangkok for the super sensitive testing. It is called "O" Lab, number is: 053776054. They might be able to direct you to a lab local to you. You see the testing company first to test your own water, and they will give you a sterile sample bottle to use. I had mine checked for arsenic, bacteria of different sorts, different chemicals used on the rice fields, etc. 4500 baht per sample, for all the tests. So 9000 baht for my two samples. One time, and then you know.

    • Like 1
  18. That shelter shown in the opening post would be about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike. No blast walls or protection from shrapnel from anything landing nearby. Those children would be slaughtered if an artillery or mortar round landed within 50 metres. It doesn't matter how well starched the new combat kit of those posing around it is!

    For Gods, Budhas and everyones sake, if you are determined to go to war over a heap of old stones in the jungle (and no it will never be worth it), at least make an effort to protect the civilian population.

    In fact, don't go to war. Apart from anything else, the Khmers will almost certainly give you a good kicking.

    Blast walls +1.

  19. Some times the thai massage is quite a hard massage. Leaves your body hurting for a day after. But you feel good afterwards.

    Nobody is to blame here. Just unfortunate and sad.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    It's kind of like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer. It feels so good when you stop! Seriously, I don't think it's a good idea to let the massage girls press down on that inner thigh large vein that is close to the crotch, for a long time. as they do, to stop or restrict the blood flow there, I suppose to try to induce some kind of tingly feeling when the flow starts again. It could induce a blood clot, especially for older lads, such as us! From there a clot could go to the heart, I believe.

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  20. There is some difference between high frequency and low frequency electromagnetic radiation. Look up "Mu Metal" for more insight. They sell solid sheet boxes of the alloy for super sensitive electronics and shielding against whatever radiation. (Solar flares, microwaves, power lines nearby, etc.) I would think fine mesh copper would be real good for what you want. At first I thought you were going to set up to observe lightning first hand. Ouch! You would need large guage wire with some really good grounds!

  21. Also from the King Meng Rai statue, head north like to Mae Sai, go across the bridge, just past the second light (lumber supply, auto supply intersection) go about 400' more north, be in the left lane, and turn left down the little street JUST BEFORE the gas station on the left side there, go past the noodle shop and welding scrap yard and the LARGE clinic is on the left. (Just before the large, older motel, on the left. It has a large sign in English.

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