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  1. I wonder how his heart is doing after all this.
  2. No, I would rather keep LGB and get rid of the rest of the alphabet soup.
  3. CP All Public Company Limited, a listed subsidiary of the Charoen Pokphand Group Company, is the 7-Eleven owner and franchisor in Thailand
  4. No, it sounds like for you grooming and abuse is acceptable behavior.
  5. better than your spelling of English, probably.
  6. the murderer is responsible for both.
  7. apparently that is finished now for foreigners. I was refused and explained this 3 times last week.
  8. No, they were checking out that day.
  9. Police have also located the seventh person who was supposed to check in and the person has earlier returned to Vietnam of July 10 and is believed not to be related to the deaths. (Khaosod)
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