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Everything posted by orchis

  1. how would you know?
  2. reality seems to disprove your fantasy.
  3. they started celebrating saturday's coronation a little early.
  4. which border crossing? the word 'crackdown" is much too easily tossed around imo.
  5. relationship
  6. so why the constant obligatory use of "God", "he/him", "prayer"? AA asks people to say these words in meetings; I was excluded for not wanting to utter terms contrary to my beliefs. I was also advised by others to just use those terms 'for the sake of it just as they did". Groupthink.
  7. Pattani is mainly muslim. Read a history book, perhaps.
  8. so it might be even lower than 7%? a simple search shows addiction specialists/professionals estimating the success rate between 5 to 8%. these are estimates because AA doesn't provide statistical material. you narrow the success rate to "real alcoholics" who "successfully worked the 12 steps", which might be close to 5 to 8% of people who attend meetings. moreover who defines the terms "real alcoholics" and "successfully worked the 12 steps" except AA itself?
  9. the reality in many groups is very different. also success rate AA is about 7%. AA also constantly uses the terms "God", 'He/Him' and 'prayer' which do not allow a neutral interpretation.
  10. it does not. thai immigration bureau is part of the rtp (royal thai police) so 'making noise' could backfire rapidly.
  11. well they know her name and address, should be easy to do something about it.
  12. That is probably why people instinctively avoid you.
  13. maybe try a destination she can walk to. think of the advantages.
  14. and cancer its natural consequence.
  15. that's not a freak accident, that is negligence.
  16. where? I could do with a Chanel bag.
  17. Best to do on an international online platform. Through Thai dealers you will lose money and stamps are easy and cheap to ship. I did same with Thai vintage photography, I made more than dealers here would offer, much more.
  18. "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."
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