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Everything posted by orchis

  1. Harry is fifth in line now. All of William's children precede him. If they'd be minors a regent would be appointed.
  2. Why don't these people commit suicide in their own country. Leave the mess where it belongs.
  3. On December 14 both Piers Morgan and Jeremy Clarkson had lunch with Camilla, the Queen Consort. As is her right.
  4. from reading the news article one can conclude bf: "Jo's boyfriend was not as seriously hurt in the crash and is still in Thailand helping to look after her."
  5. The Foreign Office of my country does so in great detail re: traffic and motorcycles and insurance. The U.K. F.O. as well under "road travel"; https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/thailand/safety-and-security
  6. close to century park hotel
  7. RIP Nancy. My condolences to her husband.
  8. Rimping has a fine range of overpriced stuff if that's your fancy'.
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