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Everything posted by orchis

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thao_Thep_Krasattri_and_Thao_Si_Sunthon
  2. nothing to do with my post, so do not quote me.
  3. O positive or O negative? O negative is the 'universal donor' can give to all other blood groups but is rare, while in high demand for transfusions. But O negative can only receive O negative. In Thailand prevalence of O neg is 0.2%. O positive is the most common type, can receive O pos or O neg. In Thailand O positive prevalence is 40.8% I thought the process of acquiring blood goes through the Red Cross or the hospital but I also saw many direct urgent appeals over the years for 'foreigners in distress' on social media.
  4. Skyscanner does provide departure and arrival times, not time estimates for immigration etc. She has to clear immigration, check back in, go through imm. again. Time seems v. short.
  5. nice deflection but there was no jewellery involved. a Thai business owner trying to impress a visiting foreign tour operator and get their business. (and impress them further with their 30% kickback commissions). however it backfired in this case.
  6. this has existed for a long time in the tourist industry, in the mid90's my then boss was extremely embarrassed to be escorted from don muang to his hotel by a convoy of police cars and police bikes. this was organised by the owner of one of the mega jewelry stores where tour operators sent their groups.
  7. recently a female dog walker in London got mauled to death by the 8 dogs she walked. GF better not get any more dogs.
  8. He will be deported. Belgian police search of his home lead to nothing but visa issues so Thai police took him.
  9. were you born here?
  10. Apparently Thai police arrested him for visa related issues and transferred him to Bangkok, an unforeseen consequence of the visit to his Pattaya home by a Belgian judiciary delegation.
  11. that's called "money for taxi" it happens.
  12. https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/en/2023/01/18/arrest-in-thailand-raises-hopes-mystery-of-gang-of-nivelles-kill/
  13. he was arrested in Pattaya today.
  14. I had a terrible case last year, entire left torso and neck, lasted 5 weeks, spent mostly in bed. acyclovir 800 mg, the itches continued 6 months and can sometimes still feel them. shingrix in my homecountry is 150 USD x 2 but not always available, also not reimbursed by social security.
  15. I find them, and I am generalising, friendly, outgoing, gregarious and somewhat superficial.
  16. Be surprised as much as you chose to, I relate a factual event without opinion or judgement; he had stated he had no money.
  17. A guy in my building could not pay his emergency appendectomy (Bangkok Christian H.) So upon release the hospital sent an "officer" (employee) home with him to confiscate his passport. He had to pay before getting it back. I am sure of this because I was in the same taxi with them, he had called me under the pretext of "helping him check out" but arriving at the hospital he then expected me to clear his bill which I couldn't nor wouldn't.
  18. These Windsors are good at making money without doing much. Harry's advantage is he's doing it from sunny California.
  19. ok, if you meet the vaccination requirements.
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