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Posts posted by Daryle

    It does not matter what they have. Don't you understand. When the Democrats in the Senate filibuster a Republican bill it will take 60 votes in the Senate to cancel the Filibuster. ANY single Senator can filibuster a bill. The Republicans do not have those 60 votes. So you guys watch and weep and see what it is like for the opposition to make your Government sterile, just as the Republicans did to Obama on EVERY bill he tried to pass. In the last 8 years the Republicans have been a national disgrace.
    This is the type of immoral slug you currently have representing your Government.
    Not fit to lick my boots. But hey go-ahead if this is the type of guy you admire, be my guest, we all have a moral compass, some are just much better quality than others.

    Take a chill pill Al, neither of us will have any say in how this is going to work out!

    Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

  2. Why are you so confident that Trump will be choosing who is on the Supreme Court? The Republicans filibustered everything Obama did, don't you think the Dems will now return the favour? It takes 60 votes in the senate to stop a filibuster. I reckon that by the time Trump leaves there will be nobody new in the Supreme Court and nothing will be achieved for the USA that is positive in any way over the next 4 years.

    Republicans now control the presidency, the Senate, and the House. So times are changing. No change of a filibuster stopping them this time around.

    Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

  3. Yeah. Cheers. I've just put the Apple router in bridge mode and turned wi-fi off on the 3BB modem for now but still let it handle the DHCP. Works but not quite as I want to. Just can't be bothered to invest more time in it given I'll be switching ISP in a few weeks. Been quite a few posts on it on the Thai boards too. Seems 3BB have disabled the functionality, at least at the DIY level.

    Sent using Tapatalk

    I changing from 3BB also, who are you moving to?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. It's an old condo where you'll find hookers, drug addicts , and lots of miserable retired people . I just stayed there for a week so maybe it looks better now but you get what you pay for. 

    Which one of the three categories do you fit into?
  5. I have a ladyfriend who works at a Thai Karaoke. It don't hustle girls' Customers do buy drinks for her and one other older lady who serve them and help play their selections. Because of the 'no loud music' there are no customers now. 
    Therefore, her boss felt justified when it came time for her 3,000 B monthly payday, to explain to my friend that with no business, she must cut her pay in half to only 1,500 B, but 'hopefully' after business comes back again she can pay 3,000 B again....... My friend usually sends all of the 3,000 B to her mother up north each month and lives off her commission from drinks bought for her.
    You can see how she is being hurt and many more Thai's are similarly........
    I am sad for Thailand, but even moreso for the working poor Thai's........................

    This is a scum boss taking advantage of the 'circumstances'... you will find them world wide given an opportunity to screw employees over.
  6. Thanks for the helpful and not-so-helpful comments. It seems some people have no idea about the protein needs of someone who trains seriously. 
    Cooking myself is definitely a good option. I like cooking a lot and been doing so for the past 5 years. It's actually quite amazing what delicious dishes you can come up with whilst still sticking to your macronutrient requirements. Used to always cook some huge batches of Thai or European food then freeze half of them so I'd be sorted for a week. Only downside is eating the same thing again and again.. 
    Another reason why I no longer cook myself is lack of time. Trying to manage a job, my own business as well as a masters degree simultaneously currently leaves me very little time for cooking. There are some very good services in Bangkok for food deliveries, fitness is starting to become a trend here too. Just hoping to try something new!

    Hope you're not doing your Masters through a Thai institution, as you will be wasting your TIME and money.
  7. I use a Thai Bank issued Visa Debit for most of my shopping these days and when I'm in Thai bars, they mostly accept Visa in the upper end venues, that is! Do you think Farang bars (Drinking St) will move to cashless transactions? I mostly use bottle service (Whiskey or Vodka) these days and I'm not really a GoGo hopper.

  8. At a minimum they should be required to show financial proof, accident and medical assurance cover vald for length of stay.

    I'm only here for three weeks twice a year [six weeks total] and have all of that and bullet-proof comprehensive travel insurance.

    I just don't overstay, and if I did require to stay longer then I would get an extension. What's not to understand?

    You're not the issue (mostly, tourists are responsible and have a life to return to). The long term over stayers mostly have severed ties to their home country and have nothing to return home to. It's this spiral downward that most on this thread agree needs to be prevented.
  9. This guy was not one of the "lowest of the low scum and rubbish". He has not been identified as accused of any crimes beside overstay. Just one of the many. An example if you wish. Overstay, 105 days FORBIDDEN 5 YEARS.

    Anyway it is well time for those who have overstayed their welcome, in various ways, to collect their baggages (and dependents) and go back to where they came from.

    Read the tea leaves, it is going to get much much worse here before it gets better for low-rent Farnungs

    Too many low life farangs think Thailand owes them something. It's about time Thailand sent them packing.
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