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Posts posted by Daryle

  1. haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

    Didnt know that to be true??????

    So you are saying, an illegal military junta is not "thieving abuse" which stole the country from an elected government? How about violence against their own countrymen in the form of "detention camps and reeducation centers"

    I hope you are being sarcastic

    Adding to you good post, is that corruption is endemic and without a reduction NO sane person would want to invest or buy a property in Thailand.

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  2. Actually, plenty of people would like to live in central Pattaya, including my partner and me. VT6 and Northshore have been successful. We lived in Pratamnack and we lived in Jomtien. Both are fine, I think, for part-timers. We live here year-round and driving into Pattaya 3 and 4 times a week to do things just got to be too much with the traffic. So we moved into town and like it. (You can live in Pattaya and actually not set foot in a bar.)

    On other matters, yes a 22 sqm condo is indeed small but I would have loved a tiny getaway place like that at the beach when I was working in USA. Couldn't afford it--but lots of BKK residents can and they have probably been the main buyers. For example, we met a Thai female BKK college professor who bought one of the 22sqm units and she comes on weekends and goes back Monday mornings. It's not always just about farangs.

    Now, that guy isn't STILL counting the lights on to determine the well-being of a condo is he? So, 8 lights on at the rear--uhh, those are the ones facing east with no seaview that are going to be the last to sell. Instead, why doesn't he count the number of balconies with underwear drying? That would be about as scientific. I think 80% sold in a difficult market is a good track record for a condo open only a few months. Many other condos, like VT7 open 5 years now and the back wings almost empty, would like that sales rate.

    That's fine, as long as you don't then complain that there are hookers with old men in the street.

    However, perhaps you can explain the attraction of living right in Pattaya UNLESS you want to set foot in the bars? Given the many other places to live near Pattaya with less traffic problems and access to everything that Pattaya offers, why?

    Surely it's not for the beach!

    I just don't get it.

    If you don't want the bars, wouldn't Jomptien be a far better option? The beach is way superior, and they have a walkway along it too. PLEASE explain. What is in Pattaya that doesn't involve bars, but is better than Jomptien?

    The fact that you keep repeating that Pattaya in your view only consists of bars and hookers, illustrates how shortsighted you are.

    Really boring you are.

    He should of realised its also got a lot of shonky builders and realtors.

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  3. I was pointing out that Lumpini Park Beach Jomtien is a special case for Lumpini projects. It's priced higher because it is, frankly, much nicer and has more amenities on a much larger land area than most Lumpini projects. It's also direct ocean front. Lumpini Seaview, also in Jomtien, is more like their typical green and tan BKK projects. LPN Seaview is advertising small 1 bedrooms of 22 sqm for 999,999 baht and I don't think that price is much different from what it would be in BKK.

    In my view, they are just boxes in a wind trap.

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  4. What has the News come to, reporting the opinion of a deckchair operator

    What has Thaivisa come to, allowing the opinion of a poster here?

    Oh, yes, it's exactly the same as allowing a deckchair operator's opinion.

    I hope the injured boy has learned not to hit a wild monkey with a stick in future.

    Have to say the deckchair operator has an opinion, while your just trying to hard to be a smart ass and failing.

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  5. What has the News come to, reporting the opinion of a deckchair operator. I use to like Ko Larn, before it got over run with people. Hope the little guy (boy) is on the mend very soon.

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    The deck chair operator lives there, and sees the behavior of both the tourists and the monkeys on a daily basis. I would say he is qualified to offer a "man on the street" observation.

    Unless your opinion has more to do with the fact of his Thainess, it smacks of elitism directed against his "lowly" status as a deckchair operator.

    Pull your head in mate. Don't think blaming a young boy or the monkey resolves the issue. I have spent many a day on Ko Larn and its far from a nature reserve. Get off your high horse and open your eyes, this is sloppy journalism at its best! A fluff piece just like your post.

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    "What has the News come to, reporting the opinion of a deckchair operator".

    Sorry, Daryle, but like too many TV posters you attacked with zero knowledge of the individual the reliability of the man's opinion based on his position as a "deck chair" operator, or perhaps because he is Thai. That is the sole and only point of my post. Dragging in references to who might be to blame and nature reserves is a non sequitur, in my eyes opened view

    Furthermore the "man in the street" gambit has a long and accepted role in journalism. It is not a "fluff" piece.

    By the way, if you have "spent many a day on Ko Larn" then you are, ipso facto, one of the "over run with people" people.

    I agree 100% with "Hope the little guy (boy) is on the mend very soon." tongue.png

    I have lived in Pattaya for over 15 years and I have seen the human developments on the island undermining its beauty. The human pressure on the island is unsustainable.

    This piece of journalist work we are talking about is weak at best. The story has no basis in fact or opinion. My ONLY point was how piss weak the story was and no racism was inferred apart from YOU. Have a smiley day, you seem to need a pick me up.

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  6. Eat too much and don't move: get fat

    eat less and/or exercise and get slim, side effect hunger

    That is the complete scientific explanation.

    You're right, of course. It's really quite elementary. But some have chosen to live their lives in a state of perpetual victimhood. They're victims because of their weight. They're victims because of their religion. They're victims because of their sexual preference. Oh, the struggle! rolleyes.gif

    Take some personal responsibility and be accountable for your actions. You're fat because you eat too much and you don't exercise enough.

    Everyone knows this to be true, but perpetual victims will bend over backwards in an effort to blame someone or something else.

    You keep making the same mistake everyone makes in assuming everyone has the ability to exert freewill choice like you do. They don't. And you will make it worse with that sort of attitude.

    Just read some of your posts on this topic. You seen to be speaking from personal experience.

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  7. regardless of if the fair was discussed or not, or if the guy was drunk or not, neither is any reason for the TT driver to try and rip the guy off.. and when he would only pay the correct fare, he should have accepted it and not then proceed to beat the guy up.. He should lose his TT driver licence at the very least.. Also this is very negative publicity for Thailand and Patong.. There is so much lately, what with the beach chairs etc etc .. a wonder anyone that reads the news, comes here at all. But I still love coming here as I don't use Tuk Tuks or beach chairs ,,, hehe.

    Hope you keep coming back, but if you do please be aware there is no correct fare for TukTuks they are unregulated. Hence the advise given by many here (which can be found in any one of thousands and thousands and thousands of threads on the internet) to negotiate the price first and not argue unless you want to get dobbed. Because regardless of its morality or legality, it a fact of Thai life that Tuk tuk drivers are more prone to violence than love to all men. They are not renowned for playing John Lennon songs.


    Wrong, they are regulated across Thailand.

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    Please keep up with the thread. We know how they are regulated in Phuket ( by the Phuket Department of Land Transport) if you say they are regulated everywhere in Thailand (which I am very sceptical about) please post the details. eg which gov. dept.where the prices are displayed, etc.

    We also know that the drivers ignore the supposedly regulated prices in Phuket and I would bet that even sticking a couple in jail for life would have zip effect on the rest.

    They are death traps that need banning in the current form.

    You seem very worked up over this issue. If you consider them 'death traps' avoid them! My suggestion to you, my dear man, is to rest and relax. Nothing is worth stressing yourself, so much about. There are many modes of transport. Buy a bike or car, could be a work around.

    Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

  8. Wrong, they are regulated across Thailand.

    Have you ever been to Phuket ?? Phuket Tuk Tuk mafia rule and reject any regulation ...
    But there is regulations. Just not enforced.

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    That's the whole problem right there !! If the regulations 'were' enforced, then all these rip offs, beatings and negative publicity would stop !!!

    Throw the TT driver in jail for a year or lose his TT licence for 2 years and others would think twice before doing the same ..... or would they? do they think ?

    My post was a correction to an earlier incorrect post.

    Of course your correct, but the Mafia in Phuket have developed an art form of ripping off farangs, which flows to the top of the island. I don't see that changing, apart from window dressing at best.

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  9. regardless of if the fair was discussed or not, or if the guy was drunk or not, neither is any reason for the TT driver to try and rip the guy off.. and when he would only pay the correct fare, he should have accepted it and not then proceed to beat the guy up.. He should lose his TT driver licence at the very least.. Also this is very negative publicity for Thailand and Patong.. There is so much lately, what with the beach chairs etc etc .. a wonder anyone that reads the news, comes here at all. But I still love coming here as I don't use Tuk Tuks or beach chairs ,,, hehe.

    Hope you keep coming back, but if you do please be aware there is no correct fare for TukTuks they are unregulated. Hence the advise given by many here (which can be found in any one of thousands and thousands and thousands of threads on the internet) to negotiate the price first and not argue unless you want to get dobbed. Because regardless of its morality or legality, it a fact of Thai life that Tuk tuk drivers are more prone to violence than love to all men. They are not renowned for playing John Lennon songs.


    Wrong, they are regulated across Thailand.

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  10. We never seem to hear about farangs getting killed in bike accidents these days, I know of 3 in the last few months, not one made the news.

    Any reason for that Pattayaonenews?

    Good observation. I for one have noticed a lot of news not making the farang media of late. Could this be the high ethical standards required by the good General/PM or censorship.

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  11. Due to the screwed up RTP investigation and all the miss information I for one am not sure if they are innocent or guilty. But if they are guilty and are given a Pardon just to quiet the crowds it would be another travesty of justice.

    Agree, doesn't seem like the defence case was presented as well as it should have been. Will watch to see if the appeal is reported.

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