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Posts posted by Daryle

  1. I have a simple solution - live by the laws of the land. As you have overstayed on an expired passport I have no sympathy for you. We are guests of this country and until people like you accept this fact whether you agree or otherwise you deserve whatever happens to you!!!!!

    Another preacher, don't we all love the self righteous among us.

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  2. Traffic lights work great on this part of Suk. In many years of driving here, I've only seen a few cars run red lights. Jump them? Run through late? A lot. But never ignore them. Traffic stops. At least around here.

    The Ambassador is one of the largest hotels in the world. Thousands are staying there right now and walking across "death highway" all day and night for cheap food on the other side of the road, with no light to allow them to pass safely. Very poor way to treat your tourists.

    Is it always scares me to drive through there (afraid of running over Russians).

    They should at least put a pedestrian overpass.


    There is a pedestrian overpass, but sadly it's not used. I drove by last night and noticed a police officer on duty, stopping traffic so pedestrian could cross the road.

    Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

  3. Sometimes LAWS are just wrong and good people have make sure the Law is changed. There is no place for small minded racists in my world.

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    Rubbish. Does Israel accept Palestinian passports? You do know that there has been an widely recognised state of Palestine since 1988? How hard have you been fighting on their behalf?

    So please.....

    There is no place for racism is any part of this modern world. If you disagree, go back into your hole.

    Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

    The only hole involved here is the one that you are using to attempt to pontificate. You are insinuating that their law is wrong, but you have power over who can enter your property. Perhaps we should change that law too.

    Those who refuse to accept Palestine as a state cannot complain when they receive the same treatment from others. Your oversimplified description of the situation as racism deserved my contempt.

    Your way off topic... get a life!

    Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

  4. Sometimes LAWS are just wrong and good people have make sure the Law is changed. There is no place for small minded racists in my world.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Rubbish. Does Israel accept Palestinian passports? You do know that there has been an widely recognised state of Palestine since 1988? How hard have you been fighting on their behalf?

    So please.....

    There is no place for racism is any part of this modern world. If you disagree, go back into your hole.

    Sent from my SM-T530 using Tapatalk

  5. I hope that he does his 10 years.I understand that idiots with no job or profession to obtain one will try to be a seller.The real stupidity is using drugs

    One thing is obvious to me... The NZ guy is in for a hard time and your lack of compassion for a fellow human being is breathtaking. Heres hoping you or your beloved ones adhere to your high standards.

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  6. I always wondered why tuk-tuks can't be regulated by being fitted with a meter like taxis. I appreciate meters have their own problems, with some drivers fiddling with them or refusing to use them, but there doesn't seem any technical reason why they shouldn't be fitted. That would bring a little happiness to the tourists, if not to the tuk-tuk drivers.

    The drivers have refused many attemps to regulate the Tuk Tuks over many years. They want to be free to charge what they think they can extort out of the passenger.

    There is no hope ...

    There is always hope... Don't use them;)

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