Chilli was introduced to the far east by among others the Portuguese, 15th century. Previously pepper was used a lot. If you want a good pepper taste with a nice aroma try Kampot pepper.
Don't need masterchef, just need the fishermen to stop scraping all and everything off the seabed no matter how small or young it is and give things a chance to mature and breed.
Well, they did pen the word POSH.
Standing for Port Outward, Starboard Home.
Re Thai seafood, I ordered scallops once (only once) and when the dish arrived they were about 10mm in diameter and about 10mm thick. Never again.
This what I expected.
0000 existed (midnight), but for near future 2359 could have a date eg 2359 5/11/2022.
0000/5/11/2022 could be confusing, eg start or end of day 5/11/2022
Why it took so long to have female astronauts.
Houston, we have a problem.
What is the problem?
It doesn't matter.
Tell us what your problem is.
Do I have to explain everything?
Please tell us what your problem is.
Houston, you know what the problem is.