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Posts posted by greasemonkey

  1. Jingthing, I was looking for ideas for a good book, and I think you may have hit the nail on the head.:sorry: I wonder how many times you will get that joke?

    Back on topic, will definately be getting hold of a copy. Should be interesting to see what he has to say about china taking over the world, shift in global power etc.


  2. If I can get a return flight for 250 odd quid I'll consider spending january in chiangmai. But I know its gonna be closer to £500.

    The political turmoil doesnt really bother me, but the exchange rate does. Plus I know prices will be inflated in some places to make up for loss of trade.

    I'm sure there are many like me who are starting to wonder if its affordable, or are looking at other countries, for better value for money.

  3. Can I dip my oar in? ( Man, I'm on form tonight:D)

    Jubby said he had taken the speed boat down the mekong.( I would quote him, but they just come up blank???)

    I also have done this, thrilling, but spectacularly uncomfortable trip.

    Just loved watching the pilot stripping the carb and washing the jets in the river. wonder what would have happend if he dropped one?

    I was under the impression the speed boats no longer run. they were cancelled a few years back. Am I mistaken?

    It also crossed my mind, that it would be interesting to travel the length of the mekong, downstrem from the source in China, down to the outlet. Cambodia I think.

    Two journalists went up the mekong a couple of years ago, and apparently got arrested about a mile from the sourse.

    Sorry a bit of topic, just some thoughts.

  4. The land subsidence in Chiang Rai's Mae Fah Luang district appeared to have stabilised yesterday after causing an estimated Bt50 million in property damage and alarming tourists.[/b]


    So it didnt alarm the natives at all then?:D

    I've always got his number on speed dial when I visit the Rai, just in case, you know....:D

    Best of luck to those who watched there homes crumble away.

    Why do my quotes not work?

  5. I wonder if I can write this to sound as funny as it was?

    when I first came to thailand, about 8 years ago, me and a mate were sat in a small cafe on rajvitti, having a late breakfast.

    A yougish fallang walks in, with his tracksuit trouser hanging halfway down his arse, sits at the table next to us and starts talking to himself. asking questions and giving answers.

    The thai woman owner asked for his order and he told her he "wanted to push a live fish up her arse" so she picked up a chair and chased him out onto the street.

    In his hand he had a 5baht bottle of water, which he squeezed so hard the top flew off and the water hit the woman square in the face.

    She chased him up the street and all the Tuk Tuk drivers were laughing and shouting.

    I knew I'd like Chiang mai after that.

  6. This seems like a good thread to celebrate the return of my newly repaired computer.

    A couple of kilos of Tokay and I could afford a new one.

    I know where there is a monster Tokey, must be 2 foot 6 long. It lives on the side of a guest house bungalow in Chiang Rai, and catches the bugs that collect on the mozzie screen when the light is on.

    But I'm not going to tell anyone which guesthouse.......:D

  7. It used to be possible to subdue the irritating with subtle sugestions. ie. frighten the living daylights out of them. Things like " I wonder how they make those windows strong enough to withstand the pressure? Can you hear a hissing noise?"

    " What would you do if a crack opend up in the fuselage?" ( best said when experiencing horrendous turbulance)

    My favorite, just as everyone is settling down, open the window blind for a moment. then " BLOODY hel_l, DID YOU SEE THAT GOOSE HIT THE ENGINE?"....

    I wouldnt do it these days, probably get arrested.

  8. I like looking out the window. I hardly ever sleep on the flight.:D i dont really sit by windows any more though. Being long in the leg, I find it more comfortable in an aisle seat. There is more room to escape from the clown next to me doing the funky chicken as the beer starts reacting with the sleeping pills. Or the nervous flyer that sweats so much he smells like a dead badger. Oh the joys of modern travel.

  9. Now I see it. Each time the game is played, the symbol changes for the numbers that add up to nine. Quite correct jdietz. Guess I can forget my sunglasses theory. :D

    I still like the "press the red button game" though. Most addictive.

  10. Better still, get someone to carry it through customs for you. That way, if they get caught you wont get into trouble. I'll do it. :D

    Quote was supposed to be the bit about the conga drum. Better that technology make a fool of me than me to make a fool of myself. Now Ive managed to block all posts from members with a reputation of less than 20. Im gonna shoot my computer.

  11. takes me back, you UK people may laugh but parts of New Zealand (incl my home town) didn't have colour tv until about 1974, some even later than that -

    I also used to watch snooker in Black and White. And I wasnt born til 1977!

    I'm sure most would be familiar with the classic Quote of a comentator( cant remember which) " For those of you watching in Black and White, the Green Ball is the one above the Pink" biggrin.gif

  12. Sceadugenga apologises for the breach of ThaiVisa rules for posting the article on stateless people in Chiang Rai.

    No probs, All is forgiven.

    Glad to see they are building a gallows in Chiang Rai. Is there a public viewing area? Lot more exiting than a fireing squad. :D

  13. Make sure you know who your friends are, become immune to what others think of you, and next time someone winds you up, YELL AT THEM!!!!!

    It seems to work for me. Trouble is people think im a volotile nutcase when really Im a soft little puddy tat....

    Caffeine, sugar, the shit they put in soft drinks, especially sugar free ones, chocolate, all put me on edge.

    People who dont move fast enough, people who stare at me, people who talk to slow, people who think im volotile, all put me over the edge.......

    The only thing that kept me in control was tobbaco, and I cant smoke that any longer coz i cant breathe properly.

    Best of luck.

  14. 'Tis not the critic who counts,

    Nor how the strong man stumbled and fell,

    Nor how the doer of deeds could have done better.

    The credit goes to He who is actually in the arena,

    Who knows lifes great passions and enthusiasms,

    And spends himself in a worthy cause.

    Should he fail,

    Then at least he fails while dareing greatly,

    So never will he become one of those cold and timid soles,

    Who Know neither Victory nor Defeat.

    Cant remember the auther but a quick google check should find it. Im sure it was an american president. Was writen on a grave in Alice Springs, Australia, but i cant remember whos it was. Not the best with names.

    Im gonna quit my job and apply for as many credit cards as I can get. Live for the moment. Yee harrr. Chiang Mai here I come. Who's got the best burger these days? :D

  15. I'll help you.Been a frequent visitor to the Rai in the past, but certainly not a local. Often read the forum, just to find out word on the street.

    Rather fond of the dozy little place, mainly coz there aint much news to speak of.

    Have they finished tarmacing the road that Overbrook is on yet? hel_l it was hot walking along there.

    Is there a decent internet cafe opened that doesnt expect you to take off your shoes?

    Life on the wild side.

    I recon most irregular contributors to the C.Rai forum, do so coz there is less chance of getting into a brawl, compared to the C.Mai forum.:)

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