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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. I can see it now VIP queue.........only 500 Baht! rolleyes.gif

    Think again!

    One bunch of rip off bastards

    Another bunch of rip off bastards

    Which makes it in the interests of immigration to make normal immigration as slow as <deleted> - they can pocket more of their share of the takings by offering services like these.

    Which as a business class traveller, where fasttrack is one of the benefits, really pisses me off. It took the turds long enough to have Fast Track in the first place.

    Thailand is getting quite openly beyond a joke.

  2. Russian's and Serb's are currently the most prolific gangsters around and have been for years. I've seen them take over Spain, Czech Republic, actually most of the balkans region, Macau, Cambodia and Thailand. They are even moving into Chiang Mai slowly but surely. Nasty bunch. We should have nuked them when we had the chance in the cold war.

    Really? Where have they moved into Chiang Mai then? I could do with some white meat on my next trip, and I don't mean teachers with bingo wings.

  3. Having lived here a while and lived in the west a while i have to say Phuket can be pretty scary. It seems people are going crazy for the chance to come to Phuket from all over Thailand and make money from the rich farrangs.

    Phuket is a tiny island, surely the crime rate for similar cases is quite high per capita here?

    The island generates that kind of thing.

    Where ever big money is made avalable crime will follow.

    I'd hazard a guess that in the case of this dispute, it's probably a lack of money that has exacerbated the situation. If there was plenty to go around, there would be less motivation to resort to shit like this.

    I mean, I read people calling for a boycott of the restaurant, but how many of you actually go to some shack on Surin beach to eat?

  4. On a side note - what kind of god-awful publication is Pattaya Daily News? Unless there's something strangely wrong with my computer, that page won't render in Firefox, Chrome or Safari.

    site works in Chrome and Firefox , dont know about Safari,

    Doesn't work on my Firefox, although I do have a fair few addons. Probably just lazy bastard developers, only interested in IE.

    Try emailing them at:


  5. I found one fix for this:

    You need to tell Windows that you want to use the machine as a file server and that it should allocate resources accordingly. To do this: 1. Click Start, Run, 2. Type "regedit" 3. Set the following registry key to ‘1′: Navigate to: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\LargeSystemCache 4. And set the following registry key to ‘3′: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\Size After making these changes, restart your machine.

  6. I bought the Tab last week. I wouldn't touch an iPad with a shitty stick. I wanted something to function as a single replacement for my phone and netbook, and it fits the bill superbly.

    Extremely responsive, thanks to Android 2.2, I've put about 80 apps on it, that's about the limit of what I use out of the 100,000 available (plus the Getjar apps).

    It supports flash and comes with Youtube preinstalled.

    So far I've been using it heavily on 3G and Wifi and haven't dropped below 60% of battery after a busy day, so I'm happy with the battery life.

    At 7" it fits into a cargo pants or jacket pocket easily. You'd probably feel a tit using it as a handset, so hands free or bluetooth. Sound quality is excellent.

    This is about the limit of phone-capable devices, so I expect Apple to twig that a 7" iPhone is a good idea anytime soon.

    But they still suck.

    Go for it, you won't be disappointed.

    I'm still trying to find a need for a tablet. The other day I watched a guy trying to eat and use his tablet at the same time with hilarious results. The others around me with laptops and netbooks were doing fine.

    Strange. You can operate it with one finger, so he must have been retarded or summat.

  7. Baseball is rounders for girls.

    Don't even start to compare it with a test match.

    You tell the wife "I'm just off to watch the match and I'll be back when it's over" and go on a five day drinking binge without breaking your word.

    Baseball is shit sausages, piss weak beer and commercial breaks.

    I'm guessing it's on Astro, but without Supersport in CM you may be buggered.

    Last resort is an online feed, or listen to the audio on the beeb, with talk of cakes and ornithology.

  8. Get a GMail account (which does the best job of filtering spam and malware since they bought Postini), and read it in Outlook.

    It won't stop your spam coming in if they harvest your email address from somewhere - but at least it generally junks it.

    Your address could have been taken from the address book of someone else's (infected) PC.

  9. He could at times be a pain in the B.tt though..

    So one of his friends speculates that he might have been having woman problems, and then the above comment. Mix that with the scandihooligan propensity for severe alcohol abuse, and you are creating a recipe for trouble.

    It's one thing getting a reaction when you're a pain in the butt to your peers, which wouldn't normally lead to a fatality despite what people say; but the reaction you get from a bunch of Thai men late at night is a different thing entirely. Whereas Europeans tend to adhere to the philosophy of "never kick a man when he's down", the Thais consider that the best time to really get started.

    Anyway, the bottom line is still that I'm sure nothing this guy did deserved the Dr. Marten Death Penalty.

  10. Win 7 is a vast improvement on XP and especially Vista, but don't be conned with this "fast startup" nonsense. XP starts quickly too - until you start loading apps in the startup, and Win 7 is not much better once you have an aged system.

    But IE9 is out in beta and will not be released for XP, so if you want to take advantage of Microsoft's (by all accounts greatly improved) browser, you'll have to make the switch anyway.

    I like it because hardware that stopped working when I went to Vista for want of a driver suddenly worked again in 7, much to my surprise.

    It's a learning curve if you're steeped in XP, but once you get used to it, it's actually much easier.

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