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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. I actually have a Slingbox, which I use in the office to watch sport from my home network. If you have someone back at home willing to let you share their broadband and host it for you, it is a viable alternative.

    It needs decent bandwidth for a decent picture though; and the compression and transmission means the actual picture is quite a few seconds behind the live transmission.

    Having said that, the whole point of Supersport being cut is to stop the pirates draining revenue from people who are paying big bucks for the legitimate signal.

    So I would anticipate that a satellite provider may now pick up the World Cup broadcasts, and retransmit them with dual audio feeds.

    I don't think anyone can really complain, you've had a long period of nice cheap sport (a proper Supersport card is about Bt5,000 a month I think).

  2. We note the Nation today is reporting the Public Health Ministry says 100k persons "fallen ill from the smog" in northern Thailand : Lanna Can't Breathe Can we admit now that, as astronaut John Swigert said : "Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here" ?

    Not really, because that implies it's gone away :)

    As for the handfuls of antibiotics, in my experience, it doesn't actually matter *what* is wrong with you in Thailand, you're going to get a bag of "pretty pills", so I don't really think you can categorically state that it must be bacterial.

    But I'm getting emails and FB messages from plenty of CM friends, independent of each other, who all complain of the same symptoms or irritation. I can't say I'm really looking forward to my next trip (22 March) but I'm coming anyway. Then I'll be able to see for myself and not rely on those who seem to have a vested interest in trying to silence or browbeat anyone who dares to moan about it.

    I'm considering buying a condo in CM, but that decision goes out of the window if I'm going to find it an uncomfortable place to live for a significant chunk of each year. Time will tell.

  3. Don't rule out a return of Multichoice but on ku band in June.

    If the issue is piracy in Asia then you can almost guarantee it.

    Look at the footprint for IntelSat 10 at 68.5E C-band (which is I assume where you're getting the signal from).

    IntelSat 10 68.5E Beams

    Logic suggests that at the very least they have been told to shift to the two Ku Bands for Europe/Africa and Europe/Middle East.

    So even if it does come back on Ku band, my guess is it won't be broadcast on the Ku-Asia beam.

    Same result. Time to look for alternatives.

  4. I dunno which bloke met all the ex-SAS, special forces in Samui of all places, but probably wannabes anyway. It seems those in the "trade" think that the movie is totally unrealistic, and the bloke would be considered a complete liability and be sent home to do ATF work. Mind you, the author has always maintained that it was meant to be a dramatic work of fiction, not a documentary.

    The Hurt Locker went straight to DVD in the UK and barely caused a ripple stateside.

    The academy hate commercial success, ask Steven Spielberg. It took the holocaust movie to get him the recognition he deserved.

    Good entertainment though; both of them were, in their way.

    Personally, I liked "Up".

    You can't fault Cameron for making two of the biggest earners in history, but they're still way behind Gone with the Wind in tickets sold.

  5. Shawcross's previous on Jeffers and Adebayor show he is at best reckless, and at worst, extremely dangerous. Tackles of this sort should always be a red card.

    What fuc_ks me off is that the press and other halfwits make Shawcross the victim in this, because he blubbed and his "mum took him home", when it's Ramsey who's had his career threatened and both of his leg bones broken.

    Shawcross hasn't even apologised, the witless c**t.

    Naturally, if this was an assault on Rooney, the whole country would be up in arms with a world cup coming up, and Shawcross would have to move in with Salman Rushdie to avoid the baying, torch-and-pitchfork-wielding mobs led by Rob Shepherd and Richard Littlejohn.

    Instead of which we have to listen to the usual clueless crap from rednose and his posse of northern monkeys. He's probably still pished off that Ramsey snubbed him for a class club, and is just taking the opportunity to try and stick the knife in.

    The one really sad thing about this is that Shawcross actually got a call up for the England squad. If that's the kind of talentless clogger Capello wants in his side, then clearly he's looking to pick him in the knockout stages vs. Italy. Guaranteed red card material in any country but Britain.

    It's sad to say that Wenger needs to get some thugs back in his side, but that seems to be the way half the premiership still want to play.

    Having said that, lowly Wigan didn't exactly have to put themselves about to beat the mickey mousers, did they?

  6. This will be the first time i have not supported a BRITISH team in Europe,as i still disgusted by WEngers drunken statement about Stoke city FC.The man should be sued and banned from football.He is DISGRACE with his horrid mouth and will never change until football becomes a nancy boy sport.

    The danger of his comments are that,refs will start looking for fouls that arent there and his mind games will continue.


    On to tonight's match. I can see Arsenal putting Song and Diaby in midfield, and possibly Rosicky on the left, Nasri in the middle and Walcott on the right, with Arshavin up front on his own.

    The back four basically pick themselves, Eboue, Vermaelen, Campbell and Clichy.

    Obviously the first goal will have a MASSIVE say in where this ties goes. Losing Fabregas is a massive blow for Arsenal, but then again Porto's record in Blighty is pretty shit. So it could go either way. I hope to be suitably drunk before it starts to numb any pain that might come my way.

  7. It is no coincidence that this is happening coming up to the World Cup. SE Asian countries have to pay big bucks for the World Cup, and they can't recoup the money through subscriptions or advertising if everyone is picking up South African coverage illegally. I'm guessing FIFA have told DSTV to sort the problem out or lose the rights to broadcast in Africa.

    I foresee a big market in cards from neighbouring countries, like Astro in Malaysia.

    Better get cracking, lads.

  8. Either this issue is just being discussed more, or burning is becoming more frequent and the problem is worsening.

    Would it be obtuse to suggest that an ever-increasing population and accelerating poverty are significant factors here?

    I get very fed up listening to all these climate change bods talking about CO2, green fuels, green this and green that when the elephant in the room is third world countries having more children than they can feed and doing what comes naturally and increasing their consumption of natural resources to feed the extra mouths.

    And not helped of course by certain developed nations consuming everything they can buy and more.

    Not totally related, but there is an excellent Nat Geo documentary called Aftermath Population Zero (I think), which shows what would happen to the planet if mankind simply disappeared.

    In it they opine that all of the areas of vegetation man has destroyed in his relatively short tenure as a tool-using beast (oo-er missus!) will be virtually restored to its previous state in under 300 years.

  9. Reminds me of Pattaya Seaview Condos - they built this massive Condo building and obviously sold the sea view ones at a premium. Once the building sold out, the owner realised he had a good location and started on the second tower..... between the beach and the first one.

    They all went snorting down to the Mayor's office or whatever but couldn't do jack sh*t, so their seaview condos turned into neighbours lounge view condos with the accompanying price drop.


  10. I dont know of any establishment showing the game but it is on WE TV......sorry butt

    Just out of interest, what channel was it on? I know it wasn't on DSTV or ESPNSTAR. So did anyone actually watch it on television?

    Tonight's peanut hugging is on Supersport South Africa 5, as long as you haven't got a load of diehard ANZACs that want to watch the Super Duper 14's.




  11. How can you not include Arsenal against the tiny totts of totteringham in that list?

    I went to a Chiang Mai vs Chiang Rai Muay Thai match once at the ring behind the old True Blue at Thae Pae gate.

    It was Under-18's down to U-14's and bloody hel_l did they ever kick the shit out of each other. Blood flying everywhere.

    So the football should be a real laugh.

    If some of you are going, let's read your interview pieces for the job by writing a match report on this thread! :)

  12. I can't imagine this is going to help (from today's Post):

    Thailand faces the likelihood of the most serious water shortage in five years because of the return of El Nino, the Interior Ministry's Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department warned on Monday.

    Director-general Anucha Mokkhawes said the first effects would likely be felt in the upper parts of the North and Northeast regions. Irrigated zones were not hit, but outside these zones water shortages for agriculture were already in evidence.

    Central and Eastern provinces had also begun to experience drought in the upper parts of the regions, and the affects would spread. The South would also be hit, but not seriously.

    Mr Anucha said the El Nino threat was expected to result in the lowest rainfall in five years. This would also increase the risk from forest fires.

    He said farmers in 23 provinces in the Chao Phraya river basin - Kamphaeng Phet, Tak, Nakhon Sawan, Phichit, Phitsanulok, Sukhothai, Uttaradit, Uthai Thani, Bangkok, Chainat, Nonthaburi, Lop Buri, Saraburi, Sing Buri, Ang Thong, Pathum Thani, Ayutthaya, Chachoengsao, Nakhon Nayok, Samut Prakan, Suphan Buri, Samut Sakhon and Nakhon Pathom - were advised not to grow second-season rice and to instead grow short-lived crops such as beans, corn, sugarcane and cassava, which need less water.

    All industrial plants are required to lay down a plan for water use and look for alternative sources of water.

    If people were more economical in their use of water in general this would, to an extent, cushion the adverse severity of the dry season, Mr Anucha said.

  13. How many times are we going to trade our old stuff in and pay over again for the new version? How many times are we going to fall for this trick?



    That should tell you the amount of extra detail in the picture.

    Bluray on an LCD TV is a massive improvement over standard DVD on the same TV.

    And remember that Bluray is now the HD standard because it won the battle with the competing HDDVD format.

  14. the best English Brekkie in Chiangmai. Fried tomatoes, hashbrown, mushrooms, beans, sausages (British), bacon (British), Eggs (fried or scrambled) two slices of toast, orange juice and two cups of tea/coffee, 140bht!

    "hashbrown" has no place in an English breakfast. That's American. Does anyone in CM do Black Pudding?

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