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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. I don't consider my statements or questions ridiculous, and I don't consider them a misrepresentation.

    You have only been a member here for about one week. We are talking about posts that were made several years ago. Don't take things so personally. No one is refering to your specific opinions. :)

    That's odd. I'm looking at posts with today's date on, and comments made in reply to one of mine.


  2. As I recall, Priceless' principal concern early on (in early 2007, at least) seems to have been (and he expressed this directly to me) just as UG has indicated above: a really intense dislike for ridiculous misrepresentations about pollution that have shown up from time to time.

    I don't see how I've misrepresented anything. I've been coming to Chiang Mai in March and December for 12 years now, and I stated that in my experience, March is the worst time for pollution based on the haze, smoke and reporting in the national press (it has become a regular feature pre-rainy season in the last 3-4 years). So it's not some filthy arab smoking algerian camel shit in the guest house room next to mine, and blowing it through the extractor.

    If I had to guess, I'd say because that's when it's hottest, dryest and most ideal for burning. I stated that two years ago was the worst I experienced, and the response was that it is "meaningless". Well then what is the thread supposed to be about? According to my records, it's called "Pollution in Chiang Mai", not "Pollution statistics in Chiang Mai".

    Perhaps there was more localised burning in the vicinity in which I was staying, which would not necessarily affect the overall statistics, I don't know. I merely stated how the effects of pollution were far more noticeable two years ago than any other year; and it affected a larger number of visitors that year, from what I recall. I'd like to find out if anyone was aware of other factors that year.

    I don't consider my statements or questions ridiculous, and I don't consider them a misrepresentation.

    Any moron can take an opposite viewpoint and prove it with a dazzling variety of debate tactics.

    None of it really disproves what I've said anyway - it's equally meaningless.

    So are we here to DISCUSS the effects, the nature and the trends of pollution in Chiang Mai, or just to surf around trolling for stats to show what bloody smart <deleted> we can be?

  3. Unholy crap! I see what people mean about poor air quality being a localized and transient problem. I really couldn't breathe in the city this morning and took a ride up Doi Suthep just to get a little oxygen. My first few days' impression is now being updated with "fresh" data.

    Was I hallucinating when I saw those big, vapour-blowing fans on the bridge last March, and read that this was an attempt at washing some of the crap out of the air? And they also cancelled Chiang Mai-Mae Hong Son flights for a while as well, because the haze made it impossible to land the aircraft safely.

    It's interesting to see people using statistics to try and prove or disprove the problem, but for those of us that have noticed the problem worsening and have experienced it first hand (over the last 12 years in my case), I'm afraid those arguments do not stand up. I would not suggest that it doesn't affect some as much as others, that is surely about perception and peoples own personal health.

    Two years ago was the worst I've experienced here. That was also the time I went flying around and saw the extent of the burning. In my opinion that is the biggest problem. (And anselpixel, I agree it must be something to do with the Chiang Mai "bowl", because even at 1,000 feet - I would estimate - the problem was noticeably less).

    Having said that, all that it takes is a decent shower and it's mostly gone.

    However, I'd like to see the figures for reported respiratory illnesses in March; in the absence of precipitation they must be significantly higher than any other time of year. These are the statistics that matter. Is the number of people getting sick during burning season on the rise? And if so, why? Because people are more prone to sickness? Or because there's more burning? Or are other factors at work (perhaps a highly contagious, airborne strain of hypochondria).

  4. I guess I am just different after traveling all over the world I dont expect good service when I am visiting 3rd world countries and eating in inexpensive establishments if I get it then great if I dont I remain patient and dont get my knickers in a twist unlike many less travelled people.

    Since I have business experience running service orientated projects I understand better than most the effort it takes to stay on top of things

    Maybe I'm am different in that wherever I've travelled in the world, I've tolerated poor service and on occasions complained about it, but at no time would I (or will I ever) take being insulted or abused by people I am paying.

    I hope Kevin has given someone a rocket up the arse, since that is unforgiveable. But as you say, a lot of Thais are very good at skiving when the boss isn't there.

    Kevin, now you have Wifi, stick a webcam in there and tell the staff you can watch them at any time :)

  5. Sick of people who are too dim to see the poster deliberately posted a message to damage a persons business when he is a representative of people who accept money for his advertising, the post was a deliberate highjacking of a positive post and turned it into a negative one.

    Plain and simple

    So you aren't sick of people like Wolfie who complain at poor service, you are sick of people like me who are too dim to see that Wolfie has some sort of an agenda to destroy a man's business? I see. Actually i don't. I haven't got a clue what it is you are going on about.

    Customers who receive bad service have every right to do whatever they please with that information. If they want to tell all their friends that's entirely up to them. Businesses get the benefit of word of mouth when a customer receives good service and tells others. They must also accept customers may well tell others when the service is bad. Customers aren't beholden to some sort of a moral agreement that any bad feedback must be kept strictly secret and only shared with the management of that company/business.

    The only time when it is ever wrong for a customer to speak publicly about their experience is when they are lying and making stuff up. I have no reason to believe Wolfie is. Do you?

    Kevin accepted Wolfie's comments/complaints and responded professionally. I don't think all this nonsense you are spouting on his behalf is doing him any favours whatsoever.

    So as a moderator on this site Wolfie with thousands of posts he obviously has followed all the Red Lion threads and knows Kevins policy on guarantee's and please let him know if there is a problem in his restaurant. He must of seen it many times during his dutys as a moderator so when he goes there and is treated badly and has to wait 45 minutes instead of remembering, (Oh I must let kevin know about this especially since he is an advertiser and I work for TV) But no he decides to highjack Kevins POSITIVE thread and sarcastically slag his place down by starting his post by saying I hope his internet connection is faster than his service.

    I dont understand why he did not let Kevin know, I dont even know the guy but I have seen his posts and he obviously wants to take care of his customers and I would of certainly let him know about the problem and giving him a chance to put it right instead of slagging his place down.


    Perhaps it's only me, but by replying on a thread about the Red Lion, he did let Kevin know, and Kevin responded honestly and fairly, which Wolfie accepted.

    If the rest of the static on this thread was taken out, that would have been been the end of it. Too many people jumping on high horses.

    I've eaten in the Red Lion enough times to know they have the occasional off day - but then again who doesn't? Doesn't stop me going there the next time.

    Now, if you want crap service, try The House....!

    (And I'm not a mod so I don't care who they pay!).

  6. A little reminder of the extent of the allegations:

    "The civil case involves alleged conflicts of interest on the part of Thaksin and his then wife, Khunying Potjaman na Pombejra, whom public prosecutors said held shares illegally in Shin Corp. Thaksin stands accused of enriching his family's business empire through targeted government policies - which were mostly introduced in 2003 - before the Shinawatras sold all their holdings in the companies in 2006."

  7. The tradename Chantrix (USA) or Champix (EU) they may not know, but they should be able to find it under Varenicline.

    You actually smoke for 6-10 days while a level of the drug builds up in your body, so that it isn't such a shock when you pick a day to stop.

    The only side effect I had was some really weird dreams early on and the headaches, which I think are more the nicotine withdrawal than effects of the drug.

    If you want to give up but find it very hard, then this may well be the impetus that you need. It really works.

    Pros: Not hacking up crap every morning, tasting food properly, smelling a bit nicer; much more energy and breath.

    Cons: You will put on weight (nicotine is an appetite suppressor) so exercise and eat properly if you want to avoid that, and you may find, to put it as diplomatically as I can, that you don't have your usual morning constitutional that soon after waking up (nicotine also stimulates the digestive tract!).

    I consulted both my GP and dietician while going through this, and did put a bit of weight on because I'm a lazy bastard, but funnily enough everyone says I look a lot healthier for it (except the bloody dietician with her magic sodding fat detection machines!).

    Did you know the recommended portion size for steak is the size of a deck of cards? Yeah, I think that sucks as well.

    *** Forgot to mention that the nausea of which people speak I did experience at first, too. Discovered that this is down to taking the medication on an empty stomach. Eat your first or last meal of the day 15-20 minutes before you take the tablet and you should not have this problem. (The dosage is normally morning and night, roughly 12-hour intervals).

  8. Are we to assume that one of the five demands is that the man wants his money back?

    Perhaps one of the problems behind all this is that there is an awful lot of evidence that says it doesn't actually belong to him.

    I.e. that he pocketed cash from various corrupt deals, tax evasion, etc., whilst paying off the peasants with the yellow shirts' tax monies.

    Knowing at least one of his crooked foreign friends, I can guarantee you that he's as bent as a 60 baht note (there were lots of panicky phone calls and faxes when he was deposed because of worries over a particularly lucrative arrangement).

    I think the best punishment for Cambodia is to leave him there as their economic adviser. If he tries the same s**t there, I doubt we'll ever hear from him again :)

  9. Truevision had a shake-up as well. There was no service from about 1:00 this morning until around 5:30. When programming resumed, all the channels are lined up differently and some channels have been added while it seems others have been deleted.

    They usually issue a heads up in both Thai and English across the screen for 2 weeks before a change. This time apparently not.

    I've got the Gold Package and so far it seems CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, CNBC, etc. are still there.

    Truevision did have a shake up of channels this morning. There was a two week notice, no channels were deleted a couple added. It is obvious by their arrangement of channels that they are planning on additions.

    Would it be beyond the realms of imagination and hope to whisper *HDTV*....?

  10. I agree with Winnie although "fine," as Winnie puts it, is quite relative. But then that gets into a lot of technical detail! Anyway, I hope that Larry will check out other possible causes as well. Although there was a "blip" in PM<10 reading in the last couple of weeks of December which seems to have reflected early rice straw burning (which you can definitely see on the ground), the air has been relatively clear. clear; I said relatively clear.

    Any individual's sensitivity to air pollution varies, just as it does to cigarette smoke, asbestos or coal dust!

    I think the little bastards wait until its hot and dry because it's easier to slash and burn then.

    I flew around Doi Saket with CM Sky adventure a couple of years ago, when it was throat burning stuff, and there were small forest fires all over the place, as far as the eye could see.

    By the time the old bill get there (if they are called and can be bothered to go), invariably the arsonists have fled.

  11. Much land available in Chiang Mai, not much on Phuket province. So yes, a land intensive sport like golf will be more expensive here.

    Phuket Golf is a ripoff compared to other parts of Thailand. (Well actually, that applies to Phuket as a whole these days).

    950 Baht for a nine hole course?

    Gymkhana's 9 hole course in Chiang Mai is Bt 700 including caddy and club rental!

  12. Whats happening to phuket it really is becoming very dangerous for farangs now, tourists and expats alike. The thais , (tuk tuk drivers , jet ski operators , shifty bargirls , corrupt police ) are scaring their breadwinners away.I know thai people cannot alway think straight , but you think someone in the government should realize the damage being done and try to do something about it. :)

    I just avoid Phuket like the plague these days. It's about the worst part of tourist Thailand. You don't even get most of this sh*t in Pattaya! (Jet skis excepted, they're a national menace).

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