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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. although Win7 certainly can slow down any computer (regardless of budget) to the point where you can't use it at all...

    If you install a ton of crap and don't configure your startup properly maybe.

    But otherwise Windows 7 is fine and I'm typing this on an Atom netbook with no swap file and a couple of Gig of RAM.

    Comments like the above are misleading. Windows might need a bit of work, but if it slows down to the point you can't use it at all, you should be using a Mac so you aren't allowed to configure your PC badly.

    I have have six sites open in Firefox and Outlook 2010 running. No problem switching between them and it's easily as responsive as XP would be on a more powerful machine.

  2. We could see the ads on Facebook if you provided a link. :P Or even just repost the same information here, instead of all this silly stuff.

    ( I checked the Facebook pages for 'Chiang Mai Party People' and the old Chun-Ki but both seem dead. )

    Why that location though? It'd be really hard to find for people who typically frequent Boon Yoo. (or the Reggae area as you call it)

    As a tip, in the past the most successful parties were somewhat easy to reach. The ones that were way out didn't quite live up to expectations. So the challenge you have is finding a location that is discrete enough to not get closed down at 1am, but accessible enough for tourists to find it. So that's quite a challenge.

    Perhaps the fact that they're "in the past" might explain why someone is trying something new.

    Good on them, I say. Although it's hard to see what their target market is.

    But seriously, Chiang Mai isn't that big <deleted>. I'd find the location online and get there with just the information on this thread. But I can't because I am outside CM at the moment. Boo Hoo I say.

    Come on, get out those pink fedoras and wide collared shirts and pimp your way down there. And post some reports. According to my records it's a weekend.

  3. I have a US spec Toshiba TV and a Dreambox DM800.

    When I first got the TV and plugged it in, I couldn't get a picture. I went to Amazon and bought some US spec DVI-HDMI cables and that worked fine.

    Then recently I updated the image on the DM800, and now I can only get sound.

    It all looks OK, DVI specified on the Dreambox, but I can't for the life of me work it out.

    DVI/HDMI doesn't worry about PAL/NTSC does it?

    Anyone have any clues?

  4. If it was an IP address conflict, Windows would normally pop up a message to that effect.

    If you can log into your router, look for "Diagnostics" or "Logging". Most routers keep records of the most common problems they can detect if for some reason they feel obliged to disconnect a Wireless client.

    What kind of Router is it? I you can't find it, maybe we can find the instructions for you.

  5. if it works out supposedly then it will be permanent, on weekends only from 4 to 11. that time of day it is not too diff to use some of the parallel roads for driving .

    I would have preferred them to close it on weekdays and not compete with the weekend walking street markets (unless of course the demand is so great which I doubt). Also, it will give the tourists who had missed out on the weekend ones a nice substitute.

    Still, I think the closure is good. It will at least breathe some life into that area, especially the quieter parts.


    Talking of breathing, it might also clear the air.

  6. Out of interest, did you pay her 30Bt for a 30Bt dish or did you tip her? Or were you paying 40Bt including tip?

    I say that, because if you were actually paying 40Bt and you were both happy, then why worry? you were both happy with the arrangement.

  7. Just had an email from a mate , he's just been playing with one in Pattaya ( Central Festival Mall )

    a snip at 88,000 Baht :whistling:

    88k ??????????? killing me......... can i get discount ?lol

    Man and to think I have to wait 3 more weeks for mine coming from the UK, for all of 23k baht.... :P

    Does it come with the free bumper?


  8. From the "other" board:

    Interesting results from a CNET Poll:

    Are you satisfied with Apple giving away free bumpers to solve the iPhone 4's antenna woes?
    • Yes, I'll happily take my free bumper 37%
    • No, and I'm considering returning my phone 28%
    • No, but I'll keep my phone anyway 13%
    • I never had a problem in the first place 23%

    I wasn't that good at math at school, but that seems to be more than 0.55% to me.

  9. The Brits brought back Indian food, along with Indian spices, Indian armed forces (who fought alongside us), Indian man servants etc. 'Educted' (sic), politely, of course.

    Actually, when it first came back, it was only really consumed by the upper classes, who considered it very fashionable. Sort of like Sol beer during the Yuppie boom on Wall Street.

    Having colonial military in the distant family, I am still to this day very partial to the kedgeree I used to eat as a child (and funnily enough I still cook it now and my own son loves it). It was primarily a breakfast dish, but you can eat it any time, hot or cold as is your preference.

    It's a doddle to make yet very, very tasty. I'm salivating at the mere thought. :blink:


    There's a simple recipe at the Beeb site here:

    Quick Kedgeree recipe

    It uses Salmon which is fine, although I prefer smoked Haddock or Halibut myself.

    I am, I'm actually drooling!


  10. I always drive my bike across, never had any problems.

    More irritating to me is the foreigners walking up the middle of Soys (sic) thinking they are pedestrian walkways.

    Is that as opposed to bikers that ride down the middle of them as if they own them?


  11. As Pakistan used to be India, and Bangladesh used to be East Pakistan, I'd suggest you have a word with the local south Asians and ask them for their recommendations.

    If I wanted British curry, I'd go where the Brits eat.

  12. Regarding Rooney, who if I remember fell asleep on a sofa in the brothel, the prevailing tune for most of the season (to the tune of "Volare") was:

    Wayne Rooney, whoa whoa

    Wayne Rooney, whoa whoa whoa whoa

    He gave her fifty quid

    He's younger than her kid....


  13. I understand from reports that were coming out of North Korea before the tournament that (a) they wouldn't let ANY foreign reporters talk to their World Cup squad or manager, and (:) they were not going to show the tournament at all, only highlights of DPRK games, and that only IF they won.

    What a miserable sh*thole; having been to South Korea for the 2002 World Cup and had a fantastic time,I have only contempt for those f**king commies that have made your average North Korean's life so utterly hard and miserable. That's probably why they are so keen to ensure that their people have no idea what they are missing out on. Now that place REALLY needs some red shirts - but Thai style ones!

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