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Everything posted by ratcatcher

  1. Definition of endemic (Entry 1 of 2) 1a: belonging or native to a particular people or country b: characteristic of or prevalent in a particular field, area, or environment Stupidity is endemic
  2. A nice little oxymoron quite capable of joining the other morons at the Tory party party at No.10.
  3. Are you discussing bread and butter or girls?
  4. The creature in the photos was an Asian water monitor. As you know, alligators are not native to Thailand.
  5. The Indian tourist must be very naïve to be wandering around Pattaya wearing an expensive gold necklace at a time like this.
  6. Frankly, I find it offensive that you would tell us that you would be offended by someone telling you that you shouldn't be offended by something that might offend you.
  7. In view of your planetary references, I was wondering if that information regarding Mars & Pluto came from Uranus?
  8. Another two bite the dust. Bingo. Vietnam cleaning out the <deleted>.
  9. Is living in Thailand better health-wise than elsewhere? That surely depends on where you have chosen to live in the country. I chose to reside in Phichit province which is farming country, with no major industrial activity, and to most farangs, dead boring.. As a rule the air is much cleaner than the northern mountainous provinces or the Bangkok metropolitan areas.. Being next to the Nan river is also a help because of wind flow down the river. OTOH if you happen to choose to live in Bangkok or one of the bigger cities, air pollution increases significantly. Not only air quality is related to health. As others have stated, serious other problems exist which can affect one's health. Excessive noise from neighbors, traffic problems and other social problems like stray dogs etc., can all have an effect on our health.
  10. Yes, maybe the runaround that Abramovich keeps on the stern area of Eclipse.
  11. Does anyone here suspect excessive speed by one or more of the drivers?
  12. All valid points, I agree. However, a good driver should drive at a speed suitable for the conditions and a speed which will enable him to stop if he sees something ahead that is a hazard. Yes, the truck may have been poorly parked, but it is your responsibility to be able to control your vehicle to try and avoid such hazards. Bottom line here is the driver probably won't be driving again and he won't be able to forget he was responsible for someone's death.
  13. I think the oligarchs fit just the profile that the Thai government is looking for. Wealthy, foreigners. No names, no pack drill.
  14. This country, (..fill in the blank..) is so crazy about money. There, that fixed it.
  15. The young lady might have fallen from the boat when it made a sharp turn, she may also have been sitting on the gunwale (side) of the boat. After all it was a party group having fun and she wasn't wearing a life jacket apparently. At this time of year water flow in the CP river is much slower than later in the year. Very sad for her family & friends.
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