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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. Like I have always said never invest here what you are not willing to walk away from . I bought lamd and a house no I dont own it , do I care no , am I worried ome day I ll come home and find my clothes in the street , no . Ome thing to note if land and house is purchased during the marrage , in a divorce its split 50 50 . If she dies you get 50% if no will and her famly which you are included in gets the other 50 % .

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  2. Well as a person that tries to avoid that place as much as possible I do find myself going there for the must haves. Today I went on the motorbike tried to park near the store . Well was met by a security guard that said I had to park around the corner only cars can park in front . Not that im lazy to walk it has just made it so quick fast in and outs are a little harder . Maybe im hetting old or been jere too long and letting the little things get to me . I think next time I ll just park and ignore him . Tried the new sub shop across the street was well worth the walk ....

  3. Had something close to this too , jad to deal with a lady in Bangkok , we found the owner through the land office , nice lady helped us there , then tried to get 3 % from the seller , didnt work she got nothing . Then the fun started fimding a good builder , we were very lucky to find a qualoty builder .....

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  4. House rules here , when are they coming when are they leaving and whos coming . No one sleeps on the floor and no ome sleeps on the couch. And no ome invades the man cave . Family is welcome and that doesnt stretch past mother father sister brother nieces and nephews . No tag alongs allowed . You bring friends you stay at a guest house . We once had a lady show up for an expected and welcomed stay . When she arrived three more people showed up we didnt know and nrpught there two dogs along . From that point on we drew a line . Wife understands and agrees .

  5. I got in the yellow book , for the effort it took its worth nothing unless you need pfoof of residence , get a drivers lic or register a motorbike , if anyone can think of another use please let me know , my reasoning for doing so was to get on the government health care , that lasted two months ...

  6. She has always done me well too . If you have a problem and just walk im its hard to get in to see her . But sit and wait eventually you ll get in. My guess if it was a real emergency youd have no problem ...

  7. I on an extention based on marrage. My pension fully covers what it required . I went to the embassy and got the affidavit the first year I extended , thats all I brought. Second year same thing. This time they want the letter and also proof . She was nice did all the paper work told me to nring it back by the end of the day which I did . I asked ok now I show proof from my pension company can I skip the affidavit . Was told no need both, so every year I bring both. This last week I went in again, different lady working. She lookes over all my documemts then goes ober to the lady that does the retirement visas shows her my papers , comes back and asks me where is my other proof of income . It was in the file but she didnt see it . All was ok I was out in 30 minutesn, this was in Chiang mai as well . I jear from others on retirement visas they are only showing the letter from the embassy and having no issues.

  8. Yes , I know what you mean , we have made a plan if both my wife and I go before her , she will ne well cared for . In her own house , with people she knows . I have often thought about that everytime my wife and I go out on the motorbike . We have good neighbors that would look after her until famley got here. My mother on the other hand had made it bery clear when she passed away her dog was to be put down , she knew that no one would care for her like she did . As it happened , her wishes were carried out . Was a very sad day but it was what she wanted. You dont argue with an 88 year old woman , and I sure would not want to meet her in the here after had her wishes not been carried out .. im sure manywill disagree but she was a true animal lover .

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  9. I went last week. Got there at 430 am . There were already about 10 linded up for retirment visas . Go early , if you have a car drive it. When you get there look on the building it will have numbers you line up in front of the number for the particular service you are coming for. Go get a chair and set it in the line put a jacket or something on it , then go sit in the car and wait . About 7 or 7 30 they will hand out numbers. You go inside and they will issue you another number for the service you need . The visa companys have there people there very early . My sugestion is go very early .. I was out by 10 30 . By 6 30 the line was pretty long ...

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