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  1. A USA warranty will not be honored here so you must factor any repair costs, shipping costs and down-time into your decision. I purchased a Samsung phone in USA and the warranty was not honored here. Something like an Apple product might be an exception.
  2. Looks like he is squatting right next to the No Parking sign on the payment. He is also blocking the steps. Forget the chain, the police should simply throw these mb's in the back of police pickups and the owners can come to the police station and sort things out.
  3. The Saudis and Putin have placed huge orders!
  4. Hmm..... Consider the timing, wonder if this is politically motivated in light of the elections. It's just a bad idea.
  5. The project owner faithfully pays his annual maintenance fees. His management company does profit from managing a number of View Talay projects. The owner apparently is not motivated to sell the wing units for whatever reason. As noted by other posters, they do present a challenge because of their unusual shape and size (115 & 257 sqm). The market is now geared for the Chinese (and Asians in general) that are used to smaller spaces. It will take skilled marketing strategies to move these units, I'm afraid an insurmountable task for this project owner. On a positive note, the maintenance fee is only 10 baht/sqm per month, as compared to these new projects which are 40 and 50 baht/sqm.
  6. Let me add my two cents to the discussion from the perspective of a long-time Vt7 co-owner and former Committee member. Many comments are on the mark, there are no legal issues as those were settled years ago. Many ground floor businesses closed shop due to covid and are just now beginning to show signs of life. I suspect a year from now things will have improved dramatically, including rentals and resale of existing units. Co-owners are befuddled by the lack marketing skills and/or interest of the project owner; not only unsold units in Vt7 but all the others projects (vt3, vt5, vt6, vt8). The project owner sells condos like he did last century when there was no competition; no advertising, no shared commissions with realtors, Thai sales staff with limited communication skills, no promotions, price increases, etc, etc. Compare that to the glitzy new shoeboxes being built with first class amenities. Vt7 has so much going for it and could be marketed successfully in the hands of the right people. The project owner is old and we are told younger family members are open to new ideas. We will see.
  7. As an American, that's not the way it works in Thailand.
  8. As an American living in Pattaya, I have purchased 4 Toyotas over the years. I used to visited several dealerships but they are all given an allowance by Toyota (40-50k) and can spread the money as they wish; insurance, accessories, discounts, etc. What is most important to me is the dealer's reputation for after-sale service, and they do differ considerably, so do your research. Another note, as a farang you will pay about 1% more than a Thai if you decide to finance.
  9. Let's all get Ukrainian flags and "welcome" our Russian "guests".
  10. Do they really think the booking websites (Agoda, Booking.com Hotels.com, etc.) would implement such a policy? Can you see international hoteliers (Sheraton, Hyatt, Holiday Inn, etc.) doing this. Time for a reality check.
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