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Everything posted by tilaceer

  1. Isn't Bondi the AG that decided not to pursue charges against Trump University after she received $25,000 from Trump as a donation for her campaign in 2013 ? Seems that makes her eminently suitable as a candidate for Trumps cabinet. Wonder if there will be any nominations who are either qualified, or do not have the stench of corruption hanging round them ?
  2. A little video I made, and I think PF sum up Trump rather well, (if I don't get a copyright strike). trump 2.mp4
  3. Not just Democrats.
  4. How typical of a MAGA to support a washed up B grade, alcoholic anti-Semite actor who assaulted his girlfriend. That must put him right up there with Trump in your estimation.
  5. So as usual, you have no proof...in other words its just a trolling opinion.
  6. Once again I am calling BS on your claim, unless you back this nonsense up with proof.
  7. I rate Allan Lichtman over Silver any day. Nate basis his predictions on nothing but polling results, which can change. Allan has his 13 keys that he uses and has correctly predicted all outcomes except Gore versus Bush, (and he claims that was a stolen election). No doubt as his keys do not point to a Trump win, Maga's will now try and denigrate his methods, or the guy himself. https://thehill.com/video/nate-silver-is-wrong-kamala-harris-will-win-allan-lichtman-predicts/10025044/
  8. True, the MAGA plebs here would be more than satisfied with such a nonsensical appraisal of Trumps cognitive and physical decline. But ..but ..his cholesterol, which I would argue is probably higher than his IQ, along with his BP and BMI. Person. Woman. Man. Camera..."Ronny Johnson" Trump wont release his scholastic records even though he is a self proclaimed genius. Trump wont release x-rays showing his bone spurs. Trump wont release his tax returns. Trump wont release his latest medical records. its almost like he has something to hide. As per the Detroit rally, the only thing he does release is into his Depends.
  9. Sure you do. Bet you thought that cholesterol comment was the bees knees, until......
  10. So you do admit to plagiarism ? Skills ? You mean not answering the question ? deflect, protect, deflect, protect.
  11. You stole that fatuous attempt at deflection from Mike Johnson. He liked it so much he used it twice in the same interview,
  12. QED you obviously dont get the hypocrisy when you complain about a short being posted by left wingers, yet no comment when a 6 minute extreme right wing clip is posted.
  13. Suggest you ask Frank....as per his previous comment...
  14. Other source, not sources, and Sky News ????????? post a video of the interview rather than some rightwing hack 'interpretation' of it
  15. The whole embarrassing mess is available on the Bloomberg YT channel. Trump starts about an hour in. Trump was not getting hostile questions and grilled in that interview. John was overly polite and respectful, and indeed let Trump ramble on various occasions, even after being insulted by Trump. He was just trying to keep Trump on point, and to fact check when Trump started lying, which began after the first question. Trumps modus operandi is just to start talking, (and sniffing), and to keep rambling, (and sniffing), and not let the interviewer take back control. His "weave" ramblings remind me of Grampa Simpson, except Simpson is just a comical cartoon character....oh wait !!!
  16. Imagine the MAGA reaction on here if Biden or Harris had acted in this extremely peculiar way. Being totally unsympathetic to anyone but himself, Trump could have continued bloviating in his usual way for the rest of the rally except rather his brain went on a space walk, which seems to be happening a lot more recently. I do not know what was more cringeworthy. Trumps attempt at dancing or Kristi Noem's trying to get jiggy with it. And what is the story about Trump's makeup ???? He has gone from orange to a nut brown for the front with a circle of pasty white at the back. Is he going for a tobacco sunburst look ?
  17. Yahoo, or its employees, did not write this article. It was written by freelance writer and fact checker Paige Oamek, and utilised in various publications. Forbes, The Guardian, New York Times, Bloomberg, CNN, Al Jazeera, Washington Post, PBS, AP News, Newsweek and others, have also published similar articles describing the same, so it seems somewhat disingenuous to dismiss what is being presented just because its on one news service that you do not like.
  18. Dunno 'bout that. You seem to seek a lot of attention on here with irrelevant posts such as this one.
  19. Rash generalisation. I watched the debate and if I had to declare a winner, I would say Walz overall did a better job than Vance.
  20. It's not in the past, despite what Vance, and others, want people to believe to avoid addressing the question. Trump is still spreading the lie that the 2020 election was stolen as part of his 2024 political campaign. His refusal, (as well as his acolyte's), to admit that there wasn't any widespread corruption in the 2020 election that impacted the outcome in anyway is still being used to create unrest in his extreme supporter base, in the eventuality that he loses again. When/if he loses in November, he and his base, will not accept the results of the election, (he has said as much), and once again it can be expected that, he will use whatever means he has at his disposal to try and grab power. Until Trump admits publicly that the 2020 election was not stolen, then this issue will never remain in the past. As evidenced on this forum, there are those who, despite any evidence to the contrary, still believe that he won.
  21. You are just a troll.
  22. Link supporting your claim please. All 7 swing states !
  23. Surprisingly, like his sneakers, bible and everything else he has tried to grift off, these watch experts are not impressed by the timepieces Trump is trying to flog to his acolytes. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/style/trump-watch-likely-made-in-china-overpriced-1236013728/
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