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Everything posted by tilaceer

  1. Makes them feel like big men. Small p3nis syndrome, just like daddy.
  2. Funny, you didn't think Bill Maher was a joke when you used him to justify your comment that Trump won the previous debate by the biggest margin ever, because everybody said so. That everybody consisted of you, Shaun and Bill.
  3. Gee, that's an intelligent response Frank. Does your credibility a world of good........not.
  4. Remind us again, how much money did Trump and his family make whilst he was President, even though they were supposed to divest themselves from the business's during this sad timeframe ? Please also include Ivanka's 28 'foreign trademarks approved whilst appointed by nepotism to The White House.
  5. You are now on Susan's Christmas card list.
  6. Maga's will maintain that Trump won, and mainly justify that by bashing Harris. Never Trumpers will maintain that Harris won and cite various reasons why they feel this. Irrespective, I feel that his performance tonight will not win him anymore votes and indeed might cost him votes. There is no need for him to court Trumpers as they will never change their mind, but in trying to sway swing, independent's and those on the fence I believe he failed. Guess we will find out soon enough.
  7. Even more scarier that Project 25.. https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-ziklag-secret-christian-charity-2024-election
  8. QED
  9. Reminds me of a dog, (cricket?), that is being scolded for doing something wrong and doesn't want to look at the owner to try and pretend it's not happening.
  10. Your hostile news outlet comment is a standard maga obfuscation. What I wrote is standard modus operandi for Trumpers, as your selective responses illustrate.
  11. Well considering how she has just run rings around the petulant 5 year old, I do not expect she will have any issues with Trumps hero's. She wasn't perfect, nobody is. And her imperfections are all that Maga will focus on and ignore what is blatantly obvious about Trump. He is demented.
  12. Must protect Trump..Must protect Trump. Everyone's else's fault, never Trump. Just because they don't treat him with kid gloves as they do on right wing outlets. Ignore his blatant character flaws and either blame the media, or attack the opponent to try and remove the focus from his frailties.
  13. The Canton woman accused of killing and eating a cat has no known connection to Haiti or any other foreign country. Yeah, just throw that petrol on anything that might aid Maga.
  14. Opinion, but this is not the forum to rebuff your mistaken opinion.
  15. Obamacare was lousy, but we are working on it !!!! He has had 9 years and still nada.
  16. Seriously ??? That's the only takeaway you can try and address, that a pet was eaten by an American and not an illegal ?
  17. Opinion.
  18. Because Republicans put Trump ahead of their oath of office. And using name calling is pathetic but so maga.
  19. Its not about your opinion on abortion, its about Trumps lies on abortion. Stop trying to deflect. His rallies do NOT draw the crowds he claims and Kamalas are bigger..another lie. The only pet that was eaten was by an American. Just deflect deflect deflect.. Are tariffs a tax on the supplying country yes or no ? Why can you not answer the question but always deflect. ?
  20. Not true, he is not letting Trump get away with his usual browbeating and continual lying. Embarrassing that someone of his position, (ex), has to be kept on a leash.
  21. Still tried to blackmail him
  22. He knows Zelensky cos he tried to blackmail him.
  23. When will you issue a post concerning all the lies that Trump is spewing, or are you not hearing those through your maga filter ?
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