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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. more idiotic <deleted> , this drivel is the sort of stuff that makes me want to puke.......you are living in a 3rd World Corrupt Country where over half the population are on the game one way or another...... its not paradise!!!!!blink.png

    According to you, over 30 million Thais are prostitutes and most of the country is a brothel.

    You said; “you (meaning we) are living in a 3rd World Corrupt Country where over half the population are on the game one way or another” which I assume means you do not live in Thailand. So who are you and what are you? .What country do you live in? Do you have extremist political views?

    Or perhaps you`re one of those losers who couldn`t hack it in Thailand and bear a grudge against the country? Or got shafted by some Thai woman of ill repute when you fell head over heels in love with her after only 2 nights of hot passion and paid sex?

    For me personally, I consider myself lucky and fortunate to be in Thailand and able to afford living here.

    The continuous politically bickering's here do rather spoil things, because it brings an uncertainty to what the furture holds for us in Thailand, but besides that, I believe that those like me who can afford to live in Thailand should also consider themselves privileged and lucky. I bet that there are thousands of people in the West that would swap with us in an instant to escape their mundane lives there.

    terryp's reply was as accurate a description of thailand as the op's.

    • Like 2
  2. Maybe try driving around. Could try along 1317 east & south of San Kamphaeng. Alternatively, try the small dairy farms, who probably buy the bales for winter feed. Lots of them SE of San Kampaeng. Maybe they'll sell a few?

    Or if you just want the straw, fill your own sacks once they've cut the rice....

  3. Apparently it was a conversation on his facebook page. I don't know if it was on his open page or a private conversation. If it was just a private chat b/w 2 people then I don't see the problem, however if she was posting for all to see then yea a different issue.

    I will attempt to stop eating thai rice and breathing Thai air so as not to take from thais.

    Thai air? You're having a laugh. Once the smog arrives to cover northern Thailand, I hear so much about it blowing in from neighbouring countries....

  4. That Irish guy may well find himself in trouble. Chiang Mai university lecturers have a bad reputation and are untouchable.

    About as much stereotyping in that statement as from the OP. Nice to know I'm 'untouchable' though. smile.png

    I thought that was down to the "tv admin" status wink.png

    • Like 1
  5. You can see the waterfall from below, not far from the parking area. Those with healthier knees can take the path/steps up the left side of the w/f. enjoying the views of the large yellow, in your face "safety signs" put up by flight of the gibbon. IMHO spoils the nature experience. Homestays are available in the village, don't know the price, but probably gone up just like the coffee shop prices since FOG arrived in the village. The area is a beautiful corner of the valley, & we used to visit often until the gibbon folk arrived. Probably busy with bangkokkers at weekends. Enjoy.......

  6. Don't know what was going on there but all around the place were police in riot gear, and ambulances with their sirens on trying to get through the gridlock of traffic. I was stuck in the traffic jam for what seemed like 40 minutes. Anyone know what was happening?

    Perhaps the BiB saw loads of folk in red santa hats & mistook them for "redshirts" planning to occupy & burn Chiang Mai's latest temple to wealth.

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  7. "He said all wooden sleepers have been replaced by more than 450,000 concrete sleepers" I've only had a chance to see the results in two areas during the past week.

    South of Chiang Mai, there is new ballast ( rock base) and new rails, but new wood sleepers ( ties) have been used.

    In Lamphun, I see old ballast, new wood ties (sleepers) and some new rails.

    The work looks fine, but why the need to lie about the work ?

    The section I drive by daily is south of Saraphi station, north towards Chiang Mai. All new concrete sleepers. New ballast. Rails also been replaced (old rails still alongside, no sign of thieving). Stacks of old rotted wood sleepers on east side of Saraphi station.. Road crossings re-done (but not the tarmac either side).

  8. Even the mentioned 12,000B per TW is no longer the norm. 4-5 years ago, yes; today, definitely not; not even well outside the city limits beyond the outlying villages, in the boondocks where you had best pack a lunch for the commute.

    I presume you are referring to gated housing developments? If we could sell our rural property south of San Kamphaeng @12,000 baht per talang wa, we'll be flying business class back to UK as soon as the cheque has cleared biggrin.png Wouldn't even bother packing.....

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