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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. The CM valley is often blanketed in dangerous/organic vapor pollution (eg, SOx, NOx), and the usual N95 particle masks do nothing to filter-out these nasties.

    If you get a chance, please bring a box of these (with spare cartridges) and I'll be the first to buy back some from you.


    Any evidence to substantiate the above claim?

    Personally, I like this model mask, more retro >


    I don't think you'd like wearing that one for long rob. I was issued with an army gas mask in Saudi at the outbreak of the Gulf War in case of chemical attack. Still got it back in the UK. Replacement filters any where? Wouldn't last long cycling in it though biggrin.png

  2. I've looked at this before and couldn't find any viable alternatives to Bangkok. What I do is book right through with Emirates from Newcastle so I don't see my luggage until I arrive in Chiang Mai (Bangkok Air from Swampy). Ok I have a stop in Dubai on the way but, the beauty of this is that, when I land in Bangkok, I can bypass the normal 3hr immigration queues and am through in 30mins waiting for my connection. Works for me.


    Etihad the same. If your flight up to CNX is with Bangkok Airways you get to use their lounge for snacks & soft drinks.

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  3. Do they still have the wall of death motorcycle ride? Only thing worth seeing when I last went, over 10 years ago. The rest was the usual market stalls & such, & far too loud speakers blasting different sounds from all directions (surprise, surprise w00t.gif )

    They had a place that was like a large barrel on end that you went up stairs to look down at motorcycles riding round on the side....thats about the closest thing I saw there if that's what you mean.

    That's it smile.png

  4. It was a major blackout due to a car crashing to a power line on canal road. Affected area include Nimmanhaemin, Hangdong, Sansri, Doi Saket, Mae Rim

    Correct, except the crash was on the ring road. The one that connects with Promanda. Last night after watching a late movie there, driving towards canal road we drove by the scene. Lots of emergency response and what was left of a car after it crashed through a fence and into some poles.

    Makes one ask what color was it ?whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609 width=19 height=18>

    Electric-Blue or Shocking-Red ? whistling.gif

    I was hoping it was that songteaw driver that goes around gobbing on other people's windows. Always a next time.....

  5. Just on phone with friend near Phocome hotel. All power is out, doi suthep is dark, CMU is dark people screaming and some car/bike accidents.

    No lights in sight. Cell service - not affected.

    Did the car / bike lights go off too? Sounds suspicious - Close encounter with UFOs?

  6. Do they still have the wall of death motorcycle ride? Only thing worth seeing when I last went, over 10 years ago. The rest was the usual market stalls & such, & far too loud speakers blasting different sounds from all directions (surprise, surprise w00t.gif )

  7. Actually while I'm thinking of stupidity(usually rampant on the roads here) can someone tell me where you buy these dash cams in the Isaan? Also I think they will be an ideal discouragement to the 100-200 baht tea money seekers

    Bought mine from Lazada. Free deliver, cash on delivery. Never had any problems with the one I bought.


    990 baht - but you need to buy a memory card too

    That's a reasonably priced dash cam. Any chance of you posting sample videos? In a separate thread.....

  8. Are you quite sure it is a 2-way street? And does that operate 24 hours a day?

    Other than that, was it possble your friend could have pulled hard left to allow the red songthaew to pass rather than sitting in the middle of his lane?

    Other than that stressed and tired drivers who are using stimulants do tend to fly off the handle and drive erratically and aggresively.

    Good point. I know some streets that are one way for part of a day and how to tell is beyond me.sad.png

    As you don't drive a car here, no wonder it's beyond you wink.png

    • Like 1
  9. It's definitely fog and it wets everything in the am. But rising temperatures and drying out should see the annual burn start in earnest in the next few days, right through to April!

    The burning began a while back sad.png

    But it's fog in the morning affecting flights. Poor visibility from car exhausts methinks.

  10. Definitely fog today, just like most mornings for quite a while now. But the fog eventually clears to reveal serious visibility problems. Been hiking in the hills to the east of San Kamphaeng & visibility is very poor. Wonder if this has anything to do with the serious numbers of vehicles clogging the roads over New Year at the same time as temperature inversion conditions. Sign of things to come in this small valley as it "develops" sad.png

  11. I recall red songteaw drivers being referred to as "scum" in the other thread. Seems to apply to one of them, at least....

    Judging someone by the colour of their songteaw. Thats something i was taught never to do.cheesy.gif

    The colour of the songteaw is irrelevant wink.png

    • Like 1
  12. A new shopping centre opening. Gosh, how exciting coffee1.gif

    And here I thought the topic was a heads up on the upcoming traffic chaos which I'm glad to be made aware of.

    True. My comment was directed at the fact a new shopping centre was opening & half the world's population feels the need to be there. have lived in that area when just the graduation ceremony caused enough traffic problems.

  13. Yes I know, my question is where/why/how do these shops buy them so cheaply, that they can retail them for only a quid?

    Old stock?

    Damaged tins?

    There must be some reason.

    The cost price will be the same to the pound shops as to the big supermarkets, just the supermarkets put more of a mark up on.

    I wonder how much they are wholesale?

    I just checked Tesco online UK and, Fray Bentos Steak & Kidney Pie 425G [/size]£2.00[/size]

    That's 100% difference by Pound Shop, can't help thinking there's something not right with them.

    A quid sounds about right for such a quality product wink.png

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