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Posts posted by Steiner

  1. Family: Mine 'helped' my Mother when she developed alzheimers disease by clearing out her bank account including the insurance payment from my Fathers death 3 months before.

    Friends: Most of the closest ones have also left the UK; 3 to Australia, 1 to USA, 1 to France, 1 to China and 2 to Thailand.

    Roads: Gatso and constant speed cameras, cant adjust the volume on your cd player, soon scratching your nose while driving will be ilegal without pulling over to a designated nose scratching area.

    People: In the 10 yrs before I came here; house burgled twice, cars broken into 9 times.

    When I had a city centre business had occasion to call the police 27 times (didn't always bother to call them) within a 2 year period.

    Even though the offences include attempted robbery with; a knife, a broken bottle and attempted assult (luckily all attempted only because I have over 20 yrs experience in martial arts, part of my reason for moving here) AND even though I had the relevant crim in my custody on three occasions, not one conviction!

    Also dont miss watching people cross the road in fear when they see a group of youths approaching or seeing some abnoxious civil servant hand out fines when an old lady or respectable looking person accidently drops a receipt, dont see the same little worm aproaching a gang of youths dropping cans/bottles of lager and flicking cigarettes at people.

    Old people dying of cold because their pensions dont stretch to food AND heating...

    The last time I was there is not long enough past and I hope never to return.

  2. This doesn`t sound right

    As previuosly mentioned your been a member for 6 yrs now & should know all about a variety of things

    As for the sex thing that is totally untrue for a foriegner, because my wife was waiting (probably thought i may look else where) :)

    She did tell me it is thai tradition as she mentioned one of her friends (2 thais)

    Sorry, but I don't exactly understand your last two sentences. What do you mean?

    I mean & as mentioned if 2 thais are together & plan to marry they will not have sex as it is thai tradition ( wifes girlfriend with man for many years & no sex untill marriage)

    BUT! Since i was a foriegner she said that was different THANK GOD :D (maybe there worried the farang might walk )

    Are you serious???

    Most Hi So girls give it up before they are 18 and how many of the out in the sticks get pregnant at 14 or 15 and get married???

    I thought the OP was nuts (and probably trolling) but there are people here who actually agree with him!!!

    Oh Mama there's crazy people here...!

  3. That little whispy Asian broom is the BEST tool "

    I had heard that even after using the larger big headed farang version many of them revert to the little whispy asian number.

    There's a lot to be said for reaching those cracks and crevices... :)

  4. I know a guy who swears that although he met his wife in a bar she was not a working girl, his evidence for this is collecting her from work at the car sales showroom where she worked.

    Thing is I know that the only reason she didn't give him a price right there in the bar was because that she realised there were richer pickings to be had here. So her sister drove her to a friends car showroom 20mins before our boy was due to collect his gal for a night out.

    She would sit behind the desk in a borrowed uniform (she didn't own a skirt that was thicker than the average belt) and play the part.

    Now she has a nice big house and he has a 4,500 000 (and counting) baht hole in his pocket and a baby that was 100% made in Thailand.

    She doesn't speak a word of his native tougue, has maybe 20 words of english but cant understand his accent anyway. Marriage made on what common ground???

    That said I am not sceptical of Thai women, I know a girl in the UK who would check out any guy she met in a bar by searching his name in google. Soon as she found a guy worth 6mil sterling she went into overdrive. Now they're married.

    Think that one was built on true love?

    Think it will last?

    Stupid is as stupid does...

  5. Dont want to sound harsh but RUN!

    Want to know what she will look like soon then take a look at the future here:


    Face facts, she has a baby, that you haven't seen in person and that has been left with someone else, so how much does she really care about it? Would you leave your child with someone else while you pimp yourself out, could you?

    Dont fall for the bulls**t story no doubt told with watering puppy eyes that she loves her baby.

    If she loved the baby it would be with her and she would be breast feeding it, not you.

    Nor would she be doing meth, it's no secret what it does...

    This story has already been written. RUN...

  6. Lovely bikes those CBRs but I was a little disapointed with the power output compared to my NSR.Maybe because I'm used to the RC valve on the 2 stroke opening at high RPMs and giving the bike a kick in the ass effect.

    There is a brand new black CBR in the local Honda dealers and I must say,it looks great.

    The NSR puts out 37bhp (apparently),so what about the CBRs power?

    "kick in the ass effect" Come on you're talking about 150cc sewing machines here or at least thats what you'd call them in your home country. They'd be used by teenagers, 'r' drivers (UK ref) and most of you wouldn't be seen dead on one of these things.

    I think the only "kick in the ass effect" would be from the guy on the 600 passing you at speed...

    the kick in the ass isn't caused by the RC valve, it's because it's a 2 stroke and they have relatively poor power at low rpm that increases suddenly at a high RPM.

    It's about 8000 RPM on an NSR.

    any 4 stroke of the same engine displacement (or even smaller) can/will have better low end and more linear power.

    the RC valve helps increase low RPM power by changing the size of the exhaust ports (making them smaller)

    if you removed the RC valve you would have an even more noticeable kick.

    Well, these are not exactly sewing machines - they can go 'fast enough' to hurt yourself pretty badly.

    And there's enough acceleration to put a grin on your face.

    And if you want to compare apples and oranges, why not suggest the guy passing you is on a 1000, either way the price you pay and what you get are totally different.

    The diffreence in 0-60 acceleration between a GSXR 600 and a 1000 is less than 0.4 of a second so that "kick in the ass" would be lighter than a butterfly's kiss...

  7. Lovely bikes those CBRs but I was a little disapointed with the power output compared to my NSR.Maybe because I'm used to the RC valve on the 2 stroke opening at high RPMs and giving the bike a kick in the ass effect.

    There is a brand new black CBR in the local Honda dealers and I must say,it looks great.

    The NSR puts out 37bhp (apparently),so what about the CBRs power?

    "kick in the ass effect" Come on you're talking about 150cc sewing machines here or at least thats what you'd call them in your home country. They'd be used by teenagers, 'r' drivers (UK ref) and most of you wouldn't be seen dead on one of these things.

    I think the only "kick in the ass effect" would be from the guy on the 600 passing you at speed...

  8. if you hadnt come to thailand what would you be doing now?

    The question reminds me of that old comedy skit with Jose Imanis (spelling?) playing the part of the nerd they are planning to send into space. When asked what he intended to do in space his reply was.... "I plan to cry a lot."

    After my second marriage ended I had an option of giving up sex, or visiting Thailand. I enjoy sex, so I chose the later. Options for sex for a 60 year old single man in North America are zero. For a healthy male, the options are unlimited here in Thailand. If I wanted to I could be married within a week, but I wouldn't want to inflict myself on some lovely lady who will still be in her prime when I finally turn into an old man. Coming here probably extended my life another 10 years. Besides that, it is much cheaper to live a full life on less, and I get to enjoy the sunshine for 5 months when it is raining back home.

    :):D .....a very honest answer Ian, at least you didnt say you came here for the culture and temples as some people do.... :D

    They have culture and temples here??? :D:D:D

  9. Try Scandmedia (google for it). Medium quality for a medium price.

    I've tried a few so-called 'high end' printers in Bangkok and always been disapointed with the results.

    Thanks for the heads up Crushdepth.

    Receipt for received e-mail by return, call 10mins later from pleasant English speaking staff member, proof of artwork turnaround in 24hrs and delivery in 4days for 10,000 units. outstanding!


  10. quote:

    Does anyone know of a good commercial printer in Bangkok??? I've e-mailed a few but you've guessed it... no reply!

    I know TIT but <deleted>, dont they want the work???


    You're making Farang judgements there.

    They may not know how to reply to your e-mails.

    Their English may be inadequate to answer your requests (don't want to lose face.)

    They may be sure about the "logistics" of accepting/delivering a large foriegn (assuming it is) order.

    A lot of older Thai companies still do most of their busines "person to person" in customer meetings.

    Try contacting them via telephone or in person if possible.

    Yes, TIT.

    Sorry but that doesn't fly.

    Two of the companies have websites in English and offer services to UK, Europe and Usa. They are printing companies and if working in a global market, as they proport to do, they should have staff who speak english. Is it not the global business language?

    I also advised them that the order would be collected as Bangkok is the destination, so no "logistics" issues either.

    Can you seriously mean that someone from the UK or USA should travel here to hand in artwork, hang around to wait for proofs and only then return to their own country hoping no more 'face to face' meetings are required?

    Not what these companies say on their website.

    E-mails containing files with detailed instructions need to be exchanged sometimes numerous times for adjustments and proofing when bringing a project to print.

    Two e-mails to the two largest companies in a week and no reply of any kind. How can I give detailed instructions over the telephone?

    Thailand is not a backwater, it is the attitude of many of it's companies that give it that appearance.

  11. I can see the muslim fundamentilist revised shopping list now;

    1 x job lot helium balloons, 1 x pack razor blades, 1 x pack of large pins, 1 x roll of sellotape... :)

    Seriously, these airships cannot fly in high winds and are grounded in weather other types of aircraft can easily cope with.

    I can see a windy day being added to morning prayers as soon as this blimp becomes operational...???

    What use is a survelience platform that will be grounded by the weather???

    Even Richard Branston wouldn't go up in this one... :D

  12. Sometimes you can't put a price on stupidity, or typos.
    "Stupidity" OK can accept that when referring to the suckers! BUT "typos" English is obviously not the OPs 1st language, at least he is having a go so why ridicule him?

    Because he is ridiculeing people that have invested in property??

    To invest in anything you look at the market value first and make an educated investment based on a possible profit realisation in the future.

    How many 'Farang' houses do we see in villages where no one could ever afford to buy the property at a stupid Farang price?

    These guys dont have welcome mats at the door, they have SUCKER printed on theirs.

    I recently watched one of these girls work her stupid French farang husband at a family gathering.

    Nearly 40 years her elder, she did not speak much English and his was pigeon at best.

    Weedy little guy with a slimy soft handshake who in Europe he couldn't get a shag at a carpet sale while she was slim and an ok looker.

    'Their' baby looked 100% made in Thailand (something I also heard the extented family comment on as they didn't expect stupid farang, me, to speak Thai) and as we looked across at the suckers biggest house this town had ever seen she would coo "Oh dalling (no R's in Thailand) only 4000 for this, only 6000 for that, only 10,000, how you think?"

    Well how you think dalling think?

    Of course he slip his hand into his ever deepening pocket to placate her coos.

    I speak a bit of French and he told me that he was thinking of 'downsizing' his house in Europe. Yea mate you keep telling yourself that but keep a cupboard in some part of where you call home for the time when your wife throws you out of the house you paid for but has in her name and moves the real baby daddy back in...

    S U C K E R... :D:D:D:D:D WIFE :)

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