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Posts posted by Steiner

  1. On 3/28/2023 at 3:44 PM, CharlieH said:

    Reported Flame post removed.


    I would strongly suggest anyone obtaining a dog from anywhere get a bloodtest done BEFORE you take it home. Know what you have before its too late and Vet bils start rolling in.


    Those considering more than 1. read about littermate syndrome.

    These pups were not inbred western dog breeds, they come from a very diverse gene pool.

    Re littermate syndrome, I have seen no issues with my dogs.
    I had 2 pups got too 2 homes from the last litter and they had zero issues.
    One of the current pups was away for a week but I was unhappy with his circumstance, had given him to a Thai family who promptly sold him to an unsatisfactory owner so I took him back as that was not the agreement.
    The rest of the pups were all over him on his return and there has been no scraps, even over food.

    I have a brother and sister that are almost 2 yrs and have no issues, they even share a plate of leftovers and lick it clean.

    I firmly believe littermate syndrome is due to confined spaces, these pups have a good space to run and lose and aggression.
    I think that would be a polar opposite if they were caged.
    The remaining pups still often sleep curled up together.

    The alpha dog syndrome has been shown to be directly linked to available space, wolves are much less alpha than people think and wolves will even allow male dogs from other packs to join their pack.

    • Like 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    Great family dogs if you have time the land size and patience to train them properly! 


    What is the price?



    Free to good people.
    I found them easy as pie to train.
    After reading online about their supposed difficulty I thought they would be difficult, not at all.
    Excellent walkers, mine run by the bicycle with no issues.
    I'm not much of a tricks type of owner, just useful commands but I was surprised how quickly they learnt all the basics.

    I've seen a couple of Thai fellas who have trained theirs to walk off lead through the city and shopping centers.

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  3. Have some stunning Thai Ridgeback pups free to good homes.

    These dogs are 100%TRB from a great and healthy line.
    They will be 24-27 kilos when grown, very athletic, very intelligent and easy to train if you invest the time.
    Plenty of info on the breed online or ask me if you have any questions.

    4 boys 1 girl.
    I will do a breakdown of each pup's physicality and personality below.


  4. Depends on food and vaccinations.
    Dogs on average live 50% of the years they did in the 1970's.

    Yearly vaccinations are totally unnecessary and can cause a lot of issues with dogs, cancers being one of the biggest.
    Puppy vaccinations should last the dog for life, but then vets would lose a fortune on yearly jabs.
    The American Veterinary Assn did actually do the right thing and say this once, for about a fortnight, then they retracted it under a tsunami of push back from vets.
    How many measles and tetanus jabs have you had?
    Definitely not every year!
    My dogs get their puppy jabs and a titer test every 6 yrs.

    Kibble, irrespective of the brand, is total rubbish, it's like giving them McDonalds every day.
    Dogs never need to eat a carb in their entire life but kibble is full of fibre and totally disrupts their stomach acidity and is simply terrible for them.
    So that is another massive factor in longevity.

    So for a Thai vet who sees dogs jabbed yearly, fed kibble and rarely walked, 13 would be positively Methuselah like.

    A great source is Martin Goldstein's book The Nature of Animal Healing or listen to his talk with RFK Jnr on spotify.

    • Haha 1
  5. On 4/28/2022 at 5:25 PM, Lacessit said:

    Belief is a marvelous thing.

    I have no doubt you believe you are better off on saturated fats, and you may be right. It's already known different racial groups assimilate food differently by adaptation to their environment, there's no other way to explain the Inuits, who live off a diet of mainly protein and fat.

    The Mediterranean diet has olives and olive oil as one of its bases, recommended by the Mayo clinic for heart health. Permit me to doubt the two presenters on the YouTube videos posted would make it onto A Mayo Clinic employment shortlist. They are fringe presenters, typical of what one can find on every form of social media.




    The reason we are more sick than ever in human history is very simple. We eat too much.

    Statistically, most of the deaths in the current pandemic are obese people.


    The Japanese have probably the best record for longevity and good health - modest portions, fresh seafood and vegetables, very limited fat intake. Seafood is mostly PUFA's.


    As I have made it to age 78 ( soon to be 79 ) on what I think is a sensible diet, let me know when you get there on yours.






    You think Mayo is beyond reproach and free from avientific bias, coercion and bribery?

    Need to rethink that.


    PUFAs from seafood are high in omega 3, that is a world away from the massive omega 6 ratios in cooking oil which can be as high as 1:70 for O3:O6.


    It is the oxidising omega 6 that does the damage.


    The mediteranian diet has no advantage over other real food diets, it has always been compared to the SAD diet to perpetuate the myth.

    This dates back to the days of Ansel Keys and his bizarre cholesterol theory.


    I recently had a full blood panel done after almost 2 years PUFA veg and carb free with an exclusively meat diet.

    My results were better than optimal, triglicerides of 58, HDL trigliceride ratio of 0.8 (2 is considered good, lower the better).

    I have zero cardiac plaques.

    My diet seems to be working just fine.


    Re the Inuits, it is worth noting that 2 explorers were trapped by artic ice and had to live with the Inuits and eat what they ate.

    At the end of the 8 months they said they felt better than normal.

    On returning to civilisation there was disbelief and they were forced to submit to a 1 yr test of eating only meat.

    Despite numerous tests during that time their health was optimal with no deficiencies.

    Sprt of blows your racial groups theory out of the water if 2 people of European descent show iinstant mprovement.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2/25/2022 at 2:10 AM, 1FinickyOne said:

    This is the exact situation I have with 2 sisters... mostly they get along but every 3 - 4 months there is a fight - though it is more aptly called an attack... the aggressive sister does not easily stop and will hold her grudge for a couple of days... 


    They should probably be separated and the aggressive one actually loves people... and is a good family dog... good with children too.


    The passive one would probably love one devoted owner... she is ok w/children but would love the quiet of one devoted loving owner... 


    They are 3 years old, spayed and all their shots... they bark if someone comes on the property but don't bite, other than each other... 


    Any takers? CM area... 

    I think you need your own post for that, this is about rehoming my dog.

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/9/2022 at 10:15 AM, Hummin said:

    How is the health of those ridgebacks in Thailand. Got a Ambull from a local breeder here, and it is horrible to see how they treat their animals, and how they breed for colours and look, and not health. We almost got our for free, since nobody wanted him and was the last left. 


    I could not let him go to any others, so happy to know we provided a good home for him and regulary checks with the veterinary. 

    Ridgebacks are probably the healthiest pedigree dog on the planet at this point.
    It's a breed that only recently came to the attention of the dog show crowd, so damage to the breed has been minimal and the genepool is generally diverse.
    One can see that when looking at the variation between dogs of the breed, size, shape and colouration are all varied because they did until recently breed naturally.

    Different story in Europe and The UK where early imports came from a dog with defects in Eastern Europe.
    Puppy farmer's have a lot to answer for!

    I've had no issues with any of the ones I've owned, although I don't listen to local vets outside of tests I make my own dog health choices, things they have said to me regarding dogs! 

    If you were getting a pup I'd go spend an hour with any prospective litter, they have very different personalities and traits, getting that grounded but confident pup will make training a lot easier as they are intelligent and can appear stubborn.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, tingtongfarang said:

    Think one of them might get along with kevin?


    Females would probably be fine with him.
    Both males would eventually be bigger than Kev so one day they would work it out.
    2 of the girls are calm and easy, 1 is somewhat spicy, although I like that in a dog.
    Usually means easier training and the girl will always give authority to the male dog eventually.
    Mocca is the spicy one and already understands basic commands, sit, stay, leave etc.
    Mee and Stitch (Yoda) are easy going.

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/25/2021 at 12:56 PM, northsouthdevide said:

    IMHO  a good brand dry dog food has all the nutrients that your dog needs. 

    Its better and more balanced than any wet stuff, as the wet stuff contains water, and a diet of mostly meat would have the same health risks as it would for us humans. 




    You do realise dogs are carnivores right?
    Any green they eat they generally puke it up within minutes.
    Bizarre thinking.

    Also for humans meat is the most beneficial part of their diet, the popular myth of healthy vegetables and grains is just that, a myth.
    I haven't eaten a vegetable in over a year, nothing but meat, fish and diary.
    Never felt better in my life.
    My arthritis disappeared in 2 weeks, I went from pain putting gloves on and not being able to walk with the dogs, to running 2k morning and night within a month and I can now do 30 minutes on the punchbag with no rest.
    I can remember phone numbers again, memory and reasoning are as they were 30 yrs ago.
    All since I went full carnivore.

    Before you say "that can't be healthy long term."
    I have my bloodwork done at 14 months in, triglycerides 60, HDL ratio of 0.8, zero cardiac plaques.
    Liver, thyroid etc all optimum.

    That 5 fruit and veg and whole grains is old Big Food lies, they have killed hundreds of millions with that rubbish, as bad as Big Pharma.
    Actually the same people...

  10. In a small mu baan where the houses all have structures built on the flat roof already, bar this one, would a building permit be required to build a room about 5.5m x 3.5m x 2.8 high with a a sundeck?

    It would probably be the lowest building on any of the roofs as the others and mostly peaked, this would be flat.

    Location is Pattaya.

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