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Posts posted by bboy

  1. Granted LOS is not cycle friendly & the politicians talking about should/would/could for cycle lanes is a distant dream - even if came to fruition it would just be terrorised by motorcyclists without police consequence. As for this video, agreed the cyclists shouldn't be on expressway & seem to trust in motorists making allowances for their swerving & slowing down. Time & again I see pedestrians crossing road without looking, bikes & cars pulling out blind or overtaking on hills and corners. It's insanity but seems to be the norm here to put absolute trust in everyone else anticipating your next move regardless of indicating / going through red light/ wrong way down one-way street....I digress.

  2. Terrible and shocking. Despite him having the knife, I feel that people watch these incidents passively and totally non-reactive most of the time. Hope the tide starts to change with minor acts of domestic violence too - people acting to do the right thing as opposed to the traditional thing (avoid loss of face or causing loss of face to others). What an awful tragedy that should* have national

    Reform ramifications

  3. What is happening in Thailand? Words are being turned into actions.

    As much as I feel this is the wrong approach and that education to change attitudes towards drinking is the way to go this is certainly impressive.

    Police officers transferred to inactive posts and bars actually being closed down.

    Give it 6 months and we will see if the drive towards this policy continues.

    Token action for a nonsense policy, done in order to mask and draw attention away from all the failed policies.

    Meanwhile, illegal fishing continues using trafficked labour...

    All. About. Tea Money. Grace period would allow time to comply resulting in no opportunistic bribery by those who "protect & serve" / extort & victimise.

  4. Grand proclamations as per usual. The big dogs @ the top thought "sh*t we've done f*** all for this AEC malarkey so far, such a massive ball ache. We'd best just tell the masses what they want to hear. Everything will be absolutely fine anyway, we can always cite misunderstandings when it all goes tits up and fire (transfer/reshuffle) a scapegoat"...

    Watch. This. Space. 31/12/2015 - panic, excuses, extension.

  5. People that drink and drive are not the brightest people.. farangs included. Fact is a large portion of the foreigners here thinks its ok to drink and drive and make up excuses like high taxi costs to justify drinking and driving and purposely endangering others.

    I applaud when they catch people who drink and drive. I am all for free drug use alcohol included.. but don't when operating a vehicle.

    Agreed, I detest the lax attitude towards drink driving here. Both farangs & thais I know seem to almost boast with the monthly anecdote of "had to pay the police off last night...it was only a short drive."

    All morons.

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