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Posts posted by bboy

  1. It is getting bad, makes the "feet-draggers" in shopping malls amble along even slower with their tablets. Plus the art of conversation is dead amongst youngsters - see groups in restaurants sat around in silence glued to phones, couples too. Nothing to say to each other, but as long as they get a photo of the occasion for social media everyone can relax

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  2. I am writing this to warn other foreigners about the place I currently live In. Meechai Mansion used to be the best value for money apartment in Bangkok - close to Phra ram 9 MRT & fortune tower, only 5,000 THB per month, big swimming pool and a gym. In the past 9 months it has changed beyond all recognition. Someone has started a side-line business of repairing taxis in the car park below by the mini mart. This involves lots of engine revving, often starting at 5am - waking me up and surely most others. Thais are so placid they seem to put up with this, I know they don't really complain about anything as a general rule. I've complained to reception, they assured me it would stop but obviously just smiled and wanted to get rid of me - nothing has changed! I spoke to the guys myself (in Thai) and said I can't sleep, they should do this somewhere else - of course they ignored me.

    There is also a brothel for women, which used to be very quiet, but has now been rebranded 'Valentine' (crazy that women pay for sex in a club in my apartment car park!) - they employ lots of tall Thai giggalos in white suits that like to shout at each other (converse uneducated Thai style) sat outside 'til late most nights.

    Renovations / construction used to be barely noticeable, but now it's never-ending. The Bangkok sound of the circular saw can be heard most days in the car park (they do this next to the swimming pool) cutting tiles. Last year the pool was quiet enough during non-peak times, always a bit busier at the weekend. Now, it has become the hangout of kids and teenagers most evenings and all weekend from dusk 'til dawn. They shout and girls scream endlessly for no apparent reason, oh the good old Meechai :lol:

    I also now have a theory that there are a lot of 'freelance' prostitutes living here, from the way they dress - and leave the building super late, come back at 3am shouting in the corridors etc. Recently, I've been woken up by the sound of high heels clanking about above me - I went upstairs at 4am & knocked on the door - and this huge farang opened it and said he had a prostititute then closed the door. Anyways folks, I will happily be moving out very soon. TAKE HEED AND BE WARNED.

  3. So true sports 1 are replaying the france match right now so I'm forced to watch the nigeria vs argentina on channel 3 which is a terrible picture. BBC radio 5 live is restricted and now cannot be accessed here which is ridiculous. My solution was to get my old man from the uk on skype, and stream radio 5 live. It's perfectly in sync with the televised match here (which I've muted).

  4. I understand why they proposed this walking fair and I hope it does stimulate the economy, but for people like myself that work on Silom road it's caused absolute misery!! I work at a language school which is nearly inaccessible because of these stalls. I don't think the point of the fair was for copious amounts of street food vendors to take over every inch of the footpaths - I thought it was supposed to be more for businesses selling merchandise and clothing etc. After my school has been closed for the protests, and now re-opened I have to add an extra 40mins to my journey just to walk from the MRT to my workplace. Lots of people at this walking fair don't use anti-perspirant so the place reeks of body odour. It's got out of hand now - I wouldn't moan if they'd stuck to the road, but putting stalls in the middle of the footpath takes the f***ing piss. Thank f*** it's the last day.

  5. The country does need an influential PR campaign to regain international faith after the poor (in my opinion) western journalism labelled Thailand a 'failed state'. The so-called underground militants need to be addressed as well as the end of this curfew malarky; before any campaign (PR) can be implemented. I'm from the UK and I still feel safer over here inspite of recent events. Perhaps a focus on the community spirit shown during the clean-up operations around Silom would be a good starting point for PR....

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