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Damning statistics - only 13% of Thai rapes end in convictions, report


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51 minutes ago, Ossy said:

The huge proportion of unreported rapes raises 2 questions in my mind. (1) How capable are many victims of taking that brave step, into the Police station and to make that massive statement, regarding losing her virginity and innocence, to total strangers? The victim's family background comes into this question, too, of course . . . to what extent would the victim's father/mother help towards getting the rape reported. Fear of disbelief, by the police; disrespect within the local community and feelings that the whole painful process simply isn't worth it. Police sponsored public awareness of the need to report all rapes would help here, but that requires preparation and getting out, onto the street, 7/11 doors and even on every lamp-post.

Q2 is how ready and willing are most police officers to lend a serious ear to the victim, before trying to draw their possibly unfair and prejudiced conclusions?


I don't know what the 'normal' punishment tariff is for rape. Can anyone help me, there?

In response to the first part of your post.....it is not that unusual for a sweet young thing to shout rape after getting caught with the boyfriend by mum or dad and taken to the police station.

Happened to a friend of mine many years ago, her brother caught them at it and she claimed rape. 

He was charged and went to court.He was not convicted of rape as rape had never occurred.

This could have completely ruined his life.


Don't misunderstand me, I know too well there are predatory males out there who cannot control themselves but not every claim of rape is in fact rape.

This can, in part, explain the seemingly low conviction rate.


The cut their balls off brigade usually don't have the facts and seem to try and outdo each other on this forum as to who can come up with the grisliest description.

Edited by tryasimight
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This is shocking, but it isn't going to change one bit, the authorities will come up with some stupid excuse.  This country it is a man's world! Those who most likely suppose to prosecute are out doing it themselves not different than majority of the laws on the books. There are laws on the books for abandonment of a child I wonder what the stats are on that? save the money I can go down to W.S. or any beer bar, Soi 6,7,8,9 etc.. and talk to any girl and the majority of the case in general would be they already have a kid and the guy took off. 

Second, I seriously doubt if a report is made how many actually have training in the area or even know where to start instead they most likely are unintentionally destroying evidences?

A guy threatens you with a samuri sword and what do you get a apologise and a tongue lashing this isn't Thailand don't do it again shake hands.

This is the Law and Order of this country!  The best enforcement they have is having checkpoints to stop foreigners.


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From all we read about it...... It is a lot lower percent in INDIA.......... In all cases it is 'PITIFUL'.....

Since the laws in Thailand give the girls such 'POOR' protection........... I would advocate a pharmacy company devising a new 'gadget incorporating razor-blades'  that a girl could insert into herself daily and not hurt her but cause any dude raping her irrepairable damage to his manhood...........

After that, next choice -- 'Vigilante Justice' is in proper order..... Since Thai law enforcement seems to care so little for the girls...........

I hear India is worse and I can only guess what it is like in the muslim countries where women have no rights at all.........

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8 hours ago, LazySlipper said:


Lobotomies of most males would solve the problem.


That and castration. Where the hell do these horny fracks get their education?


Just happy I don't have a daughter here in Tland.



a lot of thai women, will falsely accuse a falang of rape. To extort money from them.

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59 minutes ago, tryasimight said:


1 hour ago, Ossy said:

The huge proportion of unreported rapes raises 2 questions in my mind. (1) How capable are many victims of taking that brave step, into the Police station and to make that massive statement, regarding losing her virginity and innocence, to total strangers? The victim's family background comes into this question, too, of course . . . to what extent would the victim's father/mother help towards getting the rape reported. Fear of disbelief, by the police; disrespect within the local community and feelings that the whole painful process simply isn't worth it. Police sponsored public awareness of the need to report all rapes would help here, but that requires preparation and getting out, onto the street, 7/11 doors and even on every lamp-post.

Q2 is how ready and willing are most police officers to lend a serious ear to the victim, before trying to draw their possibly unfair and prejudiced conclusions?


I don't know what the 'normal' punishment tariff is for rape. Can anyone help me, there?

In response to the first part of your post.....it is not that unusual for a sweet young thing to shout rape after getting caught with the boyfriend by mum or dad and taken to the police station.

Happened to a friend of mine many years ago, her brother caught them at it and she claimed rape. 

He was charged and went to court.He was not convicted of rape as rape had never occurred.

This could have completely ruined his life.


Don't misunderstand me, I know too well there are predatory males out there who cannot control themselves but not every claim of rape is in fact rape.

This can, in part, explain the seemingly low conviction rate.


The cut their balls off brigade usually don't have the facts and seem to try and outdo each other on this forum as to who can come up with the grisliest description.

Edited 49 minutes ago by tryasimight



Damning statistics - only 13% of Thai rapes end in convictions, report

Don't you calculate same as me ------ 87% are going unpunished............

Your friend as you quoted, was same age and he was cleared in the end, so do you advocate that 2 (or 5) guys same age or a grandfather 70 or a neighbor 30-40 YO should be not prosecuted???? That is what is happening here and nearly 87% of them are 'walking free' and repeating it often

Are you saying that the 'cut off their balls brigade' don't have 'merit'... ????

An article today on TV was about a girl 15 raped for months....

"Phang Nga Governor steps in after girl, 15, claims she was raped by 40 men"

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30325786

Read It.......... as many as 7-8 men on given days....... seemingly a muslim village....... (Which only tends to fuel and support my personal dislike for 'muslim values')



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8 hours ago, LazySlipper said:


Lobotomies of most males would solve the problem.


That and castration. Where the hell do these horny fracks get their education?


Just happy I don't have a daughter here in Thailand.



What makes you think there even is a frontal lobe to remove from the head? Castration is the only option    

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


This is a forum about Thailand and what happens there. It is not about rape cases anywhere else but Thailand.

Yes, but to understand and evaluate a phenomenon, you need some benchmarks. The stats in this article make Thailand seem backward wrt the prosecution of rape allegations. However, the official statistics from other countries show that, as shocking as the numbers are here, they are actually better than those in countries many of us assume to be paragons of justice. I presented stats from Australia that were inexplicably removed from the discussion because they concerned another country. They showed a 3% conviction rate of cases that make it to court! That should make you think twice about the Thailand numbers (which are much better). And maybe it highlights that the numbers have less to do with backwardness or bias in the Thai system and more to do with the inherent difficulty of prosecuting rape cases.  

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why this is strange?

when a thai wants to marry a woman who does not want him

he will rape her and hopes she will be pregnant

so no other thai wants her anymore, and he gets what he wants

this is a very old thai tradition, happened t o several women i know

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2 hours ago, sawadeeken said:


Damning statistics - only 13% of Thai rapes end in convictions, report

Don't you calculate same as me ------ 87% are going unpunished............

Your friend as you quoted, was same age and he was cleared in the end, so do you advocate that 2 (or 5) guys same age or a grandfather 70 or a neighbor 30-40 YO should be not prosecuted???? That is what is happening here and nearly 87% of them are 'walking free' and repeating it often

Are you saying that the 'cut off their balls brigade' don't have 'merit'... ????

An article today on TV was about a girl 15 raped for months....

"Phang Nga Governor steps in after girl, 15, claims she was raped by 40 men"

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30325786

Read It.......... as many as 7-8 men on given days....... seemingly a muslim village....... (Which only tends to fuel and support my personal dislike for 'muslim values')



She claimed she was raped. I doubt she was. Lets not forget the underage girl. That said she was gang raped in a van not long ago. She made the whole story up. This happens alot in Thailand.

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39 minutes ago, maeab101 said:

She claimed she was raped. I doubt she was. Lets not forget the underage girl. That said she was gang raped in a van not long ago. She made the whole story up. This happens alot in Thailand.

"This happens alot in Thailand".................  (I quote you)

I sure does....... But actual rapes happen 90% more in Thailand and the Thai government (mostly Male) have shown that they could care less........... 

Damning statistics - only 13% of Thai rapes end in convictions .........This is the title of the thread....

And it is very 'factual' and 'indicative' of Thailand's Law Makers......... and the way this country functions........ Which is "If it doesn't put money in my pocket' then it isn't worth my time..........

Never mind some 'false claims' that usually get found out.......... Don't you have 'any pity at all' for the real children being raped?????? 

How can you justify taking the attention OFF of the Child Victims by citing other exceptional cases........

13 % are prosecuted......... Are you saying that YOU think 87% are 'faked-up'............?????????

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2 factors at play here. First; the Thai police often can`t be bothered to investigate claims of rape unless the victims are prominent members of Thai society and the cases become well publicised in the media.


Second; in actuality rape is very difficult to ascertain. There has been many false claims of rape by women just to try and protect their reputations. Unless a woman is kidnapped by strangers, held against her will and raped, then how is it possible to substantiate a rape took place?  Just because there is evidence sex took place, either with one or several men does not mean it was rape.


I think it depends on the circumstances. If a woman gets drunk and ends up having sex with several men at a party or a club, even if she was not in control of her senses at the time, she maybe reluctant to report it in order to not gain a bad reputation and be placed in an awkward situation of having all the sordid details made public and having to prove her case. So I can understand why many rapes go unreported.

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8 hours ago, rijb said:

The article doesn't state the reasons for not reporting rape.  Hence, my speculation about conviction rates.

From what I heard from a few rape survivors, many do not report rape to avoid a stigma. "She must have led him on", "she really wanted it", or the latest bull from the US conservative morons, "It was gods will". Then there are those fearful of reprisals, or being raped again by attorneys while on the stand. Even though most claims of rape are believed by most, there is also the fear that they will not be believed. And then there are few willing to risk the stigma, the reprisals, and all else perhaps for a moment in the spotlight... 

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9 hours ago, fdch said:

why this is strange?

when a thai wants to marry a woman who does not want him

he will rape her and hopes she will be pregnant

so no other thai wants her anymore, and he gets what he wants

this is a very old thai tradition, happened t o several women i know

Racist Rubbish and hate speech ...all too typical  of Thai visa forum members who seem allowed to preach their race hate filth with impunity. SHAME ON YOU ALL!!!

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Shameful statistics, and unbelievable that some guys on this forum want to defend

the men and say that the women are lying.  Guess this stat is not any different than say in

Vietnam , Cambodia , Burma or India as well. The macho guys have their needs and urges you know.


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9 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Shameful statistics, and unbelievable that some guys on this forum want to defend

the men and say that the women are lying.  Guess this stat is not any different than say in

Vietnam , Cambodia , Burma or India as well. The macho guys have their needs and urges you know.


Stats similar to UK. Check it out.

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29 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Shameful statistics, and unbelievable that some guys on this forum want to defend

the men and say that the women are lying.  Guess this stat is not any different than say in

Vietnam , Cambodia , Burma or India as well. The macho guys have their needs and urges you know.


No one is defending rapists, but it is still a fact that some women have lied and innocent men have served time just on allegations. As I said; some cases of rape can be difficult to prove where it has become one word against another. For example; woman goes out with a guy on a date. She goes back to his place or brings a guy back to her place for a coffee. He rapes her, no witnesses, guys says sex was consensual, how can she prove she was raped?

Edited by cyberfarang
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Statistics aside if you accepted that probably about 20% were maybe consensual , even then the figure is high. I would like it broken down by age of the victim as many girls in the local villages near me seem to bear fruit at an extremely young age, many due to family interference an acceptable problem in the NE it seems.


Thai culture makes the MALE the superior, so therefore they seem to have the licence to do what they want to whom and whenever, and GET away with it as well, when you have a mainly MALE Police force, they will think the same as the offender hence low convictions.  

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2400/4000 = 60% (not 13%) 


Conviction rate is much higher than the article suggests. If they aren't reported there can be no conviction. 

What is equally troubling, if penalties reported for other crimes here are true, is the penalties given to offenders by the courts. 

The courts treat victims with contempt and offenders with kiddie gloves. It's no wonder a lot of crimes go unreported and offenders are not afraid of the punishment meted out to them unless the offender is a farang. 

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15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

2 factors at play here. First; the Thai police often can`t be bothered to investigate claims of rape unless the victims are prominent members of Thai society and the cases become well publicised in the media.


Second; in actuality rape is very difficult to ascertain. There has been many false claims of rape by women just to try and protect their reputations. Unless a woman is kidnapped by strangers, held against her will and raped, then how is it possible to substantiate a rape took place?  Just because there is evidence sex took place, either with one or several men does not mean it was rape.


I think it depends on the circumstances. If a woman gets drunk and ends up having sex with several men at a party or a club, even if she was not in control of her senses at the time, she maybe reluctant to report it in order to not gain a bad reputation and be placed in an awkward situation of having all the sordid details made public and having to prove her case. So I can understand why many rapes go unreported.

post of the day.

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