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Pattaya police arrest 12 women from Uganda


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Once prostitution is legalized, not more racket-tea money...


no more blackmail or threats to the brothel owners (of course those that are not owned by some cunning Thai Police Officers)...and so on....


keeping it illegal and yet closing an eye to the practice brings in hefty collateral paybacks to the Thai "men of law"!:welcomeani:

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On 8-9-2017 at 2:46 PM, Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere said:

I doubt if they keep them in Africa just as they didn't keep you in your country of origin. And if they going after prostitutes they should round them all up including all the Thai prostitutes or "boyfriend finders"  as they prefer to be called. 

These are trafficked women. They didn't come on holiday to thailand and decided to stay. Ugunda is not even on the UN list of countries from where people are recognized as refugees.

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16 hours ago, Bastos60 said:

These are trafficked women. They didn't come on holiday to thailand and decided to stay. Ugunda is not even on the UN list of countries from where people are recognized as refugees.

Oh please dont make them out to be victims, they choose to go to Thailand to work as hookers.


Past time the Thai govt got rid of every single one of them.

Edited by Arth
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