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Social welfare cards simply not enough


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Social welfare cards simply not enough

By The Nation


Cash cards and paltry monthly allowances will be of genuine benefit only to the government

Social welfare is a boon to citizens, but the concept is not there to be exploited by the powers-that-be for political gain. Nor should slapdash populist projects such as the new cash cards for the poor be rightfully considered a form of social welfare. Low-income earners hit a brick wall on Monday when they tried using their “state welfare cash cards” for the first time to buy discounted goods at so-called Blue Flag retail outlets.


The military-led government introduced the cards in a bid to help 11.67 million needy citizens amid a still-mired economy and reduced market prices for farm products. The government expects to spend 


Bt41 billion annually for the scheme, which some say is far too little to cover everyone in need.


People registering for the card earn Bt100,000 a year or less. People earning under Bt30,000 a year can also receive a Bt300 monthly allowance. People in between, earning more than Bt30,000 but less than Bt100,000, can get Bt200 a month.


The card is only good for purchasing any of the 252 consumer goods available at 17,000 registered Blue Flag shops and for paying fares on buses and trains operated by the state-owned Transport Company and State Railway of Thailand in designated areas. Cash exchanges are not possible. The government had envisioned at least one shop in every tambon, but many cardholders have to travel 10 kilometres or more to find one, meaning they’re already out of pocket by the time they arrive.


What happened in more remote locations upcountry this week – following a technical glitch that has stalled the scheme’s implementation in Bangkok and seven other Central provinces until mid-month – was an interruption of services due to unstable Internet connections. Blue Flag stores rely on Web-linked card scanners to verify and record payments.


Most cardholders are hoping the cards become a permanent fixture. Most also seem pleased with the government’s monthly allowances, but say they really need Bt500 to keep their heads above water. Blue Flag store operators concur that the card scheme will be helpful in aiding the underprivileged and say it’s good for their business too. Some outlets have promoted the concept by offering special deals – a free egg with every Bt100 purchase, for example – to encourage cardholders to spend their entire allowance. 


But it remains unclear how long the scheme will last and why the monthly allowances are so meagre. Bt200 or Bt300 buys a few kilograms of rice, a bottle of fish sauce and a few eggs. For the poor, certainly, a little is better than nothing, but there are better ways the government could be spending that Bt41 billion per annum to help raise citizens’ living standards. An investment that size in the universal healthcare scheme could save many lives. In terms of macroeconomics, a Bt41-billion injection is a drop in the ocean and insufficient to stimulate growth.


In terms of political capital, however, the project will pay dividends for the junta, in effect purchasing the support of the poor. Today’s Cabinet ministers might be wearing military uniforms, but this scheme is no different from what past civilian governments have done to buy popularity. If social welfare really mattered to the generals, a proper, amply funded strategy would be in place to help the underprivileged survive.  


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/opinion/30328496

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-10-05
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The maid next door,received the card,but cannot find out where to use

it,she tried Big C,Tesco,and smaller shops,none of them take the card,

its only 300 THB p.m. but better than nothing,but not much use if she

cannot find where to use it,the free bus,train transport is no use to her,

same as help with water and electric,as she does not live in her own house.


It seems another well thought out scheme by the Government.

regards worgeordie

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Okay, the amount in welfare might be offensively paltry for a country that preaches love for itself and its people, but you wait 'til they have the those subs. Ooh, Thais are in for a big slice of pride pie. 


As they watch the submarines, with the Thai flag drenched on the side, grazing along the seabed with its forward fin sticking out of the top of the water, poor Thais' ailments will disappear, their bellies will feel full and their worries and stress in life will vanish. 


It will all be worth it. Trust me. 

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14 hours ago, worgeordie said:

The maid next door,received the card,but cannot find out where to use

it,she tried Big C,Tesco,and smaller shops,none of them take the card,

its only 300 THB p.m. but better than nothing,but not much use if she

cannot find where to use it,the free bus,train transport is no use to her,

same as help with water and electric,as she does not live in her own house.


It seems another well thought out scheme by the Government.

regards worgeordie

Did she try the Blue Flag store....that is the place to use them.

I don't think the money for buses and trains is such a good idea though....there is bugger all around these parts. Maybe just make it a total amount of money to be spent.


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